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Aysha 11-25-2012 05:03 AM

DIY algae scraper magnet thinger?

I saw these today on the JL website. I was wondering if any of you had devised a way to make something like this yourself??

I have a 60 cube tank and the top of it is about 6 feet off the ground so it can be very tricky to clean that sticky dotty algae off with a magnet cleaner.

I have been known to clean the tank by hand with an exacto blade but that takes me over an hour and my clownfish like to bite!!!!


or has anyone ever used an easy blade??

Proteus 11-25-2012 05:12 AM

Best to give the tank to me as I'm over 6'. And cleaning wont be a problem

But yeah they work alright. Just glue on

Marine aquaria carries them

Aysha 11-25-2012 05:12 AM

Wanna come over and clean my tank? I have beer ;)
actually thats a lie I have tons of belvedere however...

Proteus 11-25-2012 05:18 AM

On my way lol.

I don't like taking care of two tanks across the room. Nevermind across city.

BUT I also like beer

Aysha 11-25-2012 05:23 AM

haha I'm real slick at cleaning biocubes! they're the right size/height for my arms!

Nano 11-25-2012 05:44 AM

Big als carries magflip scrapers
I have used it for 5 months ang love it. Not bad for like $25 they also sell replacement blades. I think they're $13.99 for 3 and they are plastic so they're safe for glass and acrylic tanks.

Oilers 11-25-2012 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by Aysha (Post 767270)

I saw these today on the JL website. I was wondering if any of you had devised a way to make something like this yourself??

I have a 60 cube tank and the top of it is about 6 feet off the ground so it can be very tricky to clean that sticky dotty algae off with a magnet cleaner.

I have been known to clean the tank by hand with an exacto blade but that takes me over an hour and my clownfish like to bite!!!!


or has anyone ever used an easy blade??

I have bought the easy blade from J&L and am using it right now. It works quite well but you do need to buy the replacement blades since they become dull quickly. I probably go through one blade every month or two.

Aysha 11-25-2012 06:41 AM

I find the magflips tricky for me and my glass is too thick :(
If you guys like these I'll give em a go.A new blade every month is nothing I go through a cheapo blade every time I clean half my tank!

subman 11-25-2012 02:27 PM

I use the easy blade as well, and works like a charm. Highly recommend

mike31154 11-25-2012 02:57 PM

DIY? Here's what I came up with. I kept snapping the tabs off the cheap scraper tool with the long handles that you see at all the LFS. You know, the ones with the interchangeable cleaning ends. In fact, I broke the stupid handle too & made a better replacement out of wood. Such garbage, a little extra pressure & the metal tube handle kinked over like a broken ski pole.

Anyhow, here's a photo of the deal. Note the broken scraper next to the modified mag float for reference. Actually still use this by holding it in my hand & getting into the tank up to my armpit from time to time, but still need something to get near the bottom. I used Gorilla Glue to attach the scraper which I trimmed down. The blade part protrudes a bit past the edge of the mag float cleaning pad, so that part is useless. Usually when I use this, I run a regular mag float alongside simultaneously.

whatcaneyedo 11-25-2012 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Oilers (Post 767283)
I have bought the easy blade from J&L and am using it right now. It works quite well but you do need to buy the replacement blades since they become dull quickly. I probably go through one blade every month or two.

Every month or two? Holy crap what am I doing right? I get a full year out of mine. Each week I'll clean the glass once with just the mag float and then once a month I'll attach the blade to get rid of the coraline algae that has started to build up. Afterwards I'll give it a quick rinse with in freshwater to lessen the corrosion. That being said, I probably only use it about 12 times on my 120gal before replacing it with a new blade.

Aysha 11-26-2012 10:20 PM

I like my blades super duper sharp, an oxymoron when I buy the cheapest ones haha. When I'm masking vinyl off for a client I go through way more scalpels than needed lol any resistance it's a new blade, I carried the habit over to scraping my tank of yuckies!

bigal 11-27-2012 03:59 AM

i could not live with out and easy

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