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NeRP 07-13-2012 11:14 PM

LF: Baby/Juvenile Inverts in calgary
I'm looking for a breeder of inverts as I want young ones for my 35/25 set up, looking for :

-arrow crab
-emerald crabs
And doubt any one has a young one but it'd be nice...
-tuxedo urchin 07-14-2012 12:12 AM

people breed these things?

NeRP 07-14-2012 12:19 AM

I'm sure they're not all stolen from the ocean, and we haven't been passing around the same inverts through out the aquarium trade for the past 30 years...

So yes I'm sure someone does, and if there isn't I think I found my calling in this hobby...

Davidbugera 07-14-2012 01:52 AM

I u do I'll be ur best and steadiest customer lol

Aquattro 07-14-2012 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by NeRP (Post 730862)
I'm sure they're not all stolen from the ocean, and we haven't been passing around the same inverts through out the aquarium trade for the past 30 years...

So yes I'm sure someone does, and if there isn't I think I found my calling in this hobby...

I'm sure nobody does, and it's a great idea! Set up some tanks and get breeding!

Myka 07-14-2012 01:57 PM

None of those listed are raised anywhere other than laboratories. Just recently, you can find some captive bred Peppermint Shrimp from at least one supplier, but that's about it for CB inverts. The trouble is that these inverts have a long pelagic larval stage, and are difficult to raise. Peppermint shrimp are a bit easier, albeit definitely not "easy".

NeRP 07-15-2012 03:45 PM

Thanks, well guess you guys are right time to start researching breading, now the question is which species first.... I think emeralds as they are what I got in to the hobby for.... unless you think there's, a more profitable, species to go after...thoughts:question:

Davidbugera 07-15-2012 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by NeRP (Post 731190)
Thanks, well guess you guys are right time to start researching breading, now the question is which species first.... I think emeralds as they are what I got in to the hobby for.... unless you think there's, a more profitable, species to go after...thoughts:question:

Fire shrimp are worth more then most the costly shrimp iv seen here in Calgary but for the most part I think there all about the same

reefwars 07-15-2012 04:00 PM

[quote=Myka;730962]None of those listed are raised anywhere other than laboratories quote]

if its profit your after theres your answer right there....set up a labratory

if you want to do it as a hobby it will cost alot and i mean alot, if you want to be successful, and then to make a profit...thats gonna be even tougher.

what do you plan to feed the fry??
what set up do you plan to use??
whats your experience in marine breeding??

seems like alot of work for a $30 shrimp or $20 crab unless you have the facilities and resources to do it and the money to back it all up:)

good luck either way:P

NeRP 07-15-2012 04:12 PM

Well I have no experience in any breading in saltwater, as I'm just getting in to it.
But I've been playing around with breading cherry red shrimp in fresh water for about a year and at one point I had over 200.
Like I said some research is needed, gestation cycles and conditions, but now's the time to go round to the pet stores and figure out what's worth my time if all goes well... then once I have a species focus research on that

Davidbugera 07-15-2012 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by NeRP (Post 731203)
Well I have no experience in any breading in saltwater, as I'm just getting in to it.
But I've been playing around with breading cherry red shrimp in fresh water for about a year and at one point I had over 200.
Like I said some research is needed, gestation cycles and conditions, but now's the time to go round to the pet stores and figure out what's worth my time if all goes well... then once I have a species focus research on that

Cherry shrimp ghost shrimp and cray fish breed like rabbits in any fresh water set up my 5 year old went from 6-100 in a lil over 5 months. That said salt water parameters need to be near perfect match to that of wild condictions ie salt drops, temp drops,sunny months and cloudy days have all bin looked at by scientists with very lil luck

syncro 07-15-2012 06:29 PM

I've seen peppermint shrimp babies at a local fish store. The owner said they bred in the tank unintentionally. Might be a good species to start with even if it isn't as profitable.

I suspect it is difficult to make money at small scale. Hope you have luck. I would pay a premium for captive bred animals.

Might also find info at

syncro 07-16-2012 03:37 AM

More info, some inverts:

NeRP 07-16-2012 04:49 PM

Yes I realize they're like rabbits, but a challenge never hurt.

As for the 'Profitable' comments, I didn't literally mean me making a side living on it. I more or less meant that I wanted to breed something that was popular and I wouldn't be sitting on them with no one that wanted to buy them from me...

Thanks for the links syncro....

and an up date.... I was at pieces for some pvc fittings and noticed a very small emerald crab, and as I don't own a true crab yet (hermits are shrimp!!!) and it was a juvi, I snatched it up, looks like I'll start there....

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