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gregzz4 07-25-2012 02:00 AM

Kent Tech M Magnesium - please check my math
I'm going to try this method to battle some algae, so ...

The bottle reads;

Add 1mL (1/4 tsp ) per gallon of aquarium capacity each day to bring the level to between 1250 and 1350 ppm.
This will raise the level by 18.3 ppm per day.

I want to raise my Mg by 100 ppm per day until I reach 1600 ppm

I have a 110g system ( total ) so ...

1 mL * 110g * ( 100 ppm / 18.3 ppm per mL = 5.46 ) = 600 mL

The bottle is telling me to add 600 mL to raise the Mg in my system by 100 ppm

Do you all agree with this ?

Seems like a lot of liquid ...

Plus, that's 1/3 of a $20 bottle :surprise:

Or am I missing something so basic that I should bash my head against a brick wall for missing it :lol:

apexifd 07-25-2012 02:06 AM

To raise up mg to that level, you do need to use alot of mg mix. but once there, it's easy to maintain. double check your salinity level when you get to 1600Ppm

Mandosh 07-25-2012 02:08 AM

Math is "Reef Chemistry Calculator FV"

It does take a lot of Tech M to raise your mag though.

Snaz 07-25-2012 02:12 AM

Epsom Salts available at your pharmacy is a MUCH cheaper method and your tomatoes will like it too!

gregzz4 07-25-2012 02:13 AM

I'll def double check the Sg as I raise it

I don't mind math, but I don't like that online calculator ... maybe I just read it wrong :rolleyes:

So ....

Do you agree with having to add 600 mL to raise my system by 100 ppm ???

gregzz4 07-25-2012 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by Snaz (Post 733312)
Epsom Salts available at your pharmacy is a MUCH cheaper method and your tomatoes will like it too!

Thanks, Snaz ... maybe in the future
I already have this bottle here to use up to Kill Some Algae :twised:

I had only bought it for a backup, but now I need to use it

gregzz4 07-25-2012 02:18 AM

So ....

Anyone want to stick their neck out there for me and tell me my math is correct ?????????

sphelps 07-25-2012 02:39 AM

math is wrong, it's 601 mL

gregzz4 07-25-2012 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 733326)
math is wrong, it's 601 mL

That's what I first came up with, but I didn't want to split hairs

Thanks Steve, I'll go with it :smile:

gregzz4 07-25-2012 04:05 AM

Well, I just added 600+ mL to my tank, err, the DT
OK, I'm gonna have some too .... :drinking:

Death to algae :rockon:

Nano 07-25-2012 04:45 AM

What are you using? I'm using seachem reef advantage CA Mag combo time release formula, 1 tsp per 150L 2 times a week, I use 1/2 a tsp twice a week and my ca is 420 and mag 1350 no algae to speak of and the sps is loving it.

Oilers 07-25-2012 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by Snaz (Post 733312)
Epsom Salts available at your pharmacy is a MUCH cheaper method and your tomatoes will like it too!

How much Epsom Salts do you need to add? Grams/Gallon?? Thanks Snaz.

gregzz4 07-25-2012 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by Nano (Post 733352)
What are you using? I'm using seachem reef advantage CA Mag combo time release formula, 1 tsp per 150L 2 times a week, I use 1/2 a tsp twice a week and my ca is 420 and mag 1350 no algae to speak of and the sps is loving it.

I'm dosing the Kent liquid I referred to as I bought it for one of those 'you have to keep this stuff on your shelf, just in case' kinda scenarios
Well, here's the scenario ...

gregzz4 07-25-2012 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by Oilers (Post 733354)
How much Epsom Salts do you need to add? Grams/Gallon?? Thanks Snaz.

It's all good Snaz, tell him what we all need to know ...
Hijacking is OK when we need to learn :mrgreen:

daplatapus 07-25-2012 05:18 AM

You gotta keep us in the loop Greg as to how that works. I'm upping my Mg dosing as well to see if I can get rid of this Dictyota algae in my tank. But with the BRS Mg they have a calculator right on their website to figure it all out. Hopefully we shall both prevail!

Oilers 07-25-2012 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 733357)
It's all good Snaz, tell him what we all need to know ...
Hijacking is OK when we need to learn :mrgreen:

I didn't mean to hijack your thread. It is still on the topic of raising Mg level however with Epsom salts instead of Kent or SeaChem products. I am sure I am not the only one curious about it.
I can create another thread if you like. Cheers!

gregzz4 07-25-2012 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by daplatapus (Post 733365)
You gotta keep us in the loop Greg as to how that works. I'm upping my Mg dosing as well to see if I can get rid of this Dictyota algae in my tank. But with the BRS Mg they have a calculator right on their website to figure it all out. Hopefully we shall both prevail!

I'll definately keep you up to date with how well it goes with the Kent stuff
Dictyota is not affected by Mg, as far as I can read from the Web ...

gregzz4 07-25-2012 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by Oilers (Post 733366)
I didn't mean to hijack your thread. It is still on the topic of raising Mg level however with Epsom salts instead of Kent or SeaChem products. I am sure I am not the only one curious about it.
I can create another thread if you like. Cheers!

Hijacking is OK when we need to learn :mrgreen:

I did say hijacking is good in this case, didn't I ??

blacknife 07-25-2012 06:00 AM

I finally found some Epsom salts(magnesium sulphate) in the organic soap section at bulk barn. I got about 2 kg and it came to 4 $ and change. That should last me 6 months or longer unless my uptake increases so it seems like a good deal to me.

gregzz4 07-25-2012 06:09 AM

So, with that said ....

Does anyone agree with my question about dosing Kent Mg liquid ... ???

notclear 07-25-2012 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Snaz (Post 733312)
Epsom Salts available at your pharmacy is a MUCH cheaper method and your tomatoes will like it too!

I believe there's something in Kent's as many people have been suspecting that this mystery ingredient can kill the bryopsis algae, not other magnesium products.

Enigma 07-25-2012 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 733373)
So, with that said ....

Does anyone agree with my question about dosing Kent Mg liquid ... ???

Using it? I am, so I would agree.

I might be a bit more conservative than what you're suggesting in raising the daily mag levels, though.

Mexican Turbo Snails have been reported to be sensitive to it. At 1600 ppm someone, somewhere, reported that his Mexicans were no longer "sticky" when they were napping: they'd fall of the glass and rocks. I believe long spine urchins were also indicated as being sensitive. I don't remember the details.

You might like to ensure that you hit 1600 ppm on the first of your days off, so you can monitor the effects and do a wc if nessecary.

gregzz4 07-25-2012 07:43 PM

Thanks for that Shelley

Madreefer 07-25-2012 07:55 PM

The only thing that I know of that the Kent Mg works on is bryopsis. I used it for that and it worked good but required a huge amount. To maintain my Mg I use a mixture of Epsom salts and Absolute Zero driveway ice melting salt. It's a really cheap way to go about it. And the reef calculator is usually bang on with it's calculations so I don't know why you don't like using it

gregzz4 07-25-2012 08:19 PM

I'll have another look at the calculator
Last time I tried to use it, something didn't make sense
Might have just been a brain fart

gregzz4 07-25-2012 08:27 PM

Sooooo ....
Completely different calculator there :redface:
I can't even find the one that I didn't like

I'll have to try this one later though as it won't finish loading right now

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