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mohammadali 08-08-2012 06:58 PM

who has been bitten by Percula Clowns
Hi all
i believe its false percula
i was putting my neon candy cane away from my torch coral and suddenly the clown attacked my hand i thought it wont bite i kept fixing the corals spots

its a pair of percula
i just wants to know if it is normal ?

Aquattro 08-08-2012 07:06 PM

Yup, clowns are damsels, and mean by nature. Mine have bitten me several times.

mohammadali 08-08-2012 07:15 PM

i tried to scare em away but it was just trying to bite me
its a pair and i thought they might have eggs thats why they being aggressive

Aquattro 08-08-2012 07:18 PM

Maybe, but mostly, they can just be mean. :)

FishyFishy! 08-08-2012 07:28 PM

Yup, just about any pair I have had nipped like crazy when my hand was in the tank. Hilarious, but at the same time if you aren't expecting it, it can be quite alarming lol.

Locke 08-08-2012 07:38 PM

Funny, my percs have never bitten me in 3 years of owning them.

I have been bitten by a picasso, but that's not really a surprise to anyone.

FishyFishy! 08-08-2012 07:42 PM

haha the worst I had was "Hercules" or whatever the titan trigger at Red Coral Calgary is named. He is a vicious little bugger! Came all the way from accross the tank just to get me too lol.

Madmak 08-08-2012 07:45 PM

That would be Zeus, the customer eater.

Snaz 08-08-2012 07:55 PM

Clown fish are evil spawn. "Finding Nemo" was a public relations fraud.

Reef Supplies 08-08-2012 08:20 PM

My black clown at home is a maniac! He chases my hand and takes a nip every time my hand is in the tank. Even if I fight him off he does not back down, kinda funny.

Ross 08-08-2012 09:32 PM

Both my clowns attack when ever a hand is near the water.
They have caused many corals to be broken by my reflex to them nipping.

Someone on here had there clown jump out of the water at them a few months back.

mohammadali 08-09-2012 09:20 AM

i have a pair of percula and a black saddle clown
the saddle used to jump and hit to the lid but now hes cool down stay int he bottom of the tank

Spyd 08-09-2012 12:00 PM

My male is fine. My female.... Now that's a totally different story. Anytime my hand is anywhere close to their home, she takes a good nip at me. She used to shy away when I would shoe her away. Now, that doesn't phase her anymore. Anytime my hand is within a foot from their home she bites, guaranteed. They are False Percs.

lockrookie 08-09-2012 05:15 PM

i feel the need to post from a thread i had awhile back regarding killer cownfish


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 633883)
i posted this on another site but canreef was upgrading so now i must share this with you.

must say clownfish are very personable fun to watch. but i never thought nemo would be worse than a ****** off pitbull.. i have noted before that my clown fish love to take a few tiny chunks out of me when doing maintenance.. but i solved that with gloves...and let them have their fun bitting away...

when we had just one clown he was fine friendly and happily swam around me as if i was his best friend but with the mated pairs. very territorial very agressive.. which brings me to todays tidbit..

i have never in my life had a fish fire itself out of a tank right at my face until today.. suicidal? death wish? im guessing nipping at my gloves was not enough cause it flew out of my 50g through the access door opening right atmy face hitting my cheek and falling to the floor.. bugger had to have flown 2 feet to get to me. utterly shocked the living sh.. out of me. so i let him suffer on the floor for a min. little basterd. sccoped him up and threw him back in..but words can describe.

so to al clown fish owners beware...they are out to get us all .. or just me lol

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