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Diana 09-26-2012 04:13 AM

300 gallon Paludarium build (image heavy)
Thought I would share some photos of our latest project for those that are interested: a 300 gallon Paludarium. Variety of plant species but no fauna for now. We are using approximately 300 watts T5 lighting, it has two waterfall features for water circulation as well as a fan for air circulation. We aren't heating the water (yet) as the apartment stays quite warm. We set this up in one day. It was a long one.

Tank in wall & supplies ready to go in

Constructing the structure using lighting grate, zap straps and plastic crates

Structure complete

Sewing landscape cloth onto structure

Structure covered

Adding soil

Adding plants... :P

Almost complete!

We have yet to add another two inches of water, some floating plants and tidy things up. Over time the ground covers and mosses will grow in and cover most of the exposed landscape fabric.

Note to future self: try to avoid soil with perlite. Its great for the plants but floats in water :mad:

Will post some more shots once things are settled :)


wreck 09-26-2012 04:36 AM

Super cool!! Nice work!!

Treebeard 09-26-2012 04:39 AM

Beautiful! What kind of critters will be lucky enough to live here?

Eduardo 09-26-2012 04:40 AM

Very nice.

Azzkr 09-26-2012 04:46 AM

awesome set up. also wondering whats going to live in there

Bblinks 09-26-2012 05:19 AM

Looks awesome. Can't wait to see more pics! Nice work.

reefwars 09-26-2012 05:22 AM

incredible is all i can say.....wanna come make one for me too:mrgreen::mrgreen:

albert_dao 09-26-2012 05:50 AM

You might want to ditch the Sarracenia. They don't do well indoors longterm and need a wintering period.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 09-26-2012 06:55 AM

Wow, thanks for sharing.

Skimmerking 09-26-2012 01:14 PM

Wow that looks amazing and the tank looks good too.:razz:

Aquattro 09-26-2012 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Skimmer King (Post 749847)
Wow that looks amazing and the tank looks good too.:razz:

You must be getting old Mike. I was expecting this post as #2 or 3, not post 10. :)

JDigital 09-26-2012 02:17 PM

Wow! That looks fantastic! Nice work!

Looks like you already got some wildlife in there! :lol:

Skimmerking 09-26-2012 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 749852)
You must be getting old Mike. I was expecting this post as #2 or 3, not post 10. :)

i know Brad I must be!!! I'm still feeling my muscles from last weekend from racing Motocross. lol And i have another race this weekend:sad:

Salt2Death 09-26-2012 02:59 PM

Everything in that setup is beautiful!
Nice Work

Sent Via The Pirate Ship.......

Diana 09-26-2012 03:44 PM

Thanks for the comments everyone! ;)

Regarding livestock, for now we are keeping it plants only but might consider some mountain minnows down the road. Interesting experience with the sarracenia Albert, I had it flourish in my personal paludarium for years. Growth would slow over the winter but it never seemed to need a forced hibernation. But I'll definitely keep my eye on it. :)


michika 09-26-2012 04:57 PM

I love this. Nice job!

Doug 09-26-2012 08:09 PM

Absolutely beautiful Diana.

StirCrazy 09-26-2012 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 749968)
Absolutely beautiful Diana.

for sure, everything I have seen Diana post is amazing, maybe I should get her to design the layout to my tank when I set it up :mrgreen:

Didn't take you long to get home and on here Doug, haha.


MarkoD 09-26-2012 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 749852)
You must be getting old Mike. I was expecting this post as #2 or 3, not post 10. :)

I was gonna comment on the cutie in post 2, I held back tho

Diana 09-28-2012 04:25 AM

Aw shucks guys, you're awesome. I'd never turn down a chance to help aquascape.... Im all over that like a fart in a space suit. ;)

marie 01-03-2013 01:10 AM

Has everything settled yet? More Pics? :mrgreen:

11purewater 01-03-2013 01:13 AM

T:biggrin:hat's beautiful! where's the Leezards!

Delphinus 01-03-2013 02:06 AM

Whoa, I totally missed this thread. Nice work!

+1 the request for more pictures please!

Lance 01-03-2013 03:36 AM

Yes, more pics please. How are you making out with yours Marie?

marie 01-03-2013 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by Lance (Post 778699)
Yes, more pics please. How are you making out with yours Marie?

It has issues but looks ok. I'm moving on to the 120g by the stairs. All the fish and corals have been moved to the big tank, It's now a clean, empty slate so I'm looking for ideas :lol:

Seriak 01-03-2013 08:00 PM

Wow! You are giving me some ideas now.

Seriak 01-04-2013 04:48 AM

Do you end up with those little bugs because of the humidity?

Haloreef 01-04-2013 06:37 PM

Viv looks great!
If you are looking for stocking Ideas my sugestion would be any of the Amereega species of Dart frogs as they do well in stream side enviromets.
As a bonus they have a nice bird like, trilling call.

Diana 02-12-2013 08:11 PM

Ive been meaning to post some updated photos next time we are at the house. In the mean time here is a bloom one of the sarracenia put out... which might indicate it is going dormant however most of them are still sending new shoots.

So far most everything is thriving, especially the ground cover :mmph:.


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