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?NaturalNews? – Everything Is Rigged? – Health, Politics, Finance And More
:question: Hey guys what do you think, could this all be true? see articles below... http://lucas2012infos.wordpress.com/...12/#more-28398 . http://www.naturalnews.com/037508_ri...ciousness.html (NaturalNews) I’ve been pondering this topic for weeks, trying to find the words to communicate the full impact of this realization to which we are all increasingly awakening. Everything is rigged… the stock market, the news, the food, your taxes, public schools, the health care system, and on and on. Even Lance Armstrong’s cycling victories were all apparently rigged (with doping), we’re now finding out. But what do I mean by “rigged” specifically? All these systems and industries are rigged to cheat you, to suppress you, and ultimately to suppress your human potential. Think about it. The sick-care system is intentionally engineered to give you cancer, keep you sick, and keep you locked into a medical system that enriches powerful corporations while sacrificing human life. The financial system is rigged to quietly steal the value of your money through endless monetary creation also known as “quantitative easing.” The more money the Fed prints, the less valuable the money you worked so hard to earn is left remaining. The political system is utterly rigged to give you the illusion of choice while parading in front of you two puppets of different skin colors who both serve the same masters (the banksters). The food system is rigged with GMOs that actually poison you while spreading genetic pollution across farms and fields everywhere. The news is utterly and comprehensively rigged, and this was highlighted yet again by former CNN star reporter Amber Lyon who just went public with scathing accusations about how CNN allowed foreign terror regimes to actually BUY positive coverage on CNN’s broadcasts! This story is absolutely astonishing, and the very best interview of Amber Lyon exposing all this was conducted by Alex Jones and is found on YouTube.com. (Must-see video.) See Amber Lyon’s website at: http://www.amberlyonlive.com The justice system is ridiculously rigged. A woman was arrested a few weeks ago and charged with a felony crime for drawing on the sidewalk with chalk. Meanwhile, absolute evil-minded criminals like Jon Corzine and Eric Holder go free with no prosecution whatsoever. The criminals run free while the innocent are persecuted. “Science” is largely rigged. Science journals are all dominated by Big Pharma advertising money, and nearly all the so-called science you see in the news anymore is just a regurgitation of fabricated research from corporate science whores who have sold their integrity for a paycheck. Much of the effort behind “science” today is spent reinforcing a monopoly over medicine by pushing deadly vaccines while disparaging healing plants and nutrients. Government regulators are completely rigged. The FDA looks out primarily for the interests of Monsanto and drug companies, not the safety of the American people. The USDA is completely beholden to the biotech industry and the meat factory giants, routinely betraying Americans with its decisions. Private property is rigged. Thanks to unconstitutional property taxes, you never really “own” your land. Instead, you lease it from the government. Don’t believe me? Try not paying property taxes and see what happens. Your property will soon be seized at gunpoint and taken over by the government. Even WAR is completely rigged. Wars are started with false flag attacks engineered by the imperialist USA, then all the reporting on war is completely censored to shield the American public from the truth of how horrifying it really is. The entire experience of war is sanitized, processed, homogenized… just like the processed cow’s milk you’re (hopefully not) drinking. How do you beat a rigged system? Don’t play! With all these systems rigged against you, how do you stand a chance of getting ahead? As every Vegas gambler knows deep down, the only way to beat the house is to not play against the house. Don’t play their game, in other words. Instead of sending your children to government-run indoctrination centers known as public schools, home school them. Instead of watching cable news propaganda, turn off the TV and get your news from independent online media like Natural News or one of our fan sites such as Natural News tracker. Instead of being victimized by toxic GMO food, buy organic and avoid the GMOs. Instead of falling for vaccines and prescription drugs, say NO to vaccines and dangerous drugs. Turn to nutrition and superfoods instead! Instead of putting all your savings and investments in the fiat currency known as the dollar, diversify your holdings into precious metals, non-U.S. currencies, farm land and other stores of real value. Instead of voting for the next presidential puppet, simply don’t vote for any president! The mere act of voting for a presidential candidate legitimizes the corrupt system. (Yes, it’s definitely important to vote for local candidates and ballot measures like Proposition 37 in California.) The point of all this is that you can’t beat a rigged system. That’s why it’s rigged, of course: to make sure you never come out on top. So stop playing in the rigged system! The house always wins, didn’t you know? That’s how casinos make money, and it’s how nearly everything else works, too. Exclusive: CNN Exposed! Caught Producing "State Sponsored News" in Bahrain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGDVzJNMKs8 . How the NDAA Directly Threatens Average Americans, and How You Can Take Action Now http://amberlyonlive.com/2012/10/10/...s-journalists/ . |
Okay there is only one thing left for me to do... go stand naked in the flat bald prairie and wait for the starship.
Remember, paranoia will destroy ya. Shrinkage is not so good either, damn it's going to be cold out there. |
yeah i think some time ouside will do you some good;)
Yeah but the outside... is it real or a fabrication the government wants us to believe is real......makes ya think don't it!! |
humm it does;) thats it im not paying my taxes this year or voting.......or is that also what the government wants me to think and do they already know thats what IM thinking... oh crap a black suv with tinted windows just pulled up to my driveway....ill be right back;) |
Did you see the girl in the red dress?
Give me back my tinfoil hat please :wink:
my head feels fuzzy......what door?? who are you people?? what is this place:twised: whos denny?? |
That's old technology, you need to go to Big Gulp cups, much more resistent. |
Take a Skittle QUICK.... NO A WHOLE HAND FULL |
thanks man, i feel better after some skittles....but for some reason i have the sudden urge to vote and pay my taxes?? |
Now back to our regular scheduled lives.....
I believe it :shifty eyes:
Everything revolves around money and people will do anything they can to get it from you, whether its taxes, parking fines, selling overpriced under quality food, lakeside packers cheaping out and not taking time to clean their slaughter house or your LFS enticing you with new corals. Monetary slavery is what we are all born into in the "free world" where nothing is free. As the old analogy goes "There are only 2 certainties in life, Death and Taxes". I personally am glad that I have food to eat (GMO or not). Far too many people in the world don't have food to eat, clean water to drink, freedom of choice, the ability to learn, read, study, question, etc. History repeats, positions of power corrupts, the sun rises and falls etc etc. Yes this world is messed, but as others have said, "paranoia will destroy ya". Make the best of what you can and put faith in the populous to do what is right. |
Take the red pill...
I work for the phone company. At least twice a month we get calls about clicking on the line
So yeah, I wonder where "Natural News" gets funding. Probably rigged as well. & if you need them to tell you that banks, large corporations & oil runs our lives, you've been living on top of a mountain for a while I reckon. Although even in Nepal, the Dalai Lama can't escape the long arm of the Chinese oppressors. If you think our system is rigged, try living there (China) for a while. Speaking of mountains, that's where I go regularly in the winter & sometimes in the fall to recharge my batteries from the electronic, consumer driven society we like to call democracy today. A week or two in the backcountry skiing (climbing for turns that is) without a phone, internet etc really drives home how fortunate I(we) am(are) to live in this great country, despite all the paranoia, rigging, snake oil salesmen..... Returned from a volunteer work week at Boulder Hut in the Purcells last weekend. With any luck, the owner Mark & his family from Idaho will give me a little discount on February's trip. If not, I feel good about contributing my bit to keep the place going. Nothing like a little bit of physical activity in a place few people get to see to realize that it's still the grass roots folks that really run the country. Here we are plotting our revolution near Boulder Pass on the hike out of the hut after chopping firewood for the winter. The guy on the left with the straw hat is Fernando from Argentina. He looks like Che Guevara & is a great inspiration to a group of budding revolutionaries like us. https://du553w.blu.livefilestore.com...tch.jpg?psid=1 .. should you be interested in additional photos by a more professional photog, check out the link below. http://www.bestphotos.ca/Landscapes/...8391&k=kJpvw7t |
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