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Doug 06-15-2012 03:33 PM

Kamloops move
:wave: Well I,m finally getting settled in.......somewhat. It was a long haul out here. My clowns and the few sps I brought all made it fine, along with my wife,s betta, that thinks he,s a dog or something.

Worse part was arriving and our place was not ready. Nice when you have a trailer full, tubs of fish and corals in your truck and 6 people ready to help you move. Long story but we ended up buying a different unit. Its a bit smaller but was landscaped and with a much nicer lot. And it had a small office/fishroom for me.

Slowly learning our way around here. Found a nice little pet shop yesterday to buy some frozen food for my guys. They were getting sick of flakes I think. My stuff is still in their tub and working on getting my tank ready. In between all the other unpacking stuff and building a shed so we have someplace to put stuff.

Have to say I have never met so many nice people in my life. Helpful, courteous. Even a trip to the dump was something. Never been to such a nice landfill site with so many helpful workers. Same for several of the larger stores.

I ended up going with Shaw for my internet, tv and home phone. Good package, great service and good installer.

Have to go purchase more ro water today to make more saltwater. Hopefully have my ro running soon.

We miss Brandon however. Visiting and coffee with my bud Mike.

Realshow 06-15-2012 03:37 PM

Welcome to Kamloops !
We moved here a couple years ago & love it.
what part of town did you settle in to?

muck 06-15-2012 03:40 PM

Whats this Doug... you passed right by without at least hitting me up for a quick coffee? :twised:

mike31154 06-15-2012 04:16 PM

Great news about a successful move, particularly your livestock & tank stuff. Welcome to BC. You might miss Brandon a bit initially, but come December/January, you're going to wonder why you put up with those Manitoba winters for so long. I spent part of my youth in Gimli & most of my teen years plus early military career in Cold Lake, brrr. Both places had their merits, people socialized more & were also friendly but I'm quite certain I made a good decision in moving to the Okanagan. Many more of my favourite activities are close at hand here & I don't get frozen stiff enjoying the winter sports during the cool season.

Doug 06-15-2012 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Realshow (Post 724335)
Welcome to Kamloops !
We moved here a couple years ago & love it.
what part of town did you settle in to?

Thanks. Out in Brock area. We are on Ord rd, so we close to our kids up in Batch.


Originally Posted by muck (Post 724338)
Whats this Doug... you passed right by without at least hitting me up for a quick coffee? :twised:

Sorry Ryan. :smile: We went no stop from Brandon to Hinton. I will take a rain check however. :biggrin:


Originally Posted by mike31154 (Post 724348)
Great news about a successful move, particularly your livestock & tank stuff. Welcome to BC. You might miss Brandon a bit initially, but come this winter, you're going to wonder why you put up with those Manitoba winters for so long. I spent part of my youth in Gimli & most of my teen years plus early military years in Cold Lake, brrr. Both places had their merits, people socialized more & were also friendly but I'm quite certain I made a good decision in moving to the Okanagan. Many more of my favourite activities are close at hand here & I don't get frozen stiff enjoying the winter sports during the cool season.

We do like it here already. Except its rained since we came. :lol: So much for the desert conditions. It seems like a nice city, easy to get around, lots of places for shopping and restaurants.

I even have my BC drivers license already. :lol:

Delphinus 06-15-2012 04:40 PM

Well cool, glad to hear you're settled in and the move was OK!

Skimmerking 06-15-2012 04:45 PM

ya its a long pipe to join our tanks now Doug. me and Yammy are buying a second home to rent out going to look at it today. pretty excited to.

lastlight 06-15-2012 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by muck (Post 724338)
Whats this Doug... you passed right by without at least hitting me up for a quick coffee? :twised:

Sounds mighty familiar Ryan.

Congrats on the move Doug. Hopefully life (and of course reefing) is more enjoyable there for you.

Doug 06-15-2012 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 724359)
Well cool, glad to hear you're settled in and the move was OK!

Thanks Tony, the actual moving part was ok, parts when we arrived not so, but thank goodness for our family.


Originally Posted by Skimmer King (Post 724361)
ya its a long pipe to join our tanks now Doug. me and Yammy are buying a second home to rent out going to look at it today. pretty excited to.

So which you renting out? Hows ur tank doing?


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 724364)
Sounds mighty familiar Ryan.

Congrats on the move Doug. Hopefully life (and of course reefing) is more enjoyable there for you.

Thanks Brett. Already the time spent with our granddaughters makes any unpleasant part of the move worth it all.

Doug 06-15-2012 07:59 PM

Have to ask, what the **&&^%#% is with gas prices here. How can you be 1.25, then go down to 1.12, then next day back to 1.25, then back down again and so on. What kind of racket is that. Never seen the likes of it before. At least with Safeway points we fill at 1.08 when its low. Just have to watch the cycles. LOLOL

Enigma 06-15-2012 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 724352)
Except its rained since we came. :lol: So much for the desert conditions.:

Don't worry. It will be brown, ugly, and arid in no time at all! When August rolls around you might even wind up on evacuation notice due to forest fires. Remember, if you leave your home before the police remove you from your home you'll probably be looted.

That said, I love the area. There is a lot of great fishing close by, and the Highland Valley is absolutely gorgeous. My parents are in Logan Lake, and I'm trying to convince Hubby to move there.

Doug 06-15-2012 10:30 PM

I will be hiding in my office with the air running when its that hot Shelley. Cant take the heat very good anymore like when a young pup. Our neighbours are from Logan. They lived there last 30 yrs and retired to here.

Doug 06-15-2012 10:32 PM

Also will be making lotsa trips to Calgary now. Our sons company just moved him from Hinton to Calgary. They just in process of house purchase.

:D Red Coral trips.

Realshow 06-16-2012 02:44 AM

gas here is pretty messed up usually cheaper on tues?
the rain will leave and the tumbleweed will roll.
you shouldnt have any evac notices in brock. the worst u will have to deal with is prob smoke for a lil bit.
there are a thousand lakes and great fishing quading etc everywhere.
enjoy the blowing sand cause after that its time to pull out the sleds.
. no matter what time of year it is traffic is never bad.

christyf5 06-16-2012 04:26 AM

Glad to hear the move went well Doug! Welcome to BC :mrgreen:

Doug 06-16-2012 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Realshow (Post 724490)
gas here is pretty messed up usually cheaper on tues?
the rain will leave and the tumbleweed will roll.
you shouldnt have any evac notices in brock. the worst u will have to deal with is prob smoke for a lil bit.
there are a thousand lakes and great fishing quading etc everywhere.
enjoy the blowing sand cause after that its time to pull out the sleds.
. no matter what time of year it is traffic is never bad.

Looks like some great fishing. Look forward to doing some fly fishing again. Traffic does seem to flow very well. Long ways to some things though, as in milage but still faster than driving to some places in Brandon through all the lights and traffic.


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 724501)
Glad to hear the move went well Doug! Welcome to BC :mrgreen:

Thanks Christy. BC license plates next week. :smile:

Lance 06-16-2012 10:21 PM

Welcome to BC Doug. I'm sure you'll love it here.

Doug 06-17-2012 05:30 PM

Thanks Lance.

I find the time shift a tad bit crazy. Missed different things starting at eastern times. I have Nascar on already, so not missing todays race. :lol:

Or calling and texting people back home, forgetting what time it is there. :lol:

wolf_bluejay 06-18-2012 02:28 AM

It's cause the weekends

Originally Posted by Doug (Post 724412)
Have to ask, what the **&&^%#% is with gas prices here. How can you be 1.25, then go down to 1.12, then next day back to 1.25, then back down again and so on. What kind of racket is that. Never seen the likes of it before. At least with Safeway points we fill at 1.08 when its low. Just have to watch the cycles. LOLOL

The gas prices magically seem to concide with busier weekends, mostly due to all the major highways passing through. So friday afternoon -- 1.25, and monday morning 1.12 :lol:

BTW, welcome to kamloops, nice to have another reefer in town (just down the street acutally).

StirCrazy 06-18-2012 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by wolf_bluejay (Post 724939)
The gas prices magically seem to concide with busier weekends, mostly due to all the major highways passing through. So friday afternoon -- 1.25, and monday morning 1.12 :lol:

Doug, you snuck into town did ya...

actually this year it has been the opposite, cheaper on the long weekend prices go up Monday. it was normal to be pretty stable in gas prices here I found until costco opened there gas bar. now you never know when its going up. I just top up now when ever it goes below 1.15 which seams to happen every week. filled up a day early last week and missed out on the 1.09.

anyhow welcome to gods country, except I think this June must be close to setting some records for rain fall :mrgreen:. I start my nights at work tomorrow, but we'll have to get together for a coffee pretty soon. I'll even buy since I don't have to buy for Brad anymore :mrgreen:.

yes it will get brown here but ugly?? not a chance, I look out my window every day at the river valley hills and mountains, can't get to much of a better view for your front window...

you getting used to the trains over there yet?


Doug 06-18-2012 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by wolf_bluejay (Post 724939)
The gas prices magically seem to concide with busier weekends, mostly due to all the major highways passing through. So friday afternoon -- 1.25, and monday morning 1.12 :lol:

BTW, welcome to kamloops, nice to have another reefer in town (just down the street acutally).


Doug 06-18-2012 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by StirCrazy (Post 724965)
Doug, you snuck into town did ya...

Hi Steve. Not really snuck in. Kind of cursin at our place not being ready when we got here. :lol:


actually this year it has been the opposite, cheaper on the long weekend prices go up Monday. it was normal to be pretty stable in gas prices here I found until costco opened there gas bar. now you never know when its going up. I just top up now when ever it goes below 1.15 which seams to happen every week. filled up a day early last week and missed out on the 1.09.
I do the same at Safeway. Never paid over a $1.10 with my wifes Safeway points card yet.


anyhow welcome to gods country, except I think this June must be close to setting some records for rain fall :mrgreen:. I start my nights at work tomorrow, but we'll have to get together for a coffee pretty soon. I'll even buy since I don't have to buy for Brad anymore :mrgreen:.
Kool. Look forward to coffee. I still would like to go visit and buy Brad one some day...:smile: It is very nice here. The surrounding hills and scenery is something we never had in Manitoba. Although I still liked the bush/lakes in Manitoba,s north when we lived and worked there. Thats to isolated for us know though. Need better medical when ya age, unfortunately. :lol:


you getting used to the trains over there yet?

Yes and no. :lol: They are not really a bother. Except everyone now and then seems to vibrate the place. Must be the speed at which they go pass some times.

lastlight 06-18-2012 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 725009)
Except everyone now and then seems to vibrate the place. Must be the speed at which they go pass some times.

Just like a wavebox... once you're near that resonant frequency things get movin' lol.

Doug 06-18-2012 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 725018)
Just like a wavebox... once you're near that resonant frequency things get movin' lol.

Exactly what it seems. :dance:

mseepman 06-18-2012 04:26 PM

Well, be thankful you live in Kamloops...that's the only city in the Okanagan doing that. The rest of us just get the $1.25 price all the time! :)

Reef Puffer 06-18-2012 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by mseepman (Post 725024)
Well, be thankful you live in Kamloops...that's the only city in the Okanagan doing that. The rest of us just get the $1.25 price all the time! :)


Doug 06-18-2012 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by mseepman (Post 725024)
Well, be thankful you live in Kamloops...that's the only city in the Okanagan doing that. The rest of us just get the $1.25 price all the time! :)

Ackkkkkkkkk, its a $1.29 today Mark. :surprise: Unbelievable. And I dont mean the price but how you can gouge people one day and not the next..:lol:

Reef Puffer 06-18-2012 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 725091)
Ackkkkkkkkk, its a $1.29 today Mark. :surprise: Unbelievable. And I dont mean the price but how you can gouge people one day and not the next..:lol:

thats what ive been paying for months, im sure it will go up soon....

StirCrazy 06-18-2012 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 725091)
Ackkkkkkkkk, its a $1.29 today Mark. :surprise: Unbelievable. And I dont mean the price but how you can gouge people one day and not the next..:lol:

I just filled up at costco for 112.9 20 min ago :mrgreen: get gas buddy for your smart phone it will save you money haha.

the vibration of the trains depends on a few things actualy, the speed, the weight, how many (and how bad) the flat spots are on the wheels, and the soil type.


Doug 06-19-2012 03:13 PM

Hey!! We have a cool store here for some saltwater stuff at least. I was at Total Pets yesterday. Some nice fish and some corals. Tanks look nice and clean. Lots of frozen food such as mysis, and best of all, Instant ocean for $59.99. Thats good considering its $99 in Brandon or $75 in Winnipeg last I seen.

Reef Puffer 06-19-2012 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 725237)
Hey!! We have a cool store here for some saltwater stuff at least. I was at Total Pets yesterday. Some nice fish and some corals. Tanks look nice and clean. Lots of frozen food such as mysis, and best of all, Instant ocean for $59.99. Thats good considering its $99 in Brandon or $75 in Winnipeg last I seen.

likely the best store around i think. the ONLY one ive EVER seen anywhere near here with a warranty on marine fish. plus the 2 for 1! they get in some really nice corals, have no problem ordering in what you want, and all around good people! the fish all have ich... but dont they all when you buy them from a lfs? you are lucky to live 5 mins away from them. total pet just opened here in salmon arm, still working on him to bring me livestock but at least i can get salt, food, and additives now. THANK YOU TOTAL PET!! ps if you hold out, they drop their salt to 40$ a couple times a year.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 06-19-2012 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by StirCrazy (Post 725110)
I just filled up at costco for 112.9 20 min ago :mrgreen: get gas buddy for your smart phone it will save you money haha.

the vibration of the trains depends on a few things actualy, the speed, the weight, how many (and how bad) the flat spots are on the wheels, and the soil type.


In the Lower Mainland, they gouge every day. $140.9 was the cheapest I found yesterday. Everywhere else was a couple cents higher.

StirCrazy 06-19-2012 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic (Post 725279)
In the Lower Mainland, they gouge every day. $140.9 was the cheapest I found yesterday. Everywhere else was a couple cents higher.

yta but you guys have to pay extra fuel taxes to off set the amount people have to pay to take the bus or for building bike lanes for people who are to pour to own a car....

way I see it the transit system should be self suporting, and as for bike lanes.. maybe they should have a bycicle regestration to raise money for that stuff, we shouldn't be penilized because we want or need to own a car.


StirCrazy 06-19-2012 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 725237)
Hey!! We have a cool store here for some saltwater stuff at least. I was at Total Pets yesterday. Some nice fish and some corals. Tanks look nice and clean. Lots of frozen food such as mysis, and best of all, Instant ocean for $59.99. Thats good considering its $99 in Brandon or $75 in Winnipeg last I seen.

I haven't been in there since I moved up here, but I didn't think that were that good. guess I was spoiled in Victoria.. but maybe they have eveolved over the last 3 years, I did see they have opened one on the south shore now.


Doug 06-19-2012 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by StirCrazy (Post 725385)
I haven't been in there since I moved up here, but I didn't think that were that good. guess I was spoiled in Victoria.. but maybe they have eveolved over the last 3 years, I did see they have opened one on the south shore now.

Looked pretty good to in comparison to Brandon Steve. Not the selection of a SWC in Winnipeg but salt for instance is cheaper.


Originally Posted by Reef Puffer (Post 725248)
likely the best store around i think. the ONLY one ive EVER seen anywhere near here with a warranty on marine fish. plus the 2 for 1! they get in some really nice corals, have no problem ordering in what you want, and all around good people! the fish all have ich... but dont they all when you buy them from a lfs? you are lucky to live 5 mins away from them. total pet just opened here in salmon arm, still working on him to bring me livestock but at least i can get salt, food, and additives now. THANK YOU TOTAL PET!! ps if you hold out, they drop their salt to 40$ a couple times a year.

Agreed. They will have my business for sure.


Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic (Post 725279)
In the Lower Mainland, they gouge every day. $140.9 was the cheapest I found yesterday. Everywhere else was a couple cents higher.

Wholley doodle Anthony. Thats crazy.

Gools 06-24-2012 01:49 AM

Welcome to BC, Doug! another Manitoban to make his way out here! Get use to the ribbins you get when you Cheer for the Bombers and Jets! I`ll never convert!

Doug 06-25-2012 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Gools (Post 726317)
Welcome to BC, Doug! another Manitoban to make his way out here! Get use to the ribbins you get when you Cheer for the Bombers and Jets! I`ll never convert!

Hi Nigel. Have that large tank running yet. Ya I here you on that. Its ok though as I,m also a Leafs fan, :lol:. My friend in Red Deer is already giving me the gears over the Rebels vs the Blazers as I use to bug him when the Wheaties beat the crap outta them. :lol:

Doug 06-27-2012 12:21 AM

:faint2: Wow the excitement just keeps getting better. Bought my truck insurance today. Close to DOUBLE my Manitoba insurance.


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