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Dlo132 06-11-2012 03:13 AM

Wife is demanding some COLOR!
Hey all- I got my tank- came with a small party of fish/corals, but the wife wants some more color- at this point my ammonia, Nitrates and Nitrites are all at 0, (Nitrites are not detectable on my test kit, but i have heard the brand i have has a tendency to lie.)

At the moment I have a 90G with a 33G sump, and about 90 pounds of live rock- in the tank I have:

Corals: Various Polyps- im still earning the names :)
2 anemones that haven't moved since the night i got everything set up
Fish: 2 Clowns
2 skunk clowns
1 mandrin dragonette (who is eating my "home made" fish food like its going out of style! Shew!)
1 Marine Betta (also eating the garlic soaked puree' of fishy yuck)
5 Mollys (that were only here to reproduce to feed the marine betta, but now that i have seen him eat, they are going to their own tank)
2 coral banded shrimp
1 fire shrimp
1 sally lightfoot who has been well behaved so far
an army of little hermit crabs

I do not have a tank cover, so this limits my options- but I was hoping to add:

1 golden eye/kole Tang
1 flame or coral beauty Angel (or both is i can get away with it!)
1 lawnmower Blenny
a couple bangai cardinals
possibly a couple gobies

and any suggestions the experienced people on here might have :)

Is this a feasible list, or are their better options that I don't know about?
I would probably try and order it all through JL, as the cost savings if i got everyone at the same time is pretty substantial, even after shipping, and after pulling out the herd of Mollies my filtration should be fine.

Thanks all- and if anyone local wants to grab a beer and fill my head with "on hand experience", Ive always got a six pack in the fridge!

e46er 06-11-2012 04:02 AM

Getting them all at once will overload your system and end badly

Add fish slowly
1 every month max

Dlo132 06-11-2012 01:35 PM

Ok- so adding a fish a month, will this list be compatible with my current inhabitants?

Seriak 06-11-2012 01:47 PM

One fish per month sounds a little too careful. I typically add 1 fish a week (Maybe a couple smaller ones) and have never experienced any loses. I also do weekly water changes which helps.

Aquattro 06-11-2012 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by Seriak (Post 723429)
One fish per month sounds a little too careful.

While one can never be too careful, I'd agree. One a week is plenty of time for the tank to adjust.

subman 06-11-2012 03:27 PM

I would say the list is ok (on the full side for your tank) I would be careful of the dwarf angels they can be nasty little buggers and are 50/50 if the are going to nip at corals. If they are a must have only one and add it last.

Spyd 06-11-2012 04:15 PM

Your fish list looks fine. You will only be able to get away with one of the Coral Beauties or Flame Angels. Putting 2 in a 90G will cause issues. In a 90G, I wouldn't be afraid to add a Powder Brown Tang or something with some more colour... A Yellow Tang would definitely add some pop in your tank as another option. I know a 90G is a little small for Tangs, but having 1 will not be the end of the world. Add this fish last as they are a little more aggressive.

The Bengaii's are nice because they stay in the open, however, colour wise, there is very little there and they do not swim around a whole lot. Maybe look at some Pajama Cardinals?? More colour.

A Lawnmower Blenny is interesting, but again, very little colour. Another option for a fish is a Royal Gramma as well. Nice Purple and Yellow combination but they hide out a little more...

The best way to add some colour in your tank is through corals. You can find any colour and they really make your tank pop.

Dlo132 06-11-2012 04:42 PM

Thanks for the tips---

I really like the Scopas tangs-- how long do they usually take to grow to full size?

I plan on having more corals soon-- the wife likes the fish though, and if she's happy with the tank, the gurgling and buckets in the kitchen Are more tolerable to her. :)

Spyd 06-11-2012 05:08 PM

Very true!! Other options are:

Foxface Rabbitfish. Nice Yellow / Black & white look. They grow larger but would be fine in a 90G.

Anthias are another great option. Some have beautiful colours, you can keep more than 1 and they swim out in the open. Only concern may be with jumping but you would have to get some opinions on that...

I think a Scopas Tang is a good option size wise as well for a Tang. Not as much colour though.

subman 06-11-2012 05:26 PM

I would look at firefish as well. Nice color and friendly as well as maybe a flame hawk as long as you don't plan on keeping any shrimp.

Dlo132 06-11-2012 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by subman (Post 723469)
I would look at firefish as well. Nice color and friendly as well as maybe a flame hawk as long as you don't plan on keeping any shrimp.

No more hawkfish in this tank- the one that came in it killed a fire shrimp- the "boss" Was moderetly upset.

Seriak 06-11-2012 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by subman (Post 723469)
I would look at firefish as well. Nice color and friendly as well as maybe a flame hawk as long as you don't plan on keeping any shrimp.

I love my purple fire fish. Only problem is, I never see it. Always hiding in the rock.

Dlo132 06-11-2012 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by Seriak (Post 723485)
I love my purple fire fish. Only problem is, I never see it. Always hiding in the rock.

I don't need any more scaredy cats- the marine Betta just hides Untill breakfast, stalks the biggest chunk of food, then hides for another 23 1/2 hours. And he is by far the biggest fish in the tank.

Enigma 06-11-2012 07:38 PM

Hmm. Some of the fish you've listed are not very colourful. Is there any specific colour/fish on her wish list?

Hubby wants "cool stuff" in our tank . . . which is about as helpful and descriptive as "more color." :lol:

Dlo132 06-11-2012 07:49 PM

Well I think more "flash" is a better word.

I want fish that will serve a purpose and be interesting to watch, As my clean up crew is slacking and my algae problem seems to be full blown one day and no existent the next.

Wife wants fish with some flash (bold black/white contrasts or colors that "pop").

I'm looking into these fox faces as they seem pretty interesting and will serve both purposes! Is it ok to house a fox face with a smaller tang usually?

fishoholic 06-12-2012 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by Spyd (Post 723461)
Very true!! Other options are:

Foxface Rabbitfish. Nice Yellow / Black & white look. They grow larger but would be fine in a 90G.

A 90g is way to small for a foxface or any other kind of rabbit fish. They grow large fast (might be ok for a year if you get a 2" one to start but would need to be re-homed after a year, grows to 5-6" within a year usually) mine is 8" and is big in my 230g.

kdpuffer 06-12-2012 01:25 AM

Depending on the fox face, an lo or one spot doesn't get as big and are not as active of swimmers as tangs. Something for the op to note- fox face have venomous dorsal spines. Depending on the person the reaction can be mild to very severe.

Snaz 06-12-2012 01:40 AM

Fridmani Pseudochromis (orchid dottyback) is a colourful and interesting fish. I have always had one in my tank.

intarsiabox 06-12-2012 03:18 AM

Build a 1/4" mesh top for your tank (doesn't restrict light) and look at some fairy and flasher wrasses. There is a How-To video on the BRS website for mesh tops if you're looking for ideas. I used to have a flame angel and it was a very pretty fish. Don't buy the first one you see though, some have very bland coloring while others are a really bright red with a very pronounced metallic blue on their fins.

Dlo132 06-12-2012 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by kdpuffer (Post 723606)
Depending on the fox face, an lo or one spot doesn't get as big and are not as active of swimmers as tangs. Something for the op to note- fox face have venomous dorsal spines. Depending on the person the reaction can be mild to very severe.

I got a 1 spot yesterday - ocean city had 1 in and he looked pretty bright. Is hiding with the Betta today but I'm sure in a couple days he will be eating away at the rockwork. Thanks all.

dc4 06-13-2012 10:33 PM

My wife really has no interest in my tank but loves my flame angel.

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