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reefwars 08-20-2012 02:06 AM

reefwars 25g cubetank....bonzai!!!!!!!!!
well its been forever in the making and for the past month the tank has been set up running with water but ive been afraid to do the livestock switch as the other system is doing so well.

anyways i needed a bit of a push as if its not broke dont fix it right, so my roomate went out and bought the redsea neo touch tank(waterfall tank) and then to spite me he went out and bought a radion and a pair of wave makers plus a bunch of nice livestock...well game on buddy gammmme onnnnn lol

anyways so i got to plumbing the tank and over the last month i made the bonzai tree and had it sitting in the 90g while i procrastinated some more.

i decided to shut my 90g down as a reef i just dont need a big tank and with the fragroom running i can move the 90g in there as a fish only and have a small reef in the living the bonzai idea got planted into my head.

my bonzai tree is made up of 3 nice pieces of rock i drilled into and stacked onto pvc, the whole tree is removable when ever i feel like it to mount corals.

the sand bed is made of 2 full 50g tanks worth of tempered glass filtered out and cleaned of the small debris so its all large rubble.

the tank is plumbed directly through the wall it sits in front of and behind the wall is my frag room where the cube is plumbed into the same system as my fragtank.

even though i set up the cube today its all finished and full of coral already....not hard to do when you are shutting down a 90g reef and have a fragtank full of corals lol

tank specs:

18 x 18 x 18 cube tank
corner overflow w /durso
sunpod 250mh w 20k bulb
40g sump shared with fragtank
mag9 return pump
asm g2 skimmer
reactor for gfo

ill add some pics to the next post and a small video to satisfy all your photog needs....cause we all know this thread is useless without pics!!!!

reefwars 08-20-2012 03:08 AM

some fts, the tank is only 6hrs old so bear with me:P

reefwars 08-20-2012 03:10 AM

current tank occupants:

a pair of harlequin shrimp
a single sexy shrimp

to be added still this week:

more sexy's
my banded pipefish

and thats it no more fish just maybe another banded pipefish if i can find one eating:P

Proteus 08-20-2012 03:18 AM

So it's like that eh.

K mines Sps Denny and I'm all frags right now but we are at the same timeline. I need monthly updates to see how I'm gunna do come comp time lol

Are those red acans center beside the zoos. I reeeaaalllly like it. Might need a better pic or frag

mseepman 08-20-2012 03:18 AM

Wow...just give you a push and watch you go. Looking great...especially for only 6 hours!

Zoaelite 08-20-2012 03:18 AM

Took you a while to fill that eh :razz:?

Nice tank buddy, when are you planning on getting that Radion?

reefwars 08-20-2012 03:32 AM

insode the cube and the bonzai up close
candy apple redd colonie

large purple and green favia??

sexy shrimp and aussie elegance

magician colonie


toxic torch white tips in the back

dragon sould favia and some random high end zoas/palys

new zoas and palys and my chocolate mint favia

my darknight palys

bright red and green favia and some armor of god palys

bottom of the tree front of tank

top of the bonzai tree(still have to cover the pipe)

left side top of the bozai tree

top right hand side of bonzai tree:

the gruesome twosome

Proteus 08-20-2012 03:36 AM

Awesome looks great.

magikof7 08-20-2012 03:45 AM

Wow very nice!

Proteus 08-20-2012 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by magikof7 (Post 738591)
Wow very nice!

When do we get to say that about your tank

reefwars 08-20-2012 03:59 AM


fishytime 08-20-2012 04:23 AM

looking good there Denny san.......wax on, wax off

reefwars 08-20-2012 04:50 AM

heres a video

Seriak 08-20-2012 01:19 PM

Your tank is looking good Denny!

fishoholic 08-20-2012 01:40 PM

Very nice. Not sure about the glass rubble instead of a sandbed though, seems like it would be rough on fish.

FishyFishy! 08-20-2012 01:59 PM

Looks good! Lovin the Bonsai look

Skimmerking 08-20-2012 02:25 PM

Looks great old Cocky

sphelps 08-20-2012 02:44 PM

Looking good bud. I think next time I come by for frags I'll bring my camera, your tanks always looks so good but your pics never do them justice.

don.ald 08-20-2012 03:03 PM

Looks good, I like the glass on the bottom. Waiting to see how the coriline will grow on it?
What is the green coral bottom right?

reefwars 08-21-2012 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by Titus99 (Post 738579)
So it's like that eh.

K mines Sps Denny and I'm all frags right now but we are at the same timeline. I need monthly updates to see how I'm gunna do come comp time lol

Are those red acans center beside the zoos. I reeeaaalllly like it. Might need a better pic or frag

its on fella, some of the best stuff has yet to be added lol, and yes i believe so they swell up nicely they are mad in the pic and small compared to what they are like when they are happy:P:P

reefwars 08-21-2012 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by Zoaelite (Post 738581)
Took you a while to fill that eh :razz:?

Nice tank buddy, when are you planning on getting that Radion?

im getting one sept 15th this is fact lol its been the whole reason its not been set up... the lack of lights ,and wanting the radion :P:P


Originally Posted by fishoholic (Post 738639)
Very nice. Not sure about the glass rubble instead of a sandbed though, seems like it would be rough on fish.

i have a plan to keep just a par of banded pipefish for the tank, the rest will be shrimp, a pair of harlequin's(will see how this goes) and some sexy shrimps. im maing mysef stick to this plan and i knew having the glass was gonna severely limit my livestock.


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 738654)
Looking good bud. I think next time I come by for frags I'll bring my camera, your tanks always looks so good but your pics never do them justice.

man that would be awesome my phone just doesnt cut it, i can get an ok pic up close but not what id like to get and a shot of more than 2 ft away for me is nothing you make out:(

reefwars 08-21-2012 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by don.ald (Post 738656)
Looks good, I like the glass on the bottom. Waiting to see how the coriline will grow on it?
What is the green coral bottom right?

i was thinking coraline but i doubt anywill grow just whats exposed to light but we will see:P

the large one on the right side of the tank is an aussie elegance, but the one just right of that one which is the one i think your talking about is a favia, i had bought it as a rainbow favia as its color varys but who knows either way its very nice.i have to arrange some things a bit my elegance fully expanded engulfs everyting, it doesnt sting any of it but crowds the light out none the less:)

don.ald 08-21-2012 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 738790)
i was thinking coraline but i doubt anywill grow just whats exposed to light but we will see:P

the large one on the right side of the tank is an aussie elegance, but the one just right of that one which is the one i think your talking about is a favia, i had bought it as a rainbow favia as its color varys but who knows either way its very nice.i have to arrange some things a bit my elegance fully expanded engulfs everyting, it doesnt sting any of it but crowds the light out none the less:)

left! bottom Left is what i meant:redface:

kole 08-21-2012 01:19 AM

Nice job on the tank. Would never say it's a new setup.

reefwars 08-21-2012 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by don.ald (Post 738656)
Looks good, I like the glass on the bottom. Waiting to see how the coriline will grow on it?
What is the green coral bottom right?


Originally Posted by don.ald (Post 738791)
left! bottom Left is what i meant:redface:

im not 100% sure but my best and closest id is a green and purple australomussa, it was bland when i got it but has colored into what it is now, i dont feed it as its feeders are very small and it feeds at night:) one of my faves in the tank for sure:)

reefwars 08-21-2012 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by kole (Post 738797)
Nice job on the tank. Would never say it's a new setup.

thanks buddy you should see it after 24hrs:P:P

reefwars 08-21-2012 03:44 AM

frolicking shrimp at play
its all about da shrimp!!

Coleus 08-21-2012 04:59 PM

very nice setup, i hope mine can be something that is close to that

reefwars 08-21-2012 06:17 PM

Thanks Tai buddy I'm sure evryone though I was full of crap cause I've been procrastinating for mths lol

PS....your tanks gonna blow mine out of the water;)

reefwars 08-21-2012 06:19 PM

So how many sexies can I get away with I'm thinking 10 in total in issues ??

Coleus 08-21-2012 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 738997)
So how many sexies can I get away with I'm thinking 10 in total in issues ??

why 10 and not 20?

reefwars 08-21-2012 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Coleus (Post 739008)
why 10 and not 20?

Haha I figure 10 is the experiment then ill splurge for 20:p or ill buy 10 more if the Harlequin shrimps don't make it:)

FishyFishy! 08-21-2012 06:55 PM

I have 4 sexies in my 7 gal. Fluval Edge Nano and no issues at all. They actually all seem to hang out and get along. So with that size of tank you could easily get away with 10 if not more.

reefwars 08-21-2012 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by FishyFishy! (Post 739010)
I have 4 sexies in my 7 gal. Fluval Edge Nano and no issues at all. They actually all seem to hang out and get along. So with that size of tank you could easily get away with 10 if not more.

Just I wanted to hear thanks:)

reefwars 08-23-2012 12:04 AM

moar pics!!!!!!

reefwars 08-23-2012 12:05 AM

kole 08-23-2012 12:40 AM

Nice collection of corals.

reefwars 08-24-2012 06:21 PM

here is my livestock list so far:

1 x banded pipefish(getting another)
2 x harlequin shrimp
1 x sexy shrimp


golden scroll coral
alien eye chalice
riddler chalice
blue and green chalice
green torch with white tips( and little barnicle buddy and clam)
confused war coral
meteor shower cyphstrea??
toxic favia
purple and green favia
rainbow favia
dragin soul favia
huge black dendro colonie
chocolate mint favia
green and pink reverse prism favia
cotton candy chalice
watermelon chalice
blood red with green eye favia
christmas tree favia
green and purple australomussa
rainbow acans
blue clove polyps
neon green candy canes
green and teal candy canes
neon green blasto
hollywood stunner chalice
aussie duncans
white sebae anemone
huge aussie elegance
green fuzzy mushrooms
orange dottyback chalice

dragons breath macro algae


darth mauls
nuclear greens
purple deaths
sour apples
la lakers
molten lava
devils breath paly
pink mohawks
blue eyed blondes
armor of god
candy apple redds
darknight palys
plus about 10-15 no names that looked cool to me that ive collected and saved:P:P

to be added this week:

9 more sexy shrimp
1 banded pipefish
sunset monti
a variety of very rare and very high end palys(around 15-20 still to go in)
a blue gorgonian(not a blueberry)

still looking for:

superman monti
pokerstar monti
gorgs of many types
orange dendro
other zoas and palsy i dont have:P:P

all in all its a crazy amount of coral to have gl;ued to a 15lb piece of rock lol day what 4 and im over full i havent got a square inch of room to glue and frags to lol

so now its time to grow my little bonzai:P

reefwars 08-24-2012 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by kole (Post 739349)
Nice collection of corals.

thanks jeff buddy:)

reefwars 08-24-2012 06:24 PM

my friend nate came by last night with his camera to get some pics i think we got some great shots when i get them from him ill load them here for you asll to enjoy as my pics do this tank no justice i cant capture anything with my camera just close ups only , hes camera does a much better job:P

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