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howdy20012002 10-12-2012 05:51 AM

is it just me??
is it just me??
it seems to me there has been a few more posts than usual where people are posting that they are looking for a specific type of fish for sale.
I am just wondering why this is becoming so popular of a post?
typically people here don't have a bunch of fish they are waiting to sell to that person that is looking for a fish. if they do, they post the fish they have and don't wait for someone to announce they want one.
this is not a snide comment.
I am quite curious as to why this is occuring more and more.
is it that stores ask too much money???
or that stores don't have the fish in stock???
that they feel fish from people's tanks are a safer bet???
are they expecting sponsors to contact them???
do they just not want to search the forums???
I just am trying to figure out why people aren't just going to the stores within their city and buying the fish they claim to be looking for.
thanks for the input

gregzz4 10-12-2012 06:11 AM

Hard to say ...

Maybe people are becoming lazy, and would rather use the web than travel to a LFS ?
Maybe they would rather buy one from a fellow reefer than pay LFS prices ?
Maybe they can never find what they want at the LFS and aren't patient enough to check out the LFS shipments ?

Or, hopefully, they would rather buy a fish from a fellow reefer than buy another wild caught one ?

Mandosh 10-12-2012 06:26 AM

I can't say I've noticed a difference. There has been an unusually high number of post from the Tinfoil Hat Brigade though...

gregzz4 10-12-2012 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by Mandosh (Post 754189)
I can't say I've noticed a difference. There has been an unusually high number of post from the Tinfoil Hat Brigade though...

Are your dues up to date ?

Nano 10-12-2012 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Mandosh (Post 754189)
I can't say I've noticed a difference. There has been an unusually high number of post from the Tinfoil Hat Brigade though...

:lol: yup noticed that one too.

As to the OPs question, I've noticed it too, I cough it up to laziness and being cheap. That's just me though. I mean its fine to save money, but as you said not everyone has fish stockpiled for this specific reason. In fact I don't think there are many at all.

My answer, got to a lfs and support it.

btymens 10-12-2012 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Nano (Post 754207)
:lol: yup noticed that one too.

As to the OPs question, I've noticed it too, I cough it up to laziness and being cheap. That's just me though. I mean its fine to save money, but as you said not everyone has fish stockpiled for this specific reason. In fact I don't think there are many at all.

My answer, got to a lfs and support it.

Well seeing how this is most likely in response to my post yesterday for what I'm looking for it is not because I'm lazy or cheap. I go to the lfs every sat and I just don't like what I see there, so I thought that I'd might try and post. That's it plain and simple. Now everyone has a right to their opinion, however before you beak off just remember that there are 2 side to every story. Also to those guys who stockpile fish out of your basements to make a quick buck, maybe you should clean up your act.
Or is just me!?!?

jorjef 10-12-2012 02:04 PM

I would rather buy from a local reefer. I think the fish are more stable and 'should' have a higher rate of success when I acclimate to my tank. There have been times when I was on the fence about re-homing a fish and to see an ad wanting that particular fish would be a bonus.

MarkoD 10-12-2012 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by jorjef (Post 754214)
I would rather buy from a local reefer. I think the fish are more stable and 'should' have a higher rate of success when I acclimate to my tank. There have been times when I was on the fence about re-homing a fish and to see an ad wanting that particular fish would be a bonus.

what he said /\

plus it seems like LFS in Edmonton always get the same generic fish in stock everytime. and when they do get something interesting, its always in the middle of the week when im at work.

reefwars 10-12-2012 02:26 PM

i hate to say it but when it coes to livestock . most stores cater to beginnes ......advanced stuf costs money and if it doesnt sell right away they need to be able to keep it alive and hold it.

so an army of powder blues or rare anthias is less likely to arrive at the store than a bunch of yellow tangs or clowns.

howdy20012002 10-12-2012 02:34 PM

I am not pointing a finger at anyone in particular.
Nor, like I said orginally, was I trying to make it into a snide or accusatory comment.
It was more a question as to why people don't want to seemingly support their LFS.
For the comment about stockpiling fish in my basement I am certainly not doing it to make a quick buck (I have spent 10,000s of dollars and haven't sold a thing yet.)
anyone that knows me knows that what I am doing has been anything but quick.
nor have I posted having a single thing for sale on canreef in the process (and it has been a long freaking process.)
I did contact Btymens because as it turns out, I do have one of the fish he was looking for and was in fact holding it for him as per his request. clearly, I didn't mean it as an insult.
Being that I am getting into the business, this was a serious question because it concerns me(and it should every LFS) as to why a lot of members aren't seemingly wanting to support their LFS.
so thank you for the comments as to why it is being done.
that is what I am looking for, as should every LFS be looking for because it concerns them all.
and yes, I will becoming a vendor here within the next couple of hopefully these posts dont' get removed as free advertising was not the reason for this post.

Aquattro 10-12-2012 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 754218)

so an army of powder blues or rare anthias is less likely to arrive at the store than a bunch of yellow tangs or clowns.

That's funny, because my LFS typically gets in an army of powder blues and rare anthias regularly :) Any fish I'm looking for is only a 2 week wait usually.

Granted, I do want an Achilles and I'm holding out for a privately sold individual to ensure a better chance at survival..

but yes, I do notice an increase in posts looking for things, but mostly from the same few people. And conspiracy theory posts are right behind that :razz:

Aquattro 10-12-2012 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by howdy20012002 (Post 754223)
so hopefully these posts dont' get removed as free advertising was not the reason for this post.

Nope, no reason to remove, it's a valid question!

jorjef 10-12-2012 02:50 PM

I don't think it negatively effects the LFS. The person selling most likely has something in mind to replace it with.

freezetyle 10-12-2012 02:53 PM

Has anyone actually asked their LFS to bring in a fish for them? That might solve some of the stagnation of fish that come in. Our store asks people all the time what fish they want to see in store. Unless its really expensive there is no obligation to buy it either. But were spoiled here in Victoria as Brad mentioned

cale262 10-12-2012 03:22 PM

I can't think of a single fish in any of my tanks that didn't come from an LFS. Other than some local clown breeders, is there really anyone on these forums breeding tangs or wrasses? I'd be willing to bet that 90% or more of anyone's fish on here, at one point came from a fish store.

I have posted up here when I was looking to buy a certain fish, the last I believe was a CBB, I didn't see any in my usual haunts (LFS) so I posted here asking if anyone had one or knew of one FS... In the end it was a LFS that replied and I bought it from them.

Funny enough, I was just thinking about posting a WTB thread for a purple tang, I haven't seen one in an LFS for some time...although the last one I saw was at double the price I'd be willing to buy it at (~$260). It also almost feels like certain fish are seasonal items... Today I have a hard time finding a purple tang for anything less than $200+ and a month down the road everyone has them for $60.

I for one believe we should support our Responsible LFS, if we don't we'll end up buying our staple products (salt etc) and 3 types of available fish from an unhealthy Walmart tank.

sphelps 10-12-2012 03:35 PM

Sometimes I post I'm looking for things like specific fish or inverts in hopes either someone will just happen to be thinking about parting with their's or some saw the item recently at a LFS. It saves me driving around to every store or calling them which is actually harder than it sounds due to language barriers or unreliable employees. If it's something I really want I'll even consider shipping from other locations. I don't consider using convenient resources to my advantage lazy, more like efficient :)

Flash 10-12-2012 03:36 PM

I usually will buy from someone on the forum before a store if they have something I want. I have done my rounds to the LFS and haven't seen a single fish I would buy and or the prices have gone through the roof $70 for a 2" foxface.... ya I don't think so that's a $40.00 fish! Keep in mind I worked at a LFS, so I get how things go down and I understand the seasons, shipping, box charges and what not.... But walking into a Store you'll see clowns, yellow tangs, scopas tangs, the odd trigger and some small fox faces. They all have the same stock as they are all ordering off the same lists. I tend to see that fish out of people's tanks are a little healthier then the ones in the stores, so I always look to see what's for sale here to give it a home instead of it ending up back at a lfs!

NOW... that being said....i have also walked into a store here and found an amazing Orange Fiji puffer that I haven't been able to find anywhere else in the city and I fell in love with him so I took him and a beauty of a Naso home as well.

The same store had an amazing Lavender Tang but I couldn't justify the $$ for it!

I wouldn't call it being cheap or lazy... just preference (this is just my opinion) I ask here first in case someone is going to be shutting down... if not then I wait and talk to Steve or Ken about bringing me in a particular fish!

The "busy" season for LFS hasn't even started yet... over the winter is when I usually see the best stock selection and prices come down a bit!

Keep in mind.. some people do not have access to cars, so they will shop on here find something and take the bus to the location rather then going all around the city (which is why we have a buy/sell section)

I've had great success with finding things on here!

daplatapus 10-12-2012 03:38 PM

My first thought as to why I'd post a "looking for" a specific fish is the same reason I'd visit the SPCA before a breeder if I was looking for a dog. I'd like to see if there was an unwanted fish out there that I could home before creating a demand at an LFS.

Flash 10-12-2012 03:48 PM

plus I might add, if someone can't find a home for their fish when they shut down.. the lfs might if being generous give the person a 50% credit to what they would sell the fish for... which is fair for the stores to do, but at the same time, someone on here could get that same fish 50% less then retail!

I support my LFS.... some more then others.... but really, would i turn down a $30 6" healthy regal tang to go pay $100 for one that just came out of a bag and only has a 50/50 chance at making it?!

MarkoD 10-12-2012 03:57 PM

I don't understand the term "support LFS"

Makes it seem like they're a charity that I should be supporting.

They're a business, they should be competing with one another to earn our business.

I buy as much as I can from other reefers. Only a sucker would go pay more money at a fish store for something they can get for half the price on the forum

I work hard for my money and I like keeping as much of it as I can. When I'm searching for something, I make sure to check every store for the best price before buying it

Nano 10-12-2012 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by btymens (Post 754210)
Well seeing how this is most likely in response to my post yesterday for what I'm looking for it is not because I'm lazy or cheap. I go to the lfs every sat and I just don't like what I see there, so I thought that I'd might try and post. That's it plain and simple. Now everyone has a right to their opinion, however before you beak off just remember that there are 2 side to every story. Also to those guys who stockpile fish out of your basements to make a quick buck, maybe you should clean up your act.
Or is just me!?!?

Nope not directed at you at all sorry if i came across as such. There are a few members (newer) who's only posts so far are "LF fish" or something generic like that, and 9 times out of 10 the fish or coral is a beginner coral/fish that could easily be found at the lfs

Again sorry if I came across as rude, was not my intention.

Enigma 10-12-2012 04:14 PM

If I was looking for something a little more unusual I would certainly look to other reefers. In the event I was looking for something that doesn't generally do as well in captivity I would look to other reefers, too.

I have a couple of fish that I would happily and willingly part with. I just don't care enough about getting rid of them to post them for sale. If I saw a post where someone was looking for these fish locally, I'd have no qualms about going through the effort to remove them from my system.

Delphinus 10-12-2012 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 754234)
Sometimes I post I'm looking for things like specific fish or inverts in hopes either someone will just happen to be thinking about parting with their's or some saw the item recently at a LFS. It saves me driving around to every store or calling them which is actually harder than it sounds due to language barriers or unreliable employees. If it's something I really want I'll even consider shipping from other locations. I don't consider using convenient resources to my advantage lazy, more like efficient :)

+1 this sums up perfectly my own take on this..


Originally Posted by daplatapus (Post 754236)
My first thought as to why I'd post a "looking for" a specific fish is the same reason I'd visit the SPCA before a breeder if I was looking for a dog. I'd like to see if there was an unwanted fish out there that I could home before creating a demand at an LFS.

+1 to this point too.

I shop at all my local LFS as much as I can. But geographically being in the south end of a very long city north-south where all the LFS are in the north side, for me to visit all my favourite shops is a full day endeavour, or at minimum several hours. I just can't do that every week anymore like I used to. So I might very well post about something I'm looking for, it can't hurt to ask, and if I get a tip of someone on the fence about selling one privately .. or a LFS who has it ... either way it's a win for all parties.

Snaz 10-12-2012 05:06 PM

I'm not anti LFS, we need them and I support mine. That being said livestock from a hobbyist will typically be larger, healthier and cheaper.

fishoholic 10-12-2012 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by freezetyle (Post 754229)
Has anyone actually asked their LFS to bring in a fish for them? That might solve some of the stagnation of fish that come in. Our store asks people all the time what fish they want to see in store. Unless its really expensive there is no obligation to buy it either. But were spoiled here in Victoria as Brad mentioned

AI gets new fish in on a weekly to bi-weekly basis. AI can also order in specific fish for anyone who asks and it's usually 2weeks to get here. The problem I find is that most people won't ask or don't like not know exactly how much it will cost as there are shipping costs involved that need to be added on after the fact.

Northernseacorals 10-12-2012 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by fishoholic (Post 754307)
AI gets new fish in on a weekly to bi-weekly basis. AI can also order in specific fish for anyone who asks and it's usually 2weeks to get here. The problem I find is that most people won't ask or don't like not know exactly how much it will cost as there are shipping costs involved that need to be added on after the fact.

Generally there is no shipping cost if you ask to have your fish added to their next order :)

Flash 10-12-2012 08:33 PM

depends on the place.... sometimes your fish is more!

it's no different then the reptile hobby. I deal with breeders, kijiji, people that just have pets.... I rarely have to go to a store, I can even get the food for my geckos from the forums!!!

To put this thread into perspective.. I will be picking up a foxface from Subman today for a portion of the price of a lfs. 2" for $75 or 12" full show piece healthy fish from another reefers tank for $50?? I got a heck of a deal and an amazing fish for a great price!

windcoast reefs 10-25-2012 07:54 PM

I've posted a couple of times looking for stuff, for me it was because ive asked for a couple different fish or corals at my LFS and they couldnt get them in. But I recently started to go to a different LFS and I can get anything under the sun the sun within 2 weeks. I really think its just due to what suppliers stores use.

kien 10-25-2012 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by jorjef (Post 754214)
I would rather buy from a local reefer. I think the fish are more stable and 'should' have a higher rate of success when I acclimate to my tank. There have been times when I was on the fence about re-homing a fish and to see an ad wanting that particular fish would be a bonus.

I'm with this guy on this one. I have a couple of fish in my tank that I'm not thrilled about but don't really want to put the effort into fishing out and sumping in the hopes of finding a buyer. I didn't buy the fish, I adopted both of them. Now they are just freeloaders in my tank and if someone came along and said, "hey, I'm looking for a pajama cardinal if anyone happens to have one", I'd be more than happy to offer him up. But again, I can't be bothered to be proactive about it and remove him.

lastlight 10-25-2012 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 758280)
I'm with this guy on this one. I have a couple of fish in my tank that I'm not thrilled about but don't really want to put the effort into fishing out and sumping in the hopes of finding a buyer. I didn't buy the fish, I adopted both of them. Now they are just freeloaders in my tank and if someone came along and said, "hey, I'm looking for a pajama cardinal if anyone happens to have one", I'd be more than happy to offer him up. But again, I can't be bothered to be proactive about it and remove him.

Hey, I'm looking for a tailspot blenny if anyone happens to have one.

kien 10-25-2012 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 758287)
Hey, I'm looking for a tailspot blenny if anyone happens to have one.

He comes with the Pajama Cardinal. They're a package deal. Let me know.

BlueWorldAquatic 10-25-2012 09:55 PM

Here is a stores point of view.

I find no big requests on my desk daily, but I try to bring in a few hard to find things all the time.

I think most of the time it is just someone that is new, or someone that is trying to save a buck or 2.

Brian, I have a beatiful purple tang in the store right now, over 3 months in our system.

I agree it is safer buying from a reefer than a LFS sometimes, as mortality rate can be tough on some species. I have a pair of Blue Throuts for sale in our tanks for months, with no takers. A pair like this is hard to come by at the best of times.

I just giggle when I see people asking for CUC

Just my thoughts,


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