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Coralgurl 07-26-2012 02:49 AM

Need help setting up doser-Calgary
I am trying to set up my doser and I have no idea how to do this. Would someone be able to come over and help get it going? I've got beer...:lol: I don't have much in the way of frags to offer. Thanks

sphelps 07-26-2012 03:17 AM

what kind of doser?

fishytime 07-26-2012 03:32 AM

more importantly, what kind of beer?:mrgreen:

Coralgurl 07-26-2012 03:39 AM

It's a Bubble Magnus and I'll supply beer of your choice :lol:

sphelps 07-26-2012 03:49 AM

Not one I'm familiar with

ChizerBunoi 07-26-2012 04:20 AM

Hi, my first post. Sweet.

I have the same unit and had a hard time using it. I had to install a plastic check valve on both ends of the tubing in order for it to work properly. The siphon would drop by the pump motor and lose its prime. Maybe you have this problem as well? I own 2 units with 2 extensions so 14 pumps in total and they all do the same thing. Crappy unit. never will I ever recommend this pump to anyone.

Once you manually pump the solution through all the tubing, set the programming. The way it works is that you select how many ML's you want it to dose and then choose how many times it should dose over a 24 hour period. It will choose the times for you, unless you choose only one dose per day. For pumps 2 - 11, it will then automatically dose 5 minutes afterwards. E.g., if you set your pump #1 to dose at 2pm, then pump #2 will automatically go off at 2:05pm and #3 at 2:10pm, etc...

Best of luck.

Coralgurl 07-27-2012 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by ChizerBunoi (Post 733546)
Hi, my first post. Sweet.

I have the same unit and had a hard time using it. I had to install a plastic check valve on both ends of the tubing in order for it to work properly. The siphon would drop by the pump motor and lose its prime. Maybe you have this problem as well? I own 2 units with 2 extensions so 14 pumps in total and they all do the same thing. Crappy unit. never will I ever recommend this pump to anyone.

Once you manually pump the solution through all the tubing, set the programming. The way it works is that you select how many ML's you want it to dose and then choose how many times it should dose over a 24 hour period. It will choose the times for you, unless you choose only one dose per day. For pumps 2 - 11, it will then automatically dose 5 minutes afterwards. E.g., if you set your pump #1 to dose at 2pm, then pump #2 will automatically go off at 2:05pm and #3 at 2:10pm, etc...

Best of luck.

Hi and welcome to Canreef.

I actually haven't even gotten that far with it. I'm going to see what I can do tonight for a while.

I'm losing all my corals so if I can't get this then I may pack in this tank.

ChizerBunoi 07-27-2012 04:12 AM

I'm sorry to hear that. Don't pack it in just yet.

Have you figured out how much to dose to maintain your water parameters? Pick any time of day and do your water tests for all 3 (CAL, ALK and Magnesium). Go on the bulkreefsupply website and use their calculator to find out what you need to dose to raise your parameters back to normal levels. Dose your tank manually.

Now the next day do another test at the same time as the day before. Whatever the difference is, that will be your maintenance dose. Then depending on what is low (most likely ALK), increase it in equal parts. If you need to dose 15ML to raise the ALK up 1 dKH then make sure you dose the same amount for CAL. In the morning dose Calcium and in the evening Dose Alkalinity.

Keep at that pace for the next 3 days and then do another water check at that same time. Once the test results confirmed that your water parameters are that level that you want, it should be stable. Then setup your auto doser according to what you have it set for.

Every two weeks, do another water test and adjust your maintenance dose accordingly. If you do large water changes of 20% or more, your ALK will raise accordingly. This could STN or RTN some of your SPS corals. So my advice is to keep your ALK at a higher level not at 7 dKH.

Coralgurl 07-27-2012 05:02 AM

I actually just found these calculators earlier today, huge help, so I dosed tonight accordingly, will continue over the next couple of days. I've been dosing according to instructions but I guess that's to maintain. Someone mentioned to increase by 20% but it wasn't making a difference. Tank is not heavily stocked with corals. I've bought reef crystals salt to see if that makes a difference too and will do another water change this weekend.

Thank you for your help, much appreciated!

Wayne 07-29-2012 02:51 PM

What kind of salt where you using before?

Coralgurl 07-29-2012 09:34 PM

I've been using Seachem Salinity. In the bottom of my mixing bucket, there's a lot of build up on the bottom, but when I test, everything is good.

Today my parameters are as follows
Mag 1450
Ca 420
Dkh 6
Temp 78
Salinity 1.026
Phosphates between 0-10, hard to distinguish results

I've tested phosphates and ammonia 0

I noticed this morning, my wall frogspawn is now showing skeleton. I'm going to rescape my 55 and move him back over. This coral has done significantly well up till now, I paid $250 for it and have had it almost a year, not prepared to lose it.

I don't know what is going on and very frustrated. I dont know what to do at this point. I've lost $100's in corals over the past while and although the parameters have been a bit low, is this really enough to have this affect? What am I missing?

fishytime 07-29-2012 09:44 PM


Coralgurl 07-29-2012 09:47 PM

I meant nitrates are between 0-10. Hard to tell with API test.

ChizerBunoi 07-29-2012 10:11 PM

If you mix the salt while it is cold over night, that will prevent the build up. Then turn the heater on when its all mixed up.

Are you trying to raise your alkalinity levels up a little higher? 6dKH makes me cringe.

Based on your tests, you don't have a parameter issue. Are you vacuuming the sand bed at water change? If yes, maybe ease on it for a while until everything gets settled down. maybe gas bubbles are being released.

Or feed more to increase the nutrients. The frogspawn will like it.

Coralgurl 07-29-2012 10:29 PM

I mix warm, will turn the heater off and see if this helps.

The dkh was up to 8 2 days ago. I missed dosing Friday and Saturday but caught up today.

I never have vacuumed the sand in either tank, have a goby who keeps things clean.

I wonder if I need to increase the lighting intensity, have radions, can post what I have them set at. One of them unplugged when I changed some things around this week, but it's only been a few days, checked the programming today and reset.

Coralgurl 08-01-2012 01:51 AM

I've been testing over the last 3 days and dosing accordingly.

July 29
Mag 1450
Dkh 6
Ca 420

July 30 - no dosing mag and ca
Mag 1350
Dkh 7
Ca 420

July 31 - no dosing
Mag 1150
Dkh 6
Ca 440

New salt water - tested tonight
Mag 1250
Ca 380

I've used the calculators and know what to dose to raise and then to maintain. I skipped the water change scheduled for this weekend and am using the balance of the salinity salt before switching. We are heading away this weekend and I'm hesitant to set up the doser without being able to keep an eye on things, but don't want things to slide either.

I'm only going to dose mag and alk, calcium should remain stable. I also need to pick up more magnesium will research DIY mixes if available, but for a quick supply, what's a good local product? I bought a pack from red coral, but didn't write down what it was called, as they are currently closed, any suggestions on what I could grab?
Thanks for the help. I know my posts have been a bit random and scattered out of frustration and not thinking about what I'm saying....

blacknife 08-01-2012 05:36 AM

Epsom salts. Aka magnesium sulphate. Found at pharmacys or bulk food stores.

ChizerBunoi 08-02-2012 12:28 AM

I would highly recommend that you setup the doser. At 6dkh alk, your tank can crash if it is dropping 1dkh each day. Just set it to the maintenance dose for each day. Remember to have a plastic check valve on both ends. That's one inside your solution container, and one at the tube holder. Prime the doser so that the tubes are completely filled.

Oh and be aware that if you don't have the doser led set so that you see current time, it will not work. Meaning your stuck in a menu so it will simply pause.

I don't understand why your mag is all over the place. That's usually the only element that we don't have to dose often.

Coralgurl 08-02-2012 02:01 AM

I don't have any check valves so I will have to run out and find some. Not sure if we are going away this weekend now, looks like all campsites are full already...:twised:

Prior to setting up this tank, my alk has always been at 6 in my small tank, it caused issues with SPS but nothing else, figured if everything was ok, don't mess with it. Had great growth from everything

I understand the relationship between calcium and alkalinity, so last nights results were not surprising there. I don't have a lot of corals in this tank as stated ive lost a lot, for lps I have a wall frogspawn, bubble coral (has grown significantly in the last few weeks) fox coral, brain, duncans - have 2 heads out of 11 left, some zoas, mushrooms (blue rics just split) gsp, and green polyps. My pectina and goniopora are almost dead. I did move my button coral to the other tank, only because i had a fish flipping it. I haven't moved the frogspawn, am moving it to a different location to see if it's flow. Most of these were transferred to this tank in March this year.

I'm diligent when testing and have double tested to make sure results are accurate. My elos test kit (mag) is about a year old, API is about 8 months.

I dosed mag and all last night, I expect they should be at 1350 mag and 8 alk, haven't tested yet tonight but will to confirm.

warriorcookie 08-02-2012 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by blacknife (Post 734666)
Epsom salts. Aka magnesium sulphate. Found at pharmacys or bulk food stores.

I would recommend using magnesium sulphate and magnesium chloride. Using just magnesium sulphate you run the risk of sulphate building up in your system over time.

Why do so many people say to use 1 way valves on both the input and output of the doser? I have used a valve just before the pump head and have not had any issues. Is it a redundancy thing? If so why not just two valves, one immediately after the other?

Sorry I can't offer any help, if I was in Calgary I'd offer to come over...

Coralgurl 08-02-2012 02:48 AM

I found what I'm using, it's fauna Marin mag chloride.

I just tested again and alk is still 6, mag 1350.

I must not have mixed the alk right. Will test it.

Thanks for the offer warriorcookie.

Here's another dumb question, and maybe it will make sense after doser is set up, but why the check valves?

warriorcookie 08-02-2012 04:21 AM

The check valves stop the solution from flowing backwards out of the tube. When this happens, the doser turns on for the set time, but has to pull the fluid up the tube again before it starts coming out the end. This means it wont dispense the correct amount of fluid, or none at all. Usually you only need them for some of the cheap 3 roller pump heads. The better 4 roller heads generally dont have that issue.

Have your Alk numbers been fluctuating like that alot? The loss of corals might be more from fluctuating alk rather than low alk.

Coralgurl 08-02-2012 04:33 AM


Originally Posted by warriorcookie (Post 734865)
The check valves stop the solution from flowing backwards out of the tube. When this happens, the doser turns on for the set time, but has to pull the fluid up the tube again before it starts coming out the end. This means it wont dispense the correct amount of fluid, or none at all. Usually you only need them for some of the cheap 3 roller pump heads. The better 4 roller heads generally dont have that issue.

Have your Alk numbers been fluctuating like that alot? The loss of corals might be more from fluctuating alk rather than low alk.

Ah, that makes sense on the valves.

Fluctuating alk has only been since I started dosing otherwise it's always been at 6, the coral loss has been on going for a while, however the frog has been dieing over the last few days and is worse on a daily basis.

Coralgurl 08-03-2012 02:13 AM

I've moved my frogspawn over to my other tank. I read through my journal over the last year and the parameters in the 55 have been the same since I set it up. The frog is deteriorating daily, unfortunately we are going away for the weekend and there's nothing I can do over the next few days. My daughter deals with the tank while we are away and she doesn't have enough experience to do more than adding water to the top off. if I was around I'd find someone who could take it for me right away until I can get things stable. I'm so sad about this, crazy eh...a coral making me sad.....

Coralgurl 08-08-2012 03:58 AM

I got my doser set up last week before we went away but didn't have time to get the check valves or test before we left. I tested today, alk at 6, mag at 1150.

I mixed the alk at 1/4 cup to 20 cups or water and this was fine when manually dosing. for alk I was dosing 2cups to raise 2'points, mag was 1 cup to raise 100.

Ive got the doser set to pump 1 cup of each throughout the day. I had the mag and alk at 1350 and 8 before running the doser but my settings are not right. I'm grabbing the check valves tomorrow.

Do I increase the dosing until its where it needs to be or do I add more mag and alk to the ro water?

fishytime 08-08-2012 04:07 AM

personally, I would up the amount the pump is dosing..... the more dilute, the solution is, the less effect its gonna have if something malfunctions.....

Coralgurl 08-09-2012 10:42 PM

Finally have decent results. Mag up to 1450, ca at 460, alk still at 6, so I've adjusted the doser to pump more alk, dropped the mag slightly and added check valves. I did a water change yesterday (40 gls) and will do another one early next week with the new salt. Will continue to test daily until things are stable.

My frog has been moved to another reefers tank as it continued to recede, hopefully he can help bring it back.

I want to rescape the tank but wonder if I should leave it alone for a while?

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