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Reef_Geek 12-27-2012 07:07 PM

So what Boxing Day deals did you get?
So what did you get on Boxing Day/Week that was a good deal?

I'll start off.

Got two yellow watchmen gobies at $14 each
A shatterproof Aqueon 200w heater for $45

Got a 20x18x20 Marineland 27 gallon cube with cabinet stand for $100 (what?), will use as a frag tank

Got a bunch of crap from BustedBuy online also, but they are somewhere in the mail... waiting for my $200 Samsung soundbar & subwoofer 280watt system and a $130 Olympus TG-810 waterproof (to 33 ft) point-and-shoot camera. Got a 16GB SDHC memory card for $10 (what?).

DiverDude 12-27-2012 07:15 PM

ReefCrystals for $40 a bucket (bought 4).

sphelps 12-27-2012 07:26 PM

A Maxi, a Welso, an Acan & a 60 gallon starphire rimless tank for less than $80 :surprise:

magikof7 12-27-2012 07:50 PM

Grats Sphelps! that is a beautiful tank.

I got 3 Maxi Minis for the price of 2 and a nice fox coral that is now 2. :D

Snappy 12-27-2012 08:22 PM

Replaced my pair of dragon pipes, a small foxface for additional algae control in the frag system, a mate for my maroon clown & a couple of clown gobies.

Ginu 12-27-2012 08:39 PM

Got a ecotech battery backup for $170 - stupid landlord is shutting off the power on the 31st from 8am to 5pm and it can be delayed even longer (I work all day until night... to make things worse)
Top fin battery powered air pump - $9.99 (might pickup another one or two)
Bunch of plumbing supplies
Two peppermint shrimp for $6.26 each (hope they dont bail out on me as its nice to have one or two for aptasia control)
PE Mysis Shrimp $11.16
Flake Frenzy food $5.40

And bought a crib setup for the child which ran $370 for the entire setup + sheets, duvet, pillow and other crap (baby is enjoying his new setup)

Reef Pilot 12-27-2012 08:54 PM

Besides stocking up on supplies, I added some SPS to my tank including a Cali Tort, Purple Stylo, Tyree Sunset, Yellow Birdsnest, Tenuis and a bright green fuzzy Acropora (not sure yet what it's called).

fishyfishster 12-27-2012 09:00 PM


lpsreefer 12-27-2012 09:11 PM

Does a hangover count?

Leah 12-27-2012 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by mattjoly85 (Post 776937)
Does a hangover count?


Leah 12-27-2012 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 776907)
A Maxi, a Welso, an Acan & a 60 gallon starphire rimless tank for less than $80 :surprise:

Will you set it up? Or sell it? :mrgreen:

sphelps 12-27-2012 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Leah (Post 776940)
Will you set it up? Or sell it? :mrgreen:

Probably give it to a friend, it's highly unlikely I'll set it up.

Proteus 12-27-2012 09:21 PM

Granulosa mini colony and a banded pipe for 90 bucks

Bblinks 12-27-2012 09:24 PM

Can't beat the 29.99 io salt from Kinged. Ton of stuff from JL, zeovit, fish food, almost bought 2 tunze 6305s 500 each is a damn good price, calcium, magnesium, carbon, biopellets media, ON dry food.

Got an ipad mini for the wife. I walked into the apple store and ask if there is any thing on sale. The rep replied without a moment to spare, "NO". I forwarded my gratitude and bought the mini anyways. sigh, friken apple.

Leah 12-27-2012 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 776941)
Probably give it to a friend, it's highly unlikely I'll set it up.

Am I the friend? :razz:

Coralgurl 12-27-2012 10:06 PM

I got caught up on sleep!!:lol: no boxing day sales for me, saving for our trip in a couple of weeks! Maybe next year:mrgreen:

e46er 12-27-2012 10:20 PM

I bought the quad core i7 Mac mini and new snowboard boots

Nizzmo 12-27-2012 11:59 PM

I bought a LA and st louis baseball cap a cleaner shrimp from oceanic and 2 t5 bulbs from jl for $22

The Grizz 12-28-2012 12:09 AM

8 - buckets of Reef Crystals & 5 really nice zoa colonies...... Oh & a new Logitech universal multi media remote.

NIVLEM09 12-28-2012 04:54 AM

:hurt:i didn't get anything cuz payroll screwed up big time and staff wont get paid til tomorrow.damn you,health care employer...

Coleus 12-28-2012 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 776907)
A Maxi, a Welso, an Acan & a 60 gallon starphire rimless tank for less than $80 :surprise:

WHHAATTTTTTTTT! This is what I call inside trade. lol Grats on the winning

blacknife 12-28-2012 06:03 AM

none.. lol.. i was gonna order some junk from JnL because i saw it was on sale and i need/want it. made a big order.. got busy with kids.. came back to it.. and sale is over... doh

guess ill just have to slowly hunt down what i need localy

MMAX 12-28-2012 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by blacknife (Post 777064)
none.. lol.. i was gonna order some junk from JnL because i saw it was on sale and i need/want it. made a big order.. got busy with kids.. came back to it.. and sale is over... doh

guess ill just have to slowly hunt down what i need localy

You too hey?

MMAX 12-28-2012 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by MMAX (Post 777078)
You too hey?

That being said, I got a smokin' deal on a Sharp 52" LED tv on the 22nd. The price I got it for blew out any Boxing Day deals I saw on this model.

christyf5 12-28-2012 04:03 PM

I got some zeovit stuff, replacement impeller for my MJ600 which seems to crap out every 18months or so, and some light bulbs for my nano which I'm not sure if I'm going to even keep running for much longer its so infested with fanworms. Maybe my vacation project will be a restart for it :razz:

fishoholic 12-28-2012 04:11 PM

For fish stuff I got lots and lots of IO salt, a gorg, and a heater. I also got great deal on a 18x18x24 terrarium for my gecko at petsmart cause it was mislabeled :mrgreen:

cuz 12-28-2012 04:16 PM

sweet nothing,
the only lfs here is owned by the grinch on the edge of

saltfreak2012 12-28-2012 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by cuz (Post 777107)
sweet nothing,
the only lfs here is owned by the grinch on the edge of

That sounds like me sweet f all because the store here in Regina is owned by a gouger

cchomistek 12-28-2012 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by cuz (Post 777107)
sweet nothing,
the only lfs here is owned by the grinch on the edge of

I think we all know who the Grinch's dog Max would be down south here... hahaha :mrgreen:

michika 12-29-2012 05:22 AM

The only fish related purchase I made was a great deal on Prime.

I bought lots of other stuff online that day, but not tank stuff.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 12-29-2012 05:30 AM

5 flats of Hikari mysis, 4 x 200nm filter socks and 2 buckets of IO salt.

I did order a new digital camera (Olympus with 26x optical zoom and 360 degree digital panorama & built in macro lens) from The Shopping Channel.

Didn't really do a lot of shopping at all this time round. Little Isabella has been sick with a fever (maybe from teething) so our sleep patterns are all screwed up the last few days.

SanguinesDream 12-29-2012 06:15 AM

Oh boy, I went a bit wild.....

A super Dendro coral (my indulgence) :mrgreen:, two flower pots, three kenya trees, a bright red donut, devils hand, another maxi mini (gosh I love them) a beautiful pulsating xenia, a folded tri-color trachy, a pretty blue blue yuma, a couple frags of zoas, a large piece of green star polyps, two nice frags of torch coral, some solid pieces of live rock, half dozen hermits and a horseshoe crab.

All for $0.00!!!

I got gift certificates for Christmas :razz:

Reef Pilot 12-29-2012 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Reef Pilot (Post 776931)
Besides stocking up on supplies, I added some SPS to my tank including a Cali Tort, Purple Stylo, Tyree Sunset, Yellow Birdsnest, Tenuis and a bright green fuzzy Acropora (not sure yet what it's called).

Stopped in to Oceanic Corals again yesterday to try and get a better identification of my green acropora that I picked up there on Boxing Day. No luck with that, but the Boxing Day discounts were still in effect. So I ended up buying 6 more corals, incl LPS chalices and favias. They sure do have some nice corals there.

Myka 12-29-2012 05:30 PM

I have a stack of H2Ocean for my reef tanks and a stack of Instant Ocean for my fish tanks. Happy about that! :D

e46er 01-02-2013 12:39 AM

i bought new snowboard boots and a mac mini with wireless mouse and keyboard no fishy stuff.......

rhody605 01-02-2013 12:48 AM

Vertex rx-6 calc reactor package with Milwaukee ph controller. Saved a ton.

Didn't realize how cheap the media was should have bought even more

There is always next time.

gtreef 01-02-2013 01:34 AM

AquaC Remora Nano Protein Skimmer, Vertex RO filter, Aquaray mini 500HD LED & Controller...gotta love upgrading a new system!

christyf5 01-02-2013 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by gtreef (Post 778331)
AquaC Remora Nano Protein Skimmer, Vertex RO filter, Aquaray mini 500HD LED & Controller...gotta love upgrading a new system!

where did you get the aquaray mini from? What size tank is it on? I was looking into getting one but noticed J&L only carried the 400 and then I chickened out :razz:

Doug 01-02-2013 03:36 PM

A hot turkey sandywich.....:D

dreef 01-03-2013 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 778462)
A hot turkey sandywich.....:D

Yeah about the same here as well Doug :( Bayside had a sale after boxing day but..3 hr drive one way.

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