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paddyob 12-07-2012 01:40 PM

Losing fish now
Ok now I'm losing fish.

My brand new flasher... A four year old clown and a blenny. In one day.

My yellow tang has bonded with my neon and barely separate.

Fml. Shut down pending.

foxfishfan 12-07-2012 03:07 PM

Hi Paddy, sorry to hear about the fish. I lost my bangai cardinal and copperband within days then my favourite Naso Tang stopped eating for 5 days until I took out my invertebrates and used Mardel copper to treat probably velvet and everyone is eating. I would treat with copper if you have quite a few fish left in the tank. Good luck.

Leah 12-07-2012 04:21 PM

YIKES! Did you QT the Flasher?

paddyob 12-07-2012 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Leah (Post 771024)
YIKES! Did you QT the Flasher?


Leah 12-07-2012 08:06 PM

Oh, oh!

paddyob 12-07-2012 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by Leah (Post 771101)
Oh, oh!

I had the flasher a week.... Would 3 fish all die the same day?? I have been losing coral's And I wonder if this is next.

paddyob 12-07-2012 10:02 PM

I am convinced a parasite was introduced into my tank. My fire fish was being cleaned by my neon now.

I have never seen my firefish using my neon. EVER.

paddyob 12-12-2012 01:21 AM

Now my tang has developed white patch
On its side.

I think I'll pay extra for stores who qt. here's
My lesson. Saved $30 on a fish. Lost $150. My fire fish
Is now Mia too.

I'm ****ed. So ****ed I just shut the lights off. Might toss everything soon.

gregzz4 12-12-2012 01:30 AM

Maybe a pic of the tang will help us help you with a diagnosis ?

paddyob 12-12-2012 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 772527)
Maybe a pic of the tang will help us help you with a diagnosis ?

I'll try. But honestly so depressed by this Current event I am Losing the drive.


gregzz4 12-12-2012 01:43 AM

Totally understood :hug:
Hopefully one of us may be able to help

Post a pic and crack a wobbly :wink:

Reef_Geek 12-12-2012 02:18 AM

SeaChem's Cupramine is pretty good too. I use it in my personal quarantine tank. The label claims that the copper stays in solution and won't precipitate...

The tricky part about setting up a treatment tank on the fly when you need it... you have to be careful if you set up a system that it might not have a biological filter with bacterial count ready for the corresponding bio load... then your fish die from ammonia poisoning (ammonia is exponentially more toxic in higher pH... as in seawater). Best practice is to keep a quarantine tank on the go with mollies or something all the time to keep it cycling, and keep new fish acquisition in observation with copper for week(s).

intarsiabox 12-12-2012 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by paddyob (Post 772522)
Now my tang has developed white patch
On its side.

I think I'll pay extra for stores who qt. here's
My lesson. Saved $30 on a fish. Lost $150. My fire fish
Is now Mia too.

I'm ****ed. So ****ed I just shut the lights off. Might toss everything soon.

A two week qt period at the store is not very adequate to say any fish is disease free. The risk is the same from all the LFS. I have not personally had any trouble from any of the Edmonton stores but 6-8 weeks qt at home would be more realistic if this is a route you want to take. I don't know if whatever was harming your corals can be passed on to fish or vise versa. I hope your tank turns around for you and you suffer no more losses. Every now and then over the years I would have a fish go MIA, even ones I've had for many years, and would stress over it. I don't know how bad you must be feeling with 3 passing in one day. Don't toss everything, if things get really bad at least consider starting fresh.

gregzz4 12-12-2012 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by Reef_Geek (Post 772536)
Best practice is to keep a quarantine tank on the go with mollies or something all the time to keep it cycling, and keep new fish acquisition in observation with copper for week(s).

Good advice, plus good advice from intarsiabox
I go with Brad's tips and keep some Aquaclear foams in my sump
Then all I will have to do is put the foams in my AC50 and fill the QT with DT water, and use Stability and, if needed, some Am Guard

paddyob 12-12-2012 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by paddyob (Post 772522)

I think I'll pay extra for stores who qt.

I retract most.... I will buy fish that have not been in QT... but not until I personally have a functioning QT tank.

Leah 12-12-2012 10:39 PM

I have been there... and it is horrible. Hope things are going better for you.

I added a new Melanarus recently and am keeping my fingers crossed it is healthy. And I know better. The temptation ugh!

paddyob 12-13-2012 01:48 AM

The yellow tang just died. :(

Leah 12-13-2012 01:49 AM


paddyob 12-13-2012 03:09 AM

Officially the firefish has shown up dead. Second clown unseen.

Now I have a neon goby and my mandarin.

I'm seriously freaking choked. I saw spots on the flasher in the store. Was assured nothing looked out of the ordinary.

Well I am pretty sure it wiped out my fish. Confidence and trust gone.

Aquattro 12-13-2012 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by paddyob (Post 772945)
Confidence and trust gone.

Sorry, but you just can't have confidence or trust of anyone that tries to tell you a fish is fine. It just came out of the ocean days ago. This is exactly what I did and lost 12 fish. i will NOT add another fish to my tank that has not, at a minimum, gone into QT for observation for 6 weeks. Any sign of anything, it gets medicated. Tough way to learn the lesson, I really hate seeing these threads when so much has been posted just like it in the past.
Hopefully you develop a plan and rebuild. Crappy, I know..

paddyob 12-13-2012 03:20 AM

Stressed. Seriously stressed.

Aquattro 12-13-2012 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by paddyob (Post 772950)
Stressed. Seriously stressed.

Been there, it sucks.

paddyob 12-13-2012 04:24 AM

Even in the net the neon wants to clean the tang. You can see the white patch under the neon.

foxfishfan 12-13-2012 02:48 PM

It's tough to keep a quarantine tank running indefinitely but you almost have to. When I used copper to save almost all my fish, I had to remove my 2 anemones to a 'quarantine tank' started on the fly and they died. I always keep a bottle around because when it's something quick and spreads, you have to treat the entire tank to save the remaining fish. Try to have a good xmas Paddy.

Aquattro 12-13-2012 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by foxfishfan (Post 773035)
It's tough to keep a quarantine tank running indefinitely but you almost have to..

Not so. As long as you keep a large foam block sitting in your sump to culture bacteria, you can set up a new QT in minutes, adding the foam to an external filter. I have an observation tank with a large foam filter block, and a dry 20g in case I have to treat. I can fill the 20, add a large aquaclear and I'm good to go.

kien 12-13-2012 02:59 PM

I float half a dozen dish washing pads in my sump for this exact reason. If I have to take any out to place in my QT/hospital tank I just replace them with new ones and throw out the ones in the QT that probably have meds. Has worked great for year.

Aquattro 12-13-2012 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 773042)
I float half a dozen dish washing pads in my sump for this exact reason. .

Great for pod culturing too :) I used to hide some in my rockwork instead of rubble for pods to hide in.

kien 12-13-2012 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 773043)
Great for pod culturing too :) I used to hide some in my rockwork instead of rubble for pods to hide in.

Absolutely! Every once in a while ill grab a pad and inspect it and find a crap load of pods in and on it. I don't have a 'fuge but this works just as well. And because the pads float I haven't noticed any detritus built up inside them in over 3 years. Or it could be that the pods are cleaning them out for me.

kien 12-13-2012 03:15 PM

pads hanging out in the skimmer/pellet reactor section of my sump.

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