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Gecko mania - I blame Lyndsy and Dawn! LOL
So I was at the AI BBQ on Sat. and Dawn's daughter had a little crested gecko with her (they just came from the reptile show) and it was the cutest thing so I then started asking them about them. As we were talking Lyndsy came by and I learned that she has a bunch of them. So then I did a bunch of reading about how to take of them. Looked into costs etc. checked kijiji for deals. I asked about an ad for a terrarium I saw and Dawn found a way better deal in another ad. Lucky for me the terrarium was still available and I picked it up. Talked to Lyndsy at the reptile show (FYI it's a really good show) and got a crested gecko from her :cheer2:
Here's my terrarium http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/i...o/DSC_0126.jpg feeding station http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/i...o/DSC_0124.jpg gecko house http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/i...o/DSC_0122.jpg and here is my gecko in his critter container that he was in for the ride home. I've named him (could be a her, can't tell yet) Reese. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/i...o/DSC_0127.jpg |
Please post pic's of your lizards if you have one, it would be cool to see what everyone has :biggrin:
Can I include my frog? I know not a reptile, but close..? :D
Cresties are wonderful little critters. :) My bestie breeds Cresties, Leeftails, and Poor Man's Leachies. The cresties are my favourite. They tend to be the most social and predictable, and they're the easiest to care for.
She's also got two tegus, which are wildy cool, a couple of boas, a couple of pythons, and a corn snake. I don't have any photos on my phone, or I'd share. I was sure I had a photo of Rita (her Argentine Black and White Tegu). I can't find it. |
:lol: aren't we evil :twised::lol: They're awesome little critters. Here's some of our crew. I'll get pics of the two newest members today.
Mister http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/t...s/DSC_0049.jpg Calypso http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/t...ndoms/file.jpg Churro http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/t...oms/file-1.jpg Twix http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/t...oms/file-2.jpg |
Heres my sons Bearded Dragon - about 7 weeks old.
http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/k...9AD278EF9E.jpg |
Oh, here's Damien with an egg stuck on his face.
http://i1035.photobucket.com/albums/...air/Damien.jpg Damien is a red Tegu. He's around 3.5 feet. Rita (her other Tegu) is quite a bit larger. Damien is an ovo-vegetarian. He only eats veggies and eggs, while her other Tegu is very much a live meat eater (to the tune of two mice a day). |
Very nice Laurie. Now you make me wanting one :lol:
as both dawn and Laurie know, it would take me forever to post pics of all my geckos as I have 37... so here's just a few I have on my work computer! and Laurie you're very welcome! I'm happy that both you and Dawn have two of my babies!!! I have 9 more eggs cooking as the season is finally coming to an end and I can get back to playing with my fish tanks again! new pairings will start in January!
I might have a couple of lizards ,snakes ,frogs ,and inverts crawling around...
ya ya we know you do!!!! anyone want to buy my hybrid crestie/sara??!! only $400... worth $1200 as per the breeder in the US! lol!
that's not even expensive.... get into leachies and proven breeder chahoua pairs!!! mine's a hybrid... i don't think there is another one in canada... and I plan to keep it that way! (I didn't breed it)
Ya ,leachies cost a pretty penny for sure.
They look cheap compaired to Naultinus geckos and amazon basin tree boas though. |
this is true...
can't wait to get to my day decko.
i like day geckos... but you cna't really do anything with them, except stare at them! lol! and they need VB light and heat! I like things that can chill at room temp!! lol!
Damn, if I know that I would have swiped a couple of them off the place I was at. Could have paid for my trip.. LOL :twised:
pretty yes!!!! but i like things I can hold! lol!
Thanks again Lyndsy for mine he/she? is awesome! I got a pic of him in the terrarium this morning but photobucket wasn't co-operating to load it. I'll try again when I get home. Till then more pics everyone!
Welcome to the dark side
We had 6 geckos here at one point, Now just snakerdoodles.:mrgreen: https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.n...18298998_n.jpg A gift for my good friend TIffany. My boy's Floyd and Muertos https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.n...00334860_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.n...38640158_o.jpg Floyd is a Boa constrictor. He likes to hang out with my models when I take photos. I don't have the best photo of Muertos because he won't be here until next week. Special order haha. He is a less common breed of king snake called a variable king snake. Aka thayeri Mexican king.(Milk snake phase) they're really COOL! http://i448.photobucket.com/albums/q...1/IMG_7284.jpg I've kept reptiles for about 10 years now before I decided I needed a change of focus. |
Here is Angus, my White's Tree Frog, also know as the 'Dumpy' frog. They can get quite overweight when older, hence the name. Angus is still pretty small, but seems to enjoy being held :)
http://i1162.photobucket.com/albums/...5451BC6A3F.jpg |
I love the whites!! one of my fav amphibians!!
Thanks, Yes I have to admit he is my Fav as well
That's a nice one. I like the contrast. What's it look like when it fires up
Check out this video of cresties firing Zeus not fired http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/t...oms/file-7.jpg Zeus fired(he also gets a red tone under his neck and belly) http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/t...oms/file-4.jpg Calypso not fired http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/t...oms/file-5.jpg Calypso fired http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/t...ndoms/file.jpg |
Do you need a special lighting setup for these guys? I thought they were prone to some kind of bone melting diseases if they didn't get enough or the correct kind of UV light? Are there LED lights for terrariums now that would work?
Nice looking lizards, BTW, very neat. |
Crested geckos are really easy to care for they like room temp and do not need any lights. They do say they need a day night cycle but indirect sunlight is good enough. Here's some good care info http://http://www.pangeareptile.com/store/index.php?dispatch=pages.view&page_id=34
Dawn that is cool to see the differences, I'll keep an eye out for it. |
4 Attachment(s)
We have a breeding colony of 17 leopard geckos,all different morphes.The second pic is of our female rain glow of which there are only 2 in Canada so she is worth a bit
and some of the Tremper line like red eye enigma,tangerine enigma.... |
I currently have another baby hatching as I type this! My parents were here to visit and got to see it still in the egg and poke it's head through.... Good timing and they are so interested in this project!!! Yay for babies!!!!
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