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FishyFishy! 09-10-2012 06:04 PM

Lots of livestock for sale - Tank Shutdown
So I have an opportunity that I can't pass up on at work, but the downside is that for the first 12 months, I will be two weeks in the US, and two weeks back here, so having a fish tank babysat by someone every two weeks for two weeks...isn't something I want to risk. A sad...sad day for me as I never got to fully set up the 155 reef tank. But it's a good career choice for me at this point, and after 12 months I'll be able to come back here and buy a bigger, better tank!

First for sale is my livestock. Then all of the equipment I own. Equipment thread is in the Hardware section soon.

All fish are super healthy, eat like pigs, and get along great. They are fed NLS pellets and flakes in the morning and thawed Mysis shrimp in the evening (with exception of eel).

1. Passer (King) Angel (5-6”) - $80.00 (Are known to not be reef safe, but this one has never touched corals)

2. Blue Tang (7”) – Has some scarring around head, but he is fat, healthy and active with a wikid personality - $40.00

3. Red Corris Wrasse (5”) - $40.00 (NOT REEF SAFE)

4. Solar Fairy Wrasse (4”) - $30.00

5. Melanurus Wrasse (4”) - $30.00 (NOT REEF SAFE)

6. Niger Trigger (4”) - $40.00 – (Are known to not be reef safe, but this one has never touched corals)

7. Yellow Damsel (Mating pair) Lay eggs once every 3-4 Days! - $20.00 for pair

8. Flame Hawkfish - $40.00

9. Breeding pair of Ocellaris Clowns (Female is 3” and big, male is 2”) - $30.00 for pair

10. Alans Damsel (3”) - $15.00

11. Talbots Damsel (2”) - $5.00

12. Fiji Blue Devil Damsel – 2” - $5.00 (Very aggressive…do not recommend for a smaller tank)

13. 2 X Green Chromis – 2” - $10.00 each

14. 16” Snowflake Moray Eel - $50.00 – Eats frozen seafood mix (Scallops, Shrimp, Squid, Krill, Muscles etc. etc.) Will include whatever food I have left for him. Very healthy and fat. I feed him with tongs, he will come right up to the top of the tank to feed. Has never even touched any other fish or invert in the tank

15. 15” Orange Serpant Starfish (the size of a dinner plate) - $30.00

When everything is taken down, I will assess how many hermits and snails that I have. I probably have 10 Extra Large Turbo Snails, and 15 Trochus, and 15 Hermits. But who knows. If you want them, let me know and I’ll hold the lot for you until they are ready to go.

Let me know ahead of time if you want anything, so I can catch it before you come over. Pics to follow.

michika 09-10-2012 06:05 PM

Can I see a photo of your tang?

Coralgurl 09-10-2012 06:08 PM


reefwars 09-10-2012 06:11 PM

hey mike , if you have any zoos you want to get rid of pm me and maybe we can work something out for the works:) cheers and goodluck on the new job bro:)

Midway 09-10-2012 06:27 PM


FishyFishy! 09-10-2012 07:45 PM

1. Passer (King) Angel (5-6”) - ON HOLD
2. Blue Tang (7”) – Has some scarring around head, but he is fat, healthy and active with a wikid personality - $40.00
3. Red Corris Wrasse (5”) - $40.00 (NOT REEF SAFE)
4. Solar Fairy Wrasse (4”) - SOLD
5. Melanurus Wrasse (4”) - $30.00 (NOT REEF SAFE)
6. Niger Trigger (4”) - $40.00 – (Are known to not be reef safe, but this one has never touched corals)
7. Yellow Damsel (Mating pair) Lay eggs once every 3-4 Days! - SOLD
8. Flame Hawkfish - SOLD
9. Breeding pair of Ocellaris Clowns (Female is 3” and big, male is 2”) - SOLD
10. Alans Damsel (3”) - $15.00
11. Talbots Damsel (2”) - $5.00
12. Fiji Blue Devil Damsel – 2” - $5.00 (Very aggressive…do not recommend for a smaller tank)
13. 2 X Green Chromis – 2” - SOLD
14. 16” Snowflake Moray Eel - $50.00
16. Cleanup Crew - SOLD

Actual pics:

King Angel

Melanurus Wrasse

Talbots Damsel

Yellow Damsel

Solar Fairy Wrasse

Niger Trigger - yellow damsel, talbots damsel and Green Chromis in background


Snowflake Eel

redearslider 09-10-2012 07:47 PM

The snowflake eel, online it says they can live in a 25G so he would work in my 41g? Is an open top tank a concern for an eel?
If not I am interested.

reefwars 09-10-2012 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by redearslider (Post 744798)
The snowflake eel, online it says they can live in a 25G so he would work in my 41g? Is an open top tank a concern for an eel?
If not I am interested.

only juvies can be kept in tanks that small they eventually need a bigger 16" he would be way to big , and yes they require tops for the tank.

FishyFishy! 09-10-2012 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by michika (Post 744762)
Can I see a photo of your tang?

I will snap one when I get home for sure.

FishyFishy! 09-10-2012 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by redearslider (Post 744798)
The snowflake eel, online it says they can live in a 25G so he would work in my 41g? Is an open top tank a concern for an eel?
If not I am interested.

Yeah I'd say thats a little tight for this guy. Though he dosn't swim around the tank. Like a normal Eel, they just sit in a hole in the rock with their head out lookin like they're talking to themselves. lol.

They also need a very tight lid, mind you I have never seen this guy anywhere near the top of the tank unless he's feeding.

reefwars 09-10-2012 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by FishyFishy! (Post 744801)
Yeah I'd say thats a little tight for this guy. Though he dosn't swim around the tank. Like a normal Eel, they just sit in a hole in the rock with their head out lookin like they're talking to themselves. lol.

They also need a very tight lid, mind you I have never seen this guy anywhere near the top of the tank unless he's feeding.

plus reefwars is sitting him pacing back and forth going should i ,should i ,should i :P:P:P

redearslider 09-10-2012 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 744803)
plus reefwars is sitting him pacing back and forth going should i ,should i ,should i :P:P:P

Lol, well I will pass then. Can't wait to start adding critters into my tank though :)

Maaaaybe the pair of clowns? Althought I think I am leaning towards a pair of GS Maroons, or Cinnamon, or Tomato clowns.

wjq2866 09-10-2012 08:25 PM


Snappy 09-10-2012 09:23 PM

What makes you say the melanarus wrasse isn't reef safe? In what way does it display poor behavior?

FishyFishy! 09-10-2012 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Snappy (Post 744846)
What makes you say the melanarus wrasse isn't reef safe? In what way does it display poor behavior?

Personally I have never seen him nip at corals, but I also have him in a FOWLR with Kenya Trees, GSP, Paly's, Xenia, Clove Polyps, and mushrooms and he has yet to touch anything. He is listed on LiveAquaria as being a NON-Reef-Safe wrasse, so I thought I would mention it. But no evidence to support it!

reefwars 09-10-2012 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by FishyFishy! (Post 744855)
Personally I have never seen him nip at corals, but I also have him in a FOWLR with Kenya Trees, GSP, Paly's, Xenia, Clove Polyps, and mushrooms and he has yet to touch anything. He is listed on LiveAquaria as being a NON-Reef-Safe wrasse, so I thought I would mention it. But no evidence to support it!

i think it says that for the safety of small shrimps, mines pretty reef safe , although hes been known to pull polyps off the rocks for easier hunting lol

Coralgurl 09-10-2012 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 744803)
plus reefwars is sitting him pacing back and forth going should i ,should i ,should i :P:P:P

You totally should!! You know you wannnnnna!

FishyFishy! 09-10-2012 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Coralgurl (Post 744859)
You totally should!! You know you wannnnnna!

LOL niiiiiiice. Love peer pressure!

Red Serpant Star is SOLD

reefwars 09-10-2012 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Coralgurl (Post 744859)
You totally should!! You know you wannnnnna!

i really do lol theres a bunch of fish i want to ike all the wrasses lol

oh man my bank is gonna hate me lol

FishyFishy! 09-10-2012 11:29 PM

I will also have about 150 Lbs live rock that has been cooking for 4 Months, and looks brand new! Almost looks marco dry rock lol.

Also available is about 150 Lbs VERY mature live rock from FOWLR teardown. Lots of coraline, tonnes of stuff growing all over it. Some pieces have aiptasia, blue clove polyps, random corals, sponges etc. all over and some green hair algae. Couple of base pieces that are 30-40 LBS themselves, some are drilled with acrylic rods and such. Lots to choose from.

FishyFishy! 09-11-2012 01:42 AM

Here is what is still available.

1. Passer (King) Angel (5-6”) - ON HOLD
2. Blue Tang (7”) – Has some scarring around head, but he is fat, healthy and active with a wikid personality - $40.00
3. Red Corris Wrasse (5”) - $40.00 (NOT REEF SAFE)
5. Melanurus Wrasse (4”) - $30.00 (NOT REEF SAFE)
6. Niger Trigger (4”) - $40.00 – (Are known to not be reef safe, but this one has never touched corals)
10. Alans Damsel (3”) - $15.00
11. Talbots Damsel (2”) - $5.00
12. Fiji Blue Devil Damsel – 2” - $5.00 (Very aggressive…do not recommend for a smaller tank)
14. 16” Snowflake Moray Eel - $50.00

Here is a crappy pic of the Blue Tang (he won't stop moving!). Most people wouldn't even notice the scars on his face, he is still a beautiful healthy fishy.

BobFish 09-11-2012 02:53 AM

king Angel
if u were to seel king angel, how much, and how big is the fish.

FishyFishy! 09-11-2012 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by BobFish (Post 744972)
if u were to seel king angel, how much, and how big is the fish.

As per my original post where all prices and sizes are listed:

1. Passer (King) Angel (5-6”) - $80.00 (Are known to not be reef safe, but this one has never touched corals)


FishyFishy! 09-11-2012 06:15 PM

Quick Update on Fish remaining. Blue Tang and King Angel are SOLD.

3. Red Corris Wrasse (5”) - $40.00 (NOT REEF SAFE)
5. Melanurus Wrasse (4”) - $30.00 (NOT REEF SAFE)
6. Niger Trigger (4”) - $40.00 – (Are known to not be reef safe, but this one has never touched corals)
10. Alans Damsel (3”) - $15.00
11. Talbots Damsel (2”) - $5.00
12. Fiji Blue Devil Damsel – 2” - $5.00 (Very aggressive…do not recommend for a smaller tank)
14. 16” Snowflake Moray Eel - $50.00

FishyFishy! 09-11-2012 07:50 PM

Melanurus Wrasse is SOLD

Fish remaining:

3. Red Corris Wrasse (5”) - $40.00 (NOT REEF SAFE)
6. Niger Trigger (4”) - $40.00 – (Are known to not be reef safe, but this one has never touched corals)
10. Alans Damsel (3”) - $15.00
11. Talbots Damsel (2”) - $5.00
12. Fiji Blue Devil Damsel – 2” - $5.00 (Very aggressive…do not recommend for a smaller tank)
14. 16” Snowflake Moray Eel - $50.00

To everyone who purchased fish - Thank you - Fish will be out of the tank by Thursday or Friday.

FishyFishy! 09-15-2012 09:17 PM


Still have: Accepting offers.

3. Red Corris Wrasse (5”) - $40.00 (NOT REEF SAFE)
6. Niger Trigger (4”) - $40.00 – (Are known to not be reef safe, but this one has never touched corals)
10. Alans Damsel (3”) - $15.00
11. Talbots Damsel (2”) - $5.00
12. Fiji Blue Devil Damsel – 2” - $5.00 (Very aggressive…do not recommend for a smaller tank)
14. 16” Snowflake Moray Eel - $50.00

FishyFishy! 09-19-2012 05:56 PM


nanoreefnewbie 09-21-2012 10:31 PM

Got any clean up crew for sale..

Nuccio46 09-24-2012 04:29 AM

What do u have left?

FishyFishy! 09-24-2012 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by nanoreefnewbie (Post 748492)
Got any clean up crew for sale..


Originally Posted by Nuccio46 (Post 749142)
What do u have left?

Guys.... really? Look at the post right above you that says:


reefwars 09-24-2012 02:20 PM

hey mike:)

my roomates got his 60g for sale , im taking it all down tonight its 24 x 24 x 24 .....give me a call later im sure we can work something out if you still need one:)

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