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Madreefer 06-16-2012 12:10 AM

Blue Throat Trigger In Reef Tank?
This fish is reef compatible with caution. Has anybody housed one of these in a reef tank? How was it's behavior and how was its with clams and shrimp?

Coralgurl 06-16-2012 12:13 AM

I've had mine for about a month now with no issues. I actually find him to be a more timid fish, but he's one of my faves by far! I'm finding a few snail shells throughout tank but think its my pita coris wrasse eating them! I say go for it!

paddyob 06-16-2012 12:14 AM

I have never had any triggers. But this is because I have always been told to kiss any inverts good bye.

Not sure about the clams though.

Nice fish.

Following... Maybe I NEED one too? Lol.

Madreefer 06-16-2012 12:37 AM

Thanks for the replies. I did some further researching and they all say the same. No problems. I guess i'll go grab the fish and put him in quarantine. It has ick at the moment and I'm pretty sure I will have better success curing the fish as the people that now have the fish.

kole 06-16-2012 01:01 AM

The blue throat trigger I had in a 125 killed a couple of smaller fish. I would like to have another for my 180 but I like small fish in the tank as well. Each fish has its own personality. Keep an eye on it and let us know how it adjusts to your tank.

loveless 06-16-2012 04:03 AM

My blue throats ate both my two cleaner shrimp and the coral banded shrimp. Add with caution, but unless you feed a lot I would expect some issues.

Azzkr 06-16-2012 06:06 AM

Mine did really good did eat some snails but left my shimp alone. i had mine for two months a big one two six inch. he went carpet surfing though. was by far my favorite fish. Mine was really shy at first hid lots

randallino 06-16-2012 06:53 AM

Mine did great until he decided to jump out!

daniella3d 06-16-2012 12:06 PM

Each of these fish is an invidual and it's going to have its own personality. Some are going to kill clam, shrimp etc....some are going to be model citizen.

I have a niger for a year and half and it is a model citizen. Does not touch my clams, shrimp etc...but it is always a gamble when you buy one of these.

It is best to buy it small and keep it very well fed. If they are fed like little pig they won't go hunt for food on their own. I suspect that biting fish and eating shrimp or clam is because they are too hungry.

I feed mine morning and evening and each time he eats like a pig. He's now nearly 8" with the tail.

Jan 06-16-2012 02:53 PM

My guy is in a 180 tank that includes 3 cleaner shrimp,and small fish(yellow assessor,orchid dottyback, swissguard basslet and green clown goby).He is always ravenously hungry. When I feed, I throw food in and then feed him separately larger pellets,silversides,and krill,otherwise he gets alot of the food.
He begs for food,swishing his tail around so hard that he splashes water.Very entertaining and interactive but a real piggy.

lockrookie 06-16-2012 07:09 PM

i love jan's trigger he makes me happy

burgerchow 06-16-2012 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by daniella3d (Post 724552)
Each of these fish is an invidual and it's going to have its own personality. Some are going to kill clam, shrimp etc....some are going to be model citizen.

I have a niger for a year and half and it is a model citizen. Does not touch my clams, shrimp etc...but it is always a gamble when you buy one of these.

It is best to buy it small and keep it very well fed. If they are fed like little pig they won't go hunt for food on their own. I suspect that biting fish and eating shrimp or clam is because they are too hungry.

I feed mine morning and evening and each time he eats like a pig. He's now nearly 8" with the tail.

I've got a 4 " niger in my reef as well. Doesn't touch any of my corals, clams or crustaceans. ( the sohal keeps him in check and he doesn't get a long of browsing time. LOL )

MMAX 06-17-2012 01:28 PM

I agree that they all have their own personalities. Had mine just over a year and he's a model reef citizen. Have 2 peppermint shrimps and a gold coral banded which he hasn't touched. Also he hasn't even looked funny at my clam and corals. He has tried my fingers a time or 2--that little bugger can bite!

noirsphynx 06-17-2012 01:40 PM

The Blue Throat at the LFS were I work had to be removed from the display tank. He was fine for the longest time and then decided to kill a few other fish.

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