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Help with neptune apex
Hi looking for someone in or around calgary to hopefully help with my controller setup...i have reviwed and googled...im strugling a bit..im hoping to twist someones ear over a coffee? Thanks frank
if you call neptune support they usually get your problems fixed pretty quick.
worked for me good luck |
I know I found mine a little overwhelming at first but I fined using the laptop program and iPad app helps a lot. It's a lot Easyer to understand the programming and controlling it. And the graphs and history are great on them to
While you're waiting for the coffee date, maybe let the rest of us know what you're having trouble with :) Maybe we can help..
While I'm in Calgary, I barely have time to tie my boots, and arranging a coffee date could take months. I can find some time to read the forum and try to help, though. :) (Okay, I've got LOTS of that time, since I work on a computer, and my computer often works harder than me. :o) |
Just got the Apex to replace my dying Aquatronica unit. I too am having a few issues figuring it out. Can't seem to get the second pH probe to work right. I have not yet hooked it up to the computer which seems to be the miracle answer for these controllers by all accounts. I need to figure out a way to connect it since my router is upstairs and the tank is in the basement.
Can it be connected directly to a laptop with the ethernet cable? |
Thanks, I'll give the laptop a test later and see how it goes.
I get the jabs..but id rather see the program..and b shown the process..so what im asking and saying is maybe someone who has a little time to spare for a new guy struglin with this controller unit...can give me a hand..ive seen the extra manuals and how to's...and im still not quite getting the hand of it..ive also contated neptune, emailed paul..but they are away for awhile..
Yup, hands on is always better ,just suggesting you might be waiting a while, lots of busy people here :) Shame to have that fancy controller sitting not controlling anything :)
If you change your mind, we're here.. |
I got the laptop hooked in yesterday and got my issues sorted out. For some reason the power bar had a split personallity and was appearing twice in the menu. Deleted both and started over and now it seems to be working better. It was a whole lot simpler and faster programming in the browser than using the display pad.:biggrin:
I've ordered the breakout box for it now so I can wire in some extras like a float switch and such. I still need to get some programs set up for shutting down stuff for water changes and such using the feed timer feature. Also have to set up the networking so I can utilize the e-mail alerts and such and I haven't done any firmware updates yet either. I'll have to figure out a temporary connection for that; as the router is a long way from the unit, I may pull it all out and set it up for the updates then put it all back together on the tank again. Eventually I hope to network it wirelessly. Now that its sorted, I'm a lot more satified with it. I was starting to think I'd got a dud. |
Glad you got that sorted out :)
Firmware updated, breakout box installed, programming figured out. This controller is superb :mrgreen: I'm planning more expansions to it now that I'm seeing the potential. I plan to add a door switch to turn on my refugium light so I can see what I'm doing in the sump, another float switch for high water level (all ready have one for low sump level), and perhaps a water leak alarm.
Question for those in the know, what do ORP and Conductivity tell you that is usefull as far as controlling anything? Aside from just reference data, is there any real purpose to having those sensors? Not currently planning to add those unless there is some useful purpose for them. |
As for the original post. Welcome to Canreef. What unit do you have? (full version, lite, jr) Are you haveing issues setting it up physically? Does it turn on? Are you able to hard wire an Ethernet cord to it? |
I had a flaky Power bar once that kept dying. It died so many times (would trip the GFCI for no reason), that it fried the base unit, since it's all powered from the power bar.
Lesson learned: Use a separate power adapter for the base unit. Don't let it draw power from the power bar. Also even better: ensure that they're on separate circuits. So if the power bar circuit trips, the base unit is still powered and can send you alarms. |
With the help of Paul in tech support, the problem with the power bar is resolved by some internal reprogramming by him. Something to do with a component not operating within the original parameters and thus causing the whole system to plug up with failed attempts to communicate.
In the process of all this trouble shooting I did get lots of practice with the programming having had to redo it several times over. :sad: It does get easier as you get more familiar with it. When I replied to your PM, I had not delved into the advanced programming, but have since done so. It is a bit intimidating at first, But one trick I figured out was to first programm the outlet using one of the wizards and save that, then when you switch to the advanced mode the bulk of the programming is all ready set up. Then you just need to add or delete lines to suit what you want. I don't have any really complex controls in there yet, so most of what I was adding in was straight forward. I also found that once I figured out a line of code and entered it in one outlet, I'd just copy and paste it to others where it would be used as well. Big time saver. I also got the networking basically set up on the Apex yesterday and got the email alarms working. As part of the support session, Paul configured my router to allow him remote access which is also the settings needed to allow remote internet access for myself. I'm sure if you can't get it sorted on your own, I'm sure that they could help you with yours too (I would have struggled with it compared to him getting it done in minutes). I have a wireless adapter on it's way so I'll be working to get that configured once it arrives. For the support and trouble shooting I had moved the Apex upstairs next to my router so I could connect to it directly. |
Which wireless adapter will you be using? I bought one and had to return it as it wasn't compatible.
I've ordered the Netgear WNCE2001 off eBay based on the reccomendations of several users on the ReefCentral Neptune Systems page.
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