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Steve... 02-10-2013 03:20 AM

What Would You Get Next?
Hi Everyone,

My 220 gal reef tank currently is stocked with the following fish...

- 1 Engineer Goby
- 3 Clowns
- 1 Flame Angel
- 1 Scopas Tang
- 1 Anthias

What fish would you add to this 220 next? I'm a big fan of tangs but not sure what tang would go well with the Scopas. What would you add?

Proteus 02-10-2013 03:22 AM

Lots and lots of anthias

Steve... 02-10-2013 03:23 AM

Would this cause aggression if there is more than 1 male in the tank?

ensquire 02-10-2013 03:39 AM

Regal, Yellow, Atlantic blue would be good tang candidates.

subman 02-10-2013 04:35 AM

Powder blue, naso, purple, red sea many great tangs

Mike-fish 02-10-2013 04:59 AM

Tangs for sure maybe some anthias maybe some wrasses

The Grizz 02-10-2013 04:59 AM

Naso, Regal, Red Sea Sailfinn ( if you can find one )

If you want to stay on the smaller scale of tangs a Yellow, Tommi or even a Luitenent tang would be a good choice.

Proteus 02-10-2013 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Steve... (Post 791747)
Would this cause aggression if there is more than 1 male in the tank?

Same species yes. I had stocky pinks, threadfins, Bartlett and lyretails together three to five of each

ScubaSteve 02-10-2013 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by Titus99 (Post 791746)
Lots and lots of anthias


Get a couple different harems of different species. The different species by and large leave each other alone unless there is a big difference in size. I would recommend Bartletts, carberyi, and bimacs... Maybe diadems if your up for a challenge.

With your tank size you could even do some of the bigger Anthias like square spot's. The super male square spots are spectacular.

Proteus 02-10-2013 06:21 PM

It seem everyone with big tanks do tangs. Though I love the fish I really enjoy a large tank with a mass of small fish. To me it would more resemble the outer reefs

paddyob 02-10-2013 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Titus99 (Post 791746)
Lots and lots of anthias

Anthias are hard to keep. They require several feedings a day.

If you buy, you can buy one male and a harem of females.

I had 4. 1 male, 3 female. Two females were bullied by the 2 that paired and died fast. Then the male bullied his partner and she died. He lived for about 1.5 years and that was it.

Beautiful, but research the heck outta them first if you decide to go the Anthias route.

People can be very successful but it requires the right stuff!

Good luck.

asylumdown 02-10-2013 07:31 PM

I would get a doliatus rabbitfish. So far mine is the most peaceful citizen of my tank, under the right lights and in good health, they're spectacular to look at, and they put tangs to shame in the algae eating game. They also don't seem to be quite as susceptible to ich.

If you're looking for bigger fish, I would also add an Australian Harlequin Tuskfish and one of the reef safe(r) triggers, like a blue throat or a crosshatch (if you can both find one and stomach the price tag). The tuskfish are more reef safe than I think they're given credit for, but if you're planning on adding one, make sure you add anything with brightly coloured stripes or bands (like a copper band butterfly), or very small fish like some of the gobies before you add a tuskfish.

Proteus 02-10-2013 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by paddyob (Post 791873)
Anthias are hard to keep. They require several feedings a day.
People can be very successful but it requires the right stuff!

Good luck.

While I do agree with you it's the same for tangs. Though they eat well they can also be mean and or be a constant challenge with ich. I never had luck with powders or regal when it came to ick and my sohal and purple were jerks

Along with feeding high flow is important. If you do buy anthias try to buy a harem at same time. Once a female starts to turn male there's no going back

Steve... 02-11-2013 12:15 AM

I was also looking at a Blue Throat Trigger, I like they look and swim. So many choices :). Anyone local reefers selling fish?

argan 02-11-2013 12:16 AM

I would get 3 or 4 Tomini tangs. I think they Have more personality then yellow tangs, and don't get huge like some of their cousins.

kies1 02-11-2013 12:50 AM

Mimic lemon peel tang

Coralgurl 02-11-2013 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by Steve... (Post 791944)
I was also looking at a Blue Throat Trigger, I like they look and swim. So many choices :). Anyone local reefers selling fish?

I love my blue throat trigger, very friendly curious fish!!


Originally Posted by argan (Post 791945)
I would get 3 or 4 Tomini tangs. I think they Have more personality then yellow tangs, and don't get huge like some of their cousins.

I don't like my tominini tang because he picks on my diamond goby and won't let him out of his cave. If I could catch him, you can have him!

Steve... 02-11-2013 01:08 AM

Sounds good!

MMAX 02-11-2013 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Steve... (Post 791944)
I was also looking at a Blue Throat Trigger, I like they look and swim.

Get yourself a male and female.

kien 02-11-2013 11:46 AM

I would get a tank journal set up next and post some pics :biggrin:

Steve... 02-11-2013 09:54 PM

ya for sure! Not sure how to get started on that though. I see lots of people doing it and the pictures they take are so good! I spend most of my time sitting in front of the tank after work and days off until my wife yells at me :), my kids love it though!

kien 02-11-2013 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by Steve... (Post 792186)
ya for sure! Not sure how to get started on that though. I see lots of people doing it and the pictures they take are so good! I spend most of my time sitting in front of the tank after work and days off until my wife yells at me :), my kids love it though!

Start a new thread here and post something about your tank. Easy peasy :-)

Duker 02-11-2013 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by Titus99 (Post 791866)
It seem everyone with big tanks do tangs. Though I love the fish I really enjoy a large tank with a mass of small fish. To me it would more resemble the outer reefs

I second this...why not a big school of flasher wrasses, so may to choose from, easy, and you can mix them up, different flashers will display for any and all flasher wrasses. Although a powder blue and an orange shoulder are pretty nice for tangs, another awesome schoolong fish is threadfin cardinals, not crazy colors, but in a school, nothing looks as cool!

Steve... 02-11-2013 11:58 PM

Let me do some research :)

The Grizz 02-12-2013 12:03 AM

TANK JOURNAL.....TANK JOURNAL........TANK JOURNAL......trying to do a cheer for a tank journal is hard since Kein & Lastlight stole my pom pom's & won't give them back :lol:

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