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The Grizz 10-14-2012 04:02 AM

Grizz's 2012 Nano Contest Entry
Ok so here it is the start of my nano thread & one of the last to start there build.

I have not totally decided which way I am going to go with this tank yet. It will be one of 2 ways, 1st would be to go with a built in sump in the tank big enough to hold my tunze 9010 skimmer ( over kill yes but what the hell ) a bubble trap & a small return pump. 2nd would be to use an old HOB filter / skimmer thingy I got with my very first saltwater system I bought used.

Started with this today:

After about an hr. I had this old tank all apart & some what cleaned up. Made a few cuts to get the pieces that I required for the size of the tank I was thinking of building & started to assemble.

Ended up with this so far:

Tomorrow I will finish up with the silicone and final clean up. I have not decided yet if I am going to build an LED light, use a Marine Land LED that I already have or purchase a SOL or Vaga.

I have a bunch of LR that is in my sump of my 165 with some decent shapes and sizes, going to use some black sand as well in my nano.

As for coral I am going to put some maxi mini's & zoas to start with. For fish I hope to find a few different types of clown goby's, a couple sexy shrimp and maybe a couple of the smaller blennies.

lockrookie 10-14-2012 05:57 AM

Looks good .... If it makes you feel better I've been sick and haven't got much done myself... Sunday is d day and testing hopefully if the twins let me

Sent from my porcelain aquarium

The Grizz 10-14-2012 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 754712)
Looks good .... If it makes you feel better I've been sick and haven't got much done myself... Sunday is d day and testing hopefully if the twins let me

Sent from my porcelain aquarium

Well at least Im not the only one draging there arse!!:lol:

The Grizz 10-14-2012 09:54 PM

Well I got the tank all cleaned up and beaded the inside with silicone. Also decided I am going to run my Tunze skimmer just for kicks so I moved forward, cut a few more pieces of glass and put in a bubble trap.

Next step will be to put in the divider between the tank and sump/OF section, a little black acrylic and a return pump.

Enigma 10-14-2012 10:48 PM

Following along. :) this is going to be interesting.

don.ald 10-14-2012 10:57 PM

Bubble trap?? Skimmer?? Don't get it...can you explain.


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 754839)
Well I got the tank all cleaned up and beaded the inside with silicone. Also decided I am going to run my Tunze skimmer just for kicks so I moved forward, cut a few more pieces of glass and put in a bubble trap.

Next step will be to put in the divider between the tank and sump/OF section, a little black acrylic and a return pump.

The Grizz 10-14-2012 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by don.ald (Post 754856)
Bubble trap?? Skimmer?? Don't get it...can you explain.

Well Rick it's like this, all my tanks have sumps with big ares skimmers & several bubble traps to eliminate any micro bubble that might be caused by the skimmer. I don't think I can run a system with out some kind of sump compartment & skimmer as it helps to clean the water some what as well as add O2 to the water column. I think I might add a small reactor with some carbon as well.

Did that help :noidea:

It will make more sense once I am finished building.

The Grizz 10-16-2012 01:53 AM

oct15th /2012- empty tank shots:
by this date some pics of your dry empty tanks and what ever equipment you may have is to be provided.

So here is my 16 gal empty nano tank, with my Tunze 9010 skimmer in place. Also going to use a AC Jr. that I have just collecting dust to monitor temp & Ph.I will be putting my heater in the bubble trap on the skimmer side to let the water flow nicely past it. For my return pump I will be using a MarineLand MJ1200, that is if I can find where I put it.

Proteus 10-17-2012 12:48 AM

Very nice Greg. How much you want for it

Nano 10-17-2012 12:53 AM

Holy cow is that the skimmer from your old office tank?
Overkill? I think not. ;)
What are you looking for for turnover? I have a nano pump that's rated at 300gph collecting dust if you want it. I think its a hydor. It's quite too and I'm passing through with the famjam this weekend. You could try it if you like, if not no biggie :P

reefwars 10-17-2012 12:55 AM

dude you cleaned the **** out of that tank shes mint sure!!

you should do a azoox tank too take some of the pressure off me lol :P

The Grizz 10-17-2012 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by Titus99 (Post 755443)
Very nice Greg. How much you want for it

Thanks dude but can't sell it just yet :biggrin:


Originally Posted by Nano (Post 755445)
Holy cow is that the skimmer from your old office tank?
Overkill? I think not. ;)
What are you looking for for turnover? I have a nano pump that's rated at 300gph collecting dust if you want it. I think its a hydor. It's quite too and I'm passing through with the famjam this weekend. You could try it if you like, if not no biggie :P

Yep that is the skimmer from the office tank. Sure I will give that pump a go, I still can't find my other one I was going to use


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 755448)
dude you cleaned the **** out of that tank shes mint sure!!

you should do a azoox tank too take some of the pressure off me lol :P

Thanks Denny, I was surprised at how well it cleaned up. There are a couple rough cuts but I have a polishing kit on the way so I can hopefully clean them up. Deffinately NOT going to do a azzox tank, I don't have the time to dedicate to that style ATM. :biggrin:

Nano 10-17-2012 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 755456)

Yep that is the skimmer from the office tank. Sure I will give that pump a go, I still can't find my other one I was going to use

Well I am going there and back on Saturday so either am or pm which ever the little baby is sleeping :P just a quick visit ;) and if its no good for you I'll pick it up another time or you can keep it for a power head. Either way is fine.

The Grizz 10-17-2012 01:31 AM

Sounds good, shoot me a text when you are going to stop by I plan to be home all day.

Nano 10-17-2012 01:33 AM

Cool will do.

Coralgurl 10-17-2012 01:45 AM

Well that's a sweet little set up! I like it!

The Grizz 10-17-2012 02:02 AM

Thanks Sheena, I just hope it will be a stable tank.

Enigma 10-17-2012 02:04 AM

Sweet! I love how you've turned it into an AIO.

The Grizz 10-17-2012 03:13 AM

Thanks Shelly, I hope it works like I planned it out.

Salt2Death 10-17-2012 06:05 AM

Beautiful- love the time n effort you had to have put into it

Sent Via The Pirate Ship...

fishoholic 10-17-2012 02:01 PM

looks awesome so far :biggrin:

wmcinnes 10-17-2012 02:19 PM

A work of art! :biggrin:

nanoreefnewbie 10-17-2012 02:57 PM

Great job so far

Boxboy 10-17-2012 05:43 PM

Great job on the tank! How did you make that back AIO wall? Im never able to find one or something to make one lol

The Grizz 10-18-2012 02:12 AM

Thanks guys, it really wasn't that hard to put together.


Originally Posted by Boxboy (Post 755720)
Great job on the tank! How did you make that back AIO wall? Im never able to find one or something to make one lol

The back wall started with the 3 baffles for the bubble trap, then a piece of glass that was 2" shorter them the depth of the tank. I then cut a piece of black acrylic, cut the OF teeth & drilled the hole for the return. Ran a little silicone on the edges of the back glass pane, set the acrylic in place & ran a bead of silicone around the edges.

The Grizz 10-18-2012 02:34 AM

Another piece of the nano puzzle is now in my hands.................

Decided to go with a black SOL Super Blue with I just have to find someone to build me a custom support arm :lol:

Skimmerking 10-18-2012 02:46 AM

Greg its not right to LIe on these boards how can you live with yourself. its not in your hands its sitting on your lap come one mang:mrgreen:

Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 755842)
Another piece of the nano puzzle is now in my hands.................

Decided to go with a black SOL Super Blue with I just have to find someone to build me a custom support arm :lol:

The Grizz 10-18-2012 02:48 AM

Oh shut up Mike :razz:

The Grizz 10-21-2012 05:33 AM

I had this old portable dishwasher that my father in law used as a portable work bunch, took the top off & sanded it down.

Then I took the legs off a really old table that my wife had me move all over the house for the last decade until she finally said to get rid of it once & for all. Put them on the freshly sanded top to make a decent table for my tank to sit on.

And now with the tank on it.

Boxboy 10-21-2012 11:14 AM

Cool tank. Good job of reusing an old table and dishwaser top :)

fishoholic 10-21-2012 02:44 PM

Cool Grizz, great way to repurpose the old furniture.

The Grizz 10-29-2012 12:57 AM

Tank full of water & pump running but I think I want to increase the flow a little bit by getting a bigger pump.

Proteus 10-29-2012 01:23 AM

Looks great Greg

fishoholic 10-29-2012 01:45 AM

Looks good, I love the pic with the bear with a fish in paw looking into the tank :thumb:

The Grizz 10-29-2012 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by fishoholic (Post 759161)
Looks good, I love the pic with the bear with a fish in paw looking into the tank :thumb:

:lol: thats is funny, I never even noticed that.

fishoholic 10-29-2012 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 759162)
:lol: thats is funny, I never even noticed that.

:lol: and I thought it was put there on purpose to see if anyone would notice :biggrin:

The Grizz 10-29-2012 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by fishoholic (Post 759164)
:lol: and I thought it was put there on purpose to see if anyone would notice :biggrin:

No the wife has bears, eagles and elephants ALL over the house.

Salt2Death 10-29-2012 04:39 AM

Grizz, I love this set up.....
I hope in the future when I steal this amazing design there's no harsh feelings!

(honestly I am!)

Sent Via The Pirate Ship...

kien 10-29-2012 04:58 AM

cute little setup you got going on here :-)

Oilers 10-29-2012 02:19 PM

Is it time to vote yet? You got my vote, Greg. Love the set up :biggrin:

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