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Yellowworld's 2012 Nano Contest Entry
Hey everyone, its time to toss my money in the ring and get this game underway! If anyone was following my 13.3g build that i started last month then youll already have a good look at my general layout and be able to plan accordingly to beat me out of a few points, if not just follow along!
Before I jump into the build I want to show you what the tank looks like today as i had a bit of a problem durring the build that has set me back on both cash and time but ill take it more as a blessing in disguise http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF2688.jpg Yup thats right I had a bit of a blow out while i was working on my plumbing and long story short I have a three sided paperweight at the moment haha |
Now its time for the world to see the master plan at work, here is my list of everything I want to do with this tank, my equipment and some pictures.
***DISCLOSURE*** I will be taking some of the pictures I used on my previous build thread to use in this contest BUT only until the tank is back to its previous condition due to the back glass blow out..Im doing this to keep everyone updated on the progress of the tank/stand that I cannot redo such as my work on the cabinet for the sump and the testing I did with the wave box. Now without any further a-due, this is my new Mr. Aqua 13.3 gallon bowfront. She measures in at 23'1/2" long by 11'3/8" tall, by 9'1/2" at the outside edge and 11'1/2" at the middle of the bowfront http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF2473.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF2474.jpg My plans for this tank are fairly extensive so ill break it all up like this. The Display Tank - Cut and drilled to accommodate an external overflow and single return - Drilled for a second addition to the back wall of the tank that will house a tunze pump salvaged from a Tunze Nano Wavebox The Sump - 4 chambers, 1st will be the inflow and bubble trap to the filter sock, 2nd skimmer and reactor, 3rd Macro algea / live rock rubble, 4th return pump. - Separate ATO box and pump The Scape - The scape will be dry rock and foam creating a bunch of negative space in the front of the tank, it won't cover the full back of the tank just create more space by using up the un-used debris catching areas thats usually don't get flow - There is also a surprise waiting, if you watch the plumbing as it takes shape you might be able to tell what it is The Equipment Lights -DT, Kessil A150w -Sump, Panorama Strips Pumps -Return, Tunze Silence 1073.xxx -Tunze 6202.200 Massacred Nano Wavebox -DT, if needed EcoTech MP10 Skimmer -SWC 120 or BubbleMagus NAC 3.5 Reactors -BRS Deluxe Reactors (Maybe) Controller -Neptune Systems APEX -PM2 Salinity Monitor/Control -WEM Wireless Expansion Module (For EcoTech if needed) -Breakout Box (DIY Breakout Box) Auto Top Off -DIY 2 Float Switches, and Pump to APEX Breakout Box |
A totally techy nano after my own heart!
The "oops" with the back glass is rather unfortunate. |
I agree but its probably for the best I would rather the glass crack cus im an idiot every now and then and be able to recover with something better then have it blow out 3 months from now and ruin everything haha |
Cool a bowfront tank. Glad to see this in the making..
Alright everyone so since I dont have anything new to do with the tank at the moment i thought i would go ahead and start working on the filing cabinet turned sump stand here is the progress so far,
http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF2930.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF2931.jpg Then I took out all the hardware and the drawers http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF2673.jpg After gutting the cabinet i took all the fronts off the drawers and used them to make the door so that it still looked like the original cabinet http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF2672.jpg Then I added a magnet lock http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF2674.jpg Then I drilled 4 holes in the top of the stand for the overflow and return plumbing to go though http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF2680.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF2937.jpg Then it was off to paint! http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF2933.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF2935.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF2939.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF2938.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF2936.jpg The next thing for me to is wait until its all try then run a seam of caulking around the bottom edge to make it water tight and then most likely cut one or two more holes in the back to add computer fans for a little air movement and circulation. |
Very nice!
Very good use of a file drawer. Love it. Keep it up :)
Thanks guys! i just wish my check would come in so i can go get some glass for this tank!
The stand is all dry now and i think its time to introduce the tank behind the tank the reason why ill be able to keep the display tank so clean and unhindered with equipment and clutter...MY SUMP!! its a standard 15g tank that when all is said and done will hold an aditional 7 gallons bringing my total to 20g http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF2942.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF2940.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF2941.jpg |
Love the stand, great idea!
Alright everyone! im back from work and its time to get back into the swing of things, I got dealines to make and to get things started off right its picture time!!
and in the spirit of Halloween i thought i might post up this guy! http://www.bluereefaquarium.co.uk/up...lue%20Reef.jpg |
Let the fun begin!!
I picked up a whole bunch of stuff today, this should keep my attention for the next day or two as the tank transforms its self!! http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3544.jpg |
Love the stand idea, very cool. Your a little behind the time line better get crackalackin. :razz:
Todays Catch Up Session
Thanks Grizz, and yes i do have a bit of catch up to do but here is what ive got done so far
I got the glass for the overflow drilled and cleaned up http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3545.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3548.jpg Then i got to putting the whole thing together and i was trying to match the seams to the tank, very minimalistic, and considering its not going to have much volume in the overflow i think ill do just fine http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3549.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3551.jpg Now do you guys remember the fans and the heater vent that i had on the desk in the previous picture? well this is what I plan on doing with those. (A big thanks to Enigma for the idea on the heater vent!) http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3553.jpg Then i wired them up rather crudely to a USB to make sure everything worked and was blowing the right way http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3552.jpg Then i got them all secured and wire tucked away, now they are ready for the transplant into the sump cabinet http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3556.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3555.jpg |
Today we tackle a few things, starting with the glass that needs to be drilled and cut for an overflow and wavebox, then the plumbing!
The hole for the wave box http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3562.jpg Next is my return line http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3567.jpg Then the overflow, untill i realized that i needed a new dremel bit to cut the glass http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3568.jpg soooooo then i moved on to the plumbing! http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3563.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3565.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3564.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3566.jpg |
Plumbing and custom stand is looking fantastic so far.
Oooohhh, pretty plumbing!
Hey guys, heres an update on the tank! ITS ACTUALLY A TANK NOW!!!
i spend the last day cutting and setting and being stupidly anal about the silicone but its all done now! i just have to clean it up a bit and then its ready for the last stages of plumbing and then water!! http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3643.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3645.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3644.jpg I also got my sump plumbed to the bottom of the desk, i used flex line to make sure that if anything shifted it would have the room to move and not break things and stress stuff. I also plan on putting in hard wood in the house in the next 4 months so im not sure if that will effect it in anyway but i thought i would be safe rather then sorry http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3648.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3647.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3646.jpg |
oh man.....this setup is amazing. I love the tank. This is one of my favorites for sure.
This morning presented itself with a perfect oppertunity to get outside and not freeze! so here is the final product in all its tanky glory!
http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3655.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3656.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3652.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3650.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3651.jpg And here is my shop foreman! http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3658.jpg |
today i finished up the return line pluming in the sump cabinet and laid out the sump to see where everything would fit. I also went and picked up a sexy new skimmer from Concept Aquatics! a big thanks to dave if he's out there paying attention!
Pictures!!! http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3670.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3669.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3667.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3665.jpg More to come tonight! |
I cannot wait until you fill this bad boy up...
Hey everyone! im getting to the lighting part of my build and im a little at a loss as to how I should light my refugium. I know i want to build it because i dont have much room in the cabinet for extras so its going to have to be compact. and i know i want LED's so what are your guys thoughts, is there something small and cheap that will do the job and do it well or is building something from a chip the best way or what do you guys think
Ikea has cheap LEDs that stick that are controllable for 30 bucks u can change cookies to lol
Lol I think it should grow. I mean people were just using regular cheap ebay led before and throwing it into an aquaclear and cheato were growing.
Lets Get WET!!!
I finally was able to the the finishing touches on the plumbing and got the tank fully setup and wet today!!! I still have the baffle the sump and get to Edmonton to pick up my new Apex, then get it installed and setup, then its on to the foam and rock wall!!!!!
http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3692.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3691.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3690.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3689.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3688.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3687.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3686.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3685.jpg |
Man this looks amazing! I'm hoping to build or pickup my first SW tank soon. This is great for inspiration.
Hey everyone so here is an update for you! I went and picked up some aluminum today to make a mount for all my controllers and switches, I modified the tracks that the original drawers for the filing cabinet were on to make a sliding pannel that will pull out of the cabinet to let me have access to everything on the panel, its not done yet. I still have to mout the last apex box and the netgear wnce2001 i just ordered to get it all online and then run all the wires and plug it all in but so far its looking good everything fits snug as a bug, and when its slid in i miss the return line by only a fraction of an inch haha weeeeoooo for measuring haha
http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3711.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3713.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3714.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3715.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3716.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...t/DSCF3718.jpg But thats all for tonight folks, I have to run. I have a date with my gorgeous girlfriend!! |
Wow that looks sharp!
I got it cleaned up a but, and got the sump back in to shut it down for the night and couldnt resist taking a few more pictures, dam is it ever tight in there -insert funny statement here -
http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...e/DSCF3719.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...e/DSCF3722.jpg Full access!! http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...e/DSCF3723.jpg |
Damn that looks great!! Good thing someone suggested to you to go to a sheet metal shop, eh :wink: I might have to steel that ider. :biggrin:
If you grab one of the 0-10v cables from neptune you can run your tunze pumps off the controller. It gives you a lot more control than the standard tunze controller and its like $20. It will also give you a little more room in the cabinet. Looking good by the way.
That is the most advanced controller you can buy. If you really wanted you could run your home alarm system off of it lol. You need to buy a break out box..they retail for about 35 bucks and it controls all sorts of relay switches. Basically anything that has an open or closed state. You could put a sensor on the cupboard door that sent you an email if anyone opened it. pm me your email and I will send you a user guide for it.
They are pretty amazing what you can do. Oh and yes it will run your ATO. Tunze's is a pretty solid one though. |
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