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reefwars 10-09-2012 04:06 PM

zoanthid and lps combo packages for sale
combo 1 - $100 ($20/frag)

1 x fruitloops zoa(4-6polyps)
1 x la lakers zoa(3-6polyps)
1 x red magician paly(3-6polyps)
1 x purple with metallic blue eyes favia
1 x hydnophora(horn coral)

combo 2 - #100 ($14/frag)

1 x purple with metallic blue eyes favia
1 x ultra green and purple aussie acan
1 x hydnophora(horn coral)
1 x red magician palys(3-6 polyps)
1 x moltenlava zoa( 3-5 polyps)
1 x darknight paly( 3-4 polyps)
1 x blue zoa with baby blue eyes(5+ polyps)

combo 3 - $100 ( $11/frag)

1 x purple with metallic blue eyes favia
1 x hydnophora(horn coral)
1 x red magician paly
1 x blue zoa with baby blue eyes
1 x solid green acan
1 x ultra red aussie acan( 1-2 polyps)
1 x autimn palys( 3-4 polyps)
1 x lunar eclipse zoa(4-7 polyps)
1 x metallic red zoanthid(5-10+ polyps)

combo 4 (the ultimate combo) $200 ($15/frag)

1 x purple prism favia
1 x purple with metallic blue eyes favia
1 x la lakers zoa(3-5 polyps)
1 x reverse aussie prism favia(my nicest favia)
1 x red magician palys(3-7 polyps)
1 x blue zoa with baby blue eyes(10 polyps)
1 x hydnophora (horn coral)
1 x ultra green and purple aussie acan
1 x combo zoa( valentines day massacre,black elephants)
1 x combo zoa(magicians,darknights,watermelons)
1 x fruitloops zoa( 2-5polyps)
1 x all green acan
1 x orange dottyback chalice

sorry but i wont split these packages up , but do have singles of each of these for sale, but you save an incredible amount by purchasing packages compared to single frags:)


reefwars 10-09-2012 05:25 PM

inbox cleared sorry :)

reefwars 10-09-2012 05:27 PM

trades welcome:P

reefwars 10-09-2012 06:49 PM

i am maybe sending a package to edmonton , to save on shipping cost would anyone else like to join in, if we can get a couple people to take a package each ill cover the shipping charges my self:)

Jaws3 10-09-2012 07:12 PM

If you ship to Edmonton count me in for the 200 combo pack

reefwars 10-09-2012 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Jaws3 (Post 753436)
If you ship to Edmonton count me in for the 200 combo pack

that pack is just sold this morning, i can do a similiar pak of something else just let me see what i can dig up for you, ill send you a pm.


reefwars 10-09-2012 07:21 PM

pak 4 ------sold
pak2 ------- pending

reefwars 10-09-2012 09:14 PM


reefwars 10-10-2012 05:25 AM

combo 1,2 and 4 sold.

just combo 3 left

reefwars 10-10-2012 02:28 PM

bump for package 3 the rest are sold:)

reefwars 10-11-2012 04:48 PM

all previous paks are sold or pending pick up.

heres some new ones i ca put together

combo 5 $100 ($16/frag

1 x watermelon zoa (10+ polyps)
1 x magician palys(4-7 polyps)
1 x la lakers zoa (5-6polyps)
1 x alien eye chalice
1 x red cyphastrea
1 x lunar eclipse

combo 6 $100 (14/frag)

1 x darknights paly(2-3 polyps)
1 x deepwater eagle eye
1 x magician paly(2-3 polyps)
1 x red cyphastrea
1 x alien eye chalice
1 x watermelon zoa
1 x metallic red zoas

combo 7 $200 (20/frag)

1 x alien eye chalice
1 x red cyhpastrea
1 x joker palys (2-3 polyps)
1 x black elephants zoa(1-2 polyps)
1 x jiggy dazzlers zoa(10-15 polys)
1 x la lakers zoa
1 x fruitloops zoa
1 x green acan(all green)
1 x hydnophora
1 x molten lava zoa(4-6 polyps)

sorry i will not split these up:)


reefwars 10-11-2012 04:59 PM

trades welcome as always!!

nps, zoos or sps/lps

reefwars 10-12-2012 02:30 PM


reefwars 10-13-2012 01:43 PM


Beano1169 10-13-2012 02:55 PM

BUMPityBUMPBUMP for some amazing frags!!!!

reefwars 10-14-2012 02:13 PM

i have a package going to edmonton this week if anyone wanst to join on to the order.

tmurphy89 10-14-2012 10:42 PM

Denny, I'm just gonna come out and say it blunt. I hate you. I come over, hand you some cash, come home with some awesome frags that are doing great. Come back a week later, hand you some more cash for more awesome frags and they too are doing great. Then I see that you have more packages... So now I'm looking for another tank... Thanks Denny. I'll let you know when I'm broke and start trading my frags out for food.

Yours truly,
One happily unhappy customer

reefwars 10-14-2012 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by tmurphy89 (Post 754852)
Denny, I'm just gonna come out and say it blunt. I hate you. I come over, hand you some cash, come home with some awesome frags that are doing great. Come back a week later, hand you some more cash for more awesome frags and they too are doing great. Then I see that you have more packages... So now I'm looking for another tank... Thanks Denny. I'll let you know when I'm broke and start trading my frags out for food.

Yours truly,
One happily unhappy customer

haha sorry buddy not my fault i told ya it was addictive lol

contact dave at concept if you want to get the tank of your dreams built !!

SeaHorse_Fanatic 10-15-2012 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by tmurphy89 (Post 754852)
Denny, I'm just gonna come out and say it blunt. I hate you. I come over, hand you some cash, come home with some awesome frags that are doing great. Come back a week later, hand you some more cash for more awesome frags and they too are doing great. Then I see that you have more packages... So now I'm looking for another tank... Thanks Denny. I'll let you know when I'm broke and start trading my frags out for food.

Yours truly,
One happily unhappy customer

Now that's an endorsement:wink::lol:

And plus one of the "addictive" comment.

reefwars 10-15-2012 03:01 PM

package 5 sold....bump for the others!!

Rusty dog 10-15-2012 04:24 PM

Ill take package 7 this weekend. Ill make a trip down to come see you buddy

reefwars 10-16-2012 06:23 PM

package 5 sold
package 7 pending

just package 6 left i can make some more paks up if anyone wants something.

shipping available!!

reefwars 10-16-2012 10:01 PM

combo 6 pending

reefwars 10-18-2012 03:05 PM

pak 6 sold

i can make some more of any of the previous paks if anyone is interested, send me a pm for info:)

reefwars 10-19-2012 04:53 PM

im going to make up some more combo paks today but in the meantime

combo 8 $150

1 x alien eye chaice
1 x fruitloops zoa
1 x baby pinks zoa
1 x magician palys
1 x watermelon zoas
1 x hollywood stunner chalice
1 x orange crush enchinata(??)
1 x green monticap

reefwars 10-21-2012 12:31 AM

package 7 sold.

package 8 still up for grabs!!

will be making some more over the next few days if i can get some time lol

reefwars 10-21-2012 05:54 PM

package 9 $100

1 x hydnophora
1 x mohawks
1 x red cyphastrea
1 x watermelon zoa
1 x deepwater pinkies
1 x blue and green PE paly
1 x magician paly
1 x dark blue zoa with baby blue mouth

package 10 (zoos and chalices pak) $200

1 x alien eye chalice(purple with yellow eyes)
1 x hollywood stunner chalice
1x alien eye chalice(blue/green with neon green eyes)
1 x fruitloops zoa
1 x pastel pink zoa
1 x la lakers zoa
1x pink and orange zoa
1x eagle eye zoa
1x green dreams zoa
1 x pink mohawks paly
1 x whammin water melons zoa
1 x magician paly

Rusty dog 10-22-2012 01:45 PM

Thanks for the corals Denny they all made it home and into the tank

reefwars 10-22-2012 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Rusty dog (Post 757080)
Thanks for the corals Denny they all made it home and into the tank

thanks buddy glad to see they made the trek , now when they grow out to big ol colonies come back down and sell ME a frag lol:P


reefwars 10-22-2012 03:06 PM

paks 9 and 10 still available....can make more of these too.

shipping available as well:)

reefwars 10-22-2012 04:43 PM

im going to offer this one pak to some lucky individual who is looking to add some collector zoos to their collection. each of these are hard to get , and usually fetch a good price either pp or by the frag.

i sell these frags as singles between $20 - $50 a frag so the savings are huge on this particular package.

theres going to be a minimum of a few polyps on each frag some have over 10+ polyps.

package 11(the high end collector zoa pak) $300

1 x magician palys
1 x sherbet zoas
1 x fruitloops zoas
1 x la lakers zoas
1 x dragons fire zoa
1 x molten lava zoa
1 x watermelon zoa
1 x tyree spacemonsters palys(2 polyps 1 baby)
1 x pink mohawk palys
1 x bright peach with black splatters zoa
1 x gold and black palys
1 x gold palys
1 x emeralds on fire zoa
1 x bam bam redds

reefwars 10-22-2012 07:25 PM

package 12(lps pak) $100

1 x red cyphastrea
1 x hydnophora
1 x alien eye chalice(purple with yellow eyes)
1 x tubs alien eye chalice?? (purple/green with neon green eyes
1 x hollywood stunner chalice
1 x rainbow favia(green with pink-purple rims)

reefwars 10-23-2012 05:50 PM

ok folks this week and next week are my last week for shipping due to weather getting bad, so if youve been waiting nows the time, after next week i wont be doing shipping untill march again:)


reefwars 10-23-2012 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 757118)

package 11(the high end collector zoa pak) $300

1 x magician palys
1 x sherbet zoas
1 x fruitloops zoas
1 x la lakers zoas
1 x dragons fire zoa
1 x molten lava zoa
1 x watermelon zoa
1 x tyree spacemonsters palys(2 polyps 1 baby)
1 x pink mohawk palys
1 x bright peach with black splatters zoa
1 x gold and black palys
1 x gold palys
1 x emeralds on fire zoa
1 x bam bam redds


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 757179)
package 12(lps pak) $100

1 x red cyphastrea
1 x hydnophora
1 x alien eye chalice(purple with yellow eyes)
1 x tubs alien eye chalice?? (purple/green with neon green eyes
1 x hollywood stunner chalice
1 x rainbow favia(green with pink-purple rims)

both of these packages for $400 and free shipping, good time for someone and a friend to go in on an order together:)

kole 10-24-2012 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 757633)
both of these packages for $400 and free shipping, good time for someone and a friend to go in on an order together:)

Great Deal!

reefwars 10-27-2012 02:51 PM

Pak 11 and 12 for $300 local Calgary or Edmonton only..cheers

reefwars 10-29-2012 03:28 PM

paks: 9,10,11,12

are now remade and available again:) local only(calgary and edmonton)as im done shipping for the winter.


Reefer head 10-29-2012 04:13 PM

Pmd ya

reefwars 10-29-2012 04:16 PM

also have :

watermelons zoas at $.50/polyps

minimum 10 but can make anywhere between 10 and 200 lol :P

Skimmerking 10-29-2012 07:12 PM

where is the MAnitoba special.

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