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reptile guy 10-22-2012 04:49 PM

Jim from OA
Hey everyone. This is Jim from Ocean Aquatics. I don't post on here too often but figured I would do a post so if anyone needs to get hold of me for anything. I'm hoping the stores closing hasn't affected too many people and am sorry to anyone it has. Im largely an employee who had shares in the company so a lot of things are out of my hand but don't want to leave any customers hanging if it's avoidable. So if there's anything I can do feel free to contact me and I'll try my best to help out. I've met a lot of good people and made some great friends working at OA that I know will continue past it. If anyone wants to stay in touch you now know where to find me and please pass my info along to anyone wanting to contact me. I'm a hobbyist so I'm sure I'll bump into some of you on my pet store runs lol

apexifd 10-22-2012 06:19 PM

Can I post your cell phone number and home address??:mrgreen::mrgreen:

reptile guy 10-22-2012 06:22 PM

It's bad enough you have it lol. You can be my secretary and screen all my calls :D .

cyberdude47 10-22-2012 06:30 PM

I didn't realize they closed. May I ask why?

reptile guy 10-22-2012 06:39 PM

I don't know if that's for me to say as it's Wendell's company. There was a few things at play and unfortunately it wasn't by choice. There were lots of things I would have loved to address and improve upon but we weren't in a position to do it unfortunately

jjntm 10-22-2012 07:18 PM

well that sux.... that was the only place I could get my reef crystals from....

Reef Pilot 10-22-2012 07:24 PM

How much did location play re the store's problems? Seems to me that a store that is big in corals needs a good location, so customers can drop by frequently to see what is new.

I am in Langley, and boy, do we need a salt water store (a real one) badly. Used to visit Fishworld probably once a week when Nick was there. It was a tough retail location, too, but at least I didn't have to drive 45 minutes to a store.

And Paul's place in Aldergrove is out of the way, too. Doesn't help that almost every time I decide to take a drive out there, he is temporarily closed for some reason.

Bblinks 10-22-2012 07:48 PM

Thank you Jim for letting us know, you have always been a great help. Its a shame to see a great store close but sometimes it just happens. I know for a fact that you will be missed. If you like I can give out your cell number so everyone can call you direct..... jokes.

jjntm 10-22-2012 08:58 PM

OA not having some form of a closing out sale?

reptile guy 10-22-2012 09:07 PM

I don't want to get into all the details surrounding why we've closed that's not for me to address. This post is more about helping any customer in whatever way I can so there not left hanging and so they know how to get hold of me. That said the location was an issue for some people.

I hear a lots happening in and around Langley. I've heard of a store possibly opening in Cloverdale and potentially another in Langley. Have also found out the Petland on Fraser Hwy will be doing salt again and that Mike from Hidden reef is working there again and running it. You may be over run with saltwater in the future lol


Originally Posted by Reef Pilot (Post 757176)
How much did location play re the store's problems? Seems to me that a store that is big in corals needs a good location, so customers can drop by frequently to see what is new.

I am in Langley, and boy, do we need a salt water store (a real one) badly. Used to visit Fishworld probably once a week when Nick was there. It was a tough retail location, too, but at least I didn't have to drive 45 minutes to a store.

And Paul's place in Aldergrove is out of the way, too. Doesn't help that almost every time I decide to take a drive out there, he is temporarily closed for some reason.

reptile guy 10-22-2012 09:10 PM

Sorry you know you have to go through my secretary as unreliable as he is lol. Thanks I appreciate that and will miss coming in and seeing everyone. Though does finally free up some time for Prawn night lol


Originally Posted by Bblinks (Post 757192)
Thank you Jim for letting us know, you have always been a great help. Its a shame to see a great store close but sometimes it just happens. I know for a fact that you will be missed. If you like I can give out your cell number so everyone can call you direct..... jokes.

reptile guy 10-22-2012 09:12 PM

Honestly I don't know. That you would have to ask Wendell to see what may happen. At some point there may


Originally Posted by jjntm (Post 757222)
OA not having some form of a closing out sale?

apexifd 10-22-2012 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by reptile guy (Post 757230)
Sorry you know you have to go through my secretary as unreliable as he is lol. Thanks I appreciate that and will miss coming in and seeing everyone. Though does finally free up some time for Prawn night lol

Yes, everyone please PM me first before contacting Jim directly. I will give you his cell number and home address. :mrgreen:

Jason McK 10-23-2012 12:24 AM

Very sad day for GVRD Saltwater addicts

apexifd 10-23-2012 03:09 AM

They are usually my last stop of fish store runs. Always a good conversation there and perfect way to wrap up the day.

Finisher604 10-25-2012 04:22 AM

Well that just sucks damn it. I guess I will have to order online for lots of goodies now. Any chance you can tell me where to get the brightwell aquatics salt ?

The Guy 10-27-2012 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by reptile guy (Post 757227)
I don't want to get into all the details surrounding why we've closed that's not for me to address. This post is more about helping any customer in whatever way I can so there not left hanging and so they know how to get hold of me. That said the location was an issue for some people.

I hear a lots happening in and around Langley. I've heard of a store possibly opening in Cloverdale and potentially another in Langley. Have also found out the Petland on Fraser Hwy will be doing salt again and that Mike from Hidden reef is working there again and running it. You may be over run with saltwater in the future lol

Hi Jim sorry to hear about OA shutting down, I am fairly new to the SW & reefing thing but always enjoyed talking with you and the advice you gave me, I 'm sure a guy with your knowledge will soon surface in another SW store in Langley hint, hint :lol:.

reptile guy 10-27-2012 03:37 PM

Thank you I enjoyed chatting also. That's what I'll miss the most is chatting with all the customers I've gotten to know well. It's like friends coming to visit while your at work lol. I've been getting all sorts of interesting offers so you just never know lol


Originally Posted by clown lover (Post 758707)
Hi Jim sorry to hear about OA shutting down, I am fairly new to the SW & reefing thing but always enjoyed talking with you and the advice you gave me, I 'm sure a guy with your knowledge will soon surface in another SW store in Langley hint, hint :lol:.

Snaz 10-27-2012 07:52 PM

Sorry OA. You will be lovingly missed.

Glad to hear Cloverdale/Langley is getting some real saltwater retail, if someone has any insight in that regard please PM me as I think I can help.

reptile guy 10-27-2012 09:24 PM

Well just from the rumor mill that I've been hearing anyway. Be nice to see some stores sprout up not just close down


Originally Posted by Snaz (Post 758791)
Sorry OA. You will be lovingly missed.

Glad to hear Cloverdale/Langley is getting some real saltwater retail, if someone has any insight in that regard please PM me as I think I can help.

Mandosh 10-28-2012 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Snaz (Post 758791)
Glad to hear Cloverdale/Langley is getting some real saltwater retail...

Say what? Langley? That's almost close. Someone care to fill me in on this alledged rumour?

Renegade 11-22-2012 05:58 PM

Jim, OMG what the hell. I go out of town for a few months and this happens. Was there ever a sale? What happened to all the stock.... I still don't have everything to set up the new tank..... :(


reptile guy 11-23-2012 08:15 AM

Ya a lot has gone down the last while. Shoot me a pm and I'll fill you in a bit. Though I do now have 3 big coral tables and in the process of setting them all up :D

Reefie 11-25-2012 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by reptile guy (Post 766745)
Ya a lot has gone down the last while. Shoot me a pm and I'll fill you in a bit. Though I do now have 3 big coral tables and in the process of setting them all up :D

Peter, PM me Jim's address so I can make a withdrawal from his tanks! :wink:

Jim, you know that I won't have anywhere I can sneak off to while I'm working any more! And you know what that means? I have to WORK while I'm at work!
Anyhow, sorry to hear about the closure of the store. :sad:

I will have to give Wendell a call about the company car soon. :twised:

reptile guy 11-25-2012 04:07 PM

We had a lot of people use the shop as there escape from work lol (Peter plans his entire work week around pet stores lol ). It's too bad cause got to work in a hobby I love and always having friends come to visit and hangout. Though I'm still going to be doing some salt related stuff outside of OA. Who is this by the way? I'm not on enough to know everyones screen names ( tend to be bad for that lol )


Originally Posted by Reefie (Post 767297)
Peter, PM me Jim's address so I can make a withdrawal from his tanks! :wink:

Jim, you know that I won't have anywhere I can sneak off to while I'm working any more! And you know what that means? I have to WORK while I'm at work!
Anyhow, sorry to hear about the closure of the store. :sad:

I will have to give Wendell a call about the company car soon. :twised:

apexifd 11-25-2012 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by reptile guy (Post 767320)
Who is this by the way? I'm not on enough to know everyones screen names ( tend to be bad for that lol )

That's the famous KEN

reptile guy 11-25-2012 04:27 PM

See this is why I have a secretary and the best money I've never spent lol. The famous Mr Thai I should have known better lol. Ken hope alls well on your end


Originally Posted by apexifd (Post 767323)
That's the famous KEN

Norstar 11-25-2012 10:40 PM

Hey Jim. Is everything out the store?

reptile guy 11-26-2012 04:15 AM

Yes all the assets of the store have been sold.

QUOTE=Norstar;767455]Hey Jim. Is everything out the store?[/quote]

Reefie 11-27-2012 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by apexifd (Post 767323)
That's the famous KEN

I've always thought of myself as INFAMOUS rather than FAMOUS. Haha!

Finisher604 12-06-2012 07:14 AM

Most assets went to fish world in Langley. They could use some serious help in salt water department why not check that out Jim? 12-06-2012 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by Finisher604 (Post 770621)
Most assets went to fish world in Langley. They could use some serious help in salt water department why not check that out Jim?


albert_dao 12-06-2012 08:39 AM

... with all due respect, f__k that. They need to just shut down their SW section and stop dispensing crappy advice on unsuspecting noobies.

Jason McK 12-06-2012 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by albert_dao (Post 770627)
... with all due respect, f__k that. They need to just shut down their SW section and stop dispensing crappy advice on unsuspecting noobies.

Where is the like button :lol:

Finisher604 12-08-2012 07:09 AM

Yes sir Albert I completely agree, I went in for some fish food and noticed the had lots of brightwell aquatics products and new something was up. Then to salt section I went and to my horror I see an entire tank of corals melting away, and at the top of this tank was the beloved green tongue coral from OA's main display tank :(

I afford some of my knowledge and was afford a job but I'm not in his hobby for money I'm in it to enjoy my underwater garden and keep my animals alive. It's just sad to see them imported and watch them die in the shops tank.

reptile guy 12-08-2012 02:57 PM

I've only ever been to fishworld once but that was years ago. I've got a few plans on the go so keeping myself nice and busy lol


Originally Posted by Finisher604 (Post 770621)
Most assets went to fish world in Langley. They could use some serious help in salt water department why not check that out Jim?

reptile guy 12-08-2012 03:16 PM

Not touching that one lol . Had heard lots of things from customers about that store but we had our issues too because lack of funds. Always tried to be straight up and honest and if I didn't know I wouldn't make up an answer I'd tell you I didn't . I know of stores that have sent newbies home with a new tank, live rock, clownfish and an anemone all the same day plus with a single strip non HO T-5 ( what could possibly go wrong lol ). I'd rather go under than do that to someone for sales ( oh wait we did go under nevermind lol )


Originally Posted by albert_dao (Post 770627)
... with all due respect, f__k that. They need to just shut down their SW section and stop dispensing crappy advice on unsuspecting noobies.

pterfloth 01-22-2013 02:59 AM

Reef Glue

Are you able to tell me where I could get the big caulk-sized tubes of reef glue I used to buy at OA?

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