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Snappy 06-01-2012 11:03 PM

Your Favorites - Coral Master Frag pix
I had a suggestion from a customer to do this and thought it was a great idea.
I would like to invite Coral Master customers to post pictures of their favorite Coral Master frags. I really appreciate your business and would love to see how they have done for you. Frag shots, growth sequence, SPS, LPS, Softies, Clams, etc. Any and all pictures of livestock purchased through Coral Master are welcome. :biggrin:

Snappy 06-01-2012 11:18 PM

I thought I should add this reminder

Aquattro 06-02-2012 01:04 AM

Great idea Greg! I'll get some pics up shortly. Just working on a project :)

Borderjumper 06-02-2012 01:35 AM

a few of mine..


rock flower nem

mini maxi

and the other half :mrgreen:

Snappy 06-02-2012 03:33 AM

Great shots Shelley, thanks for sharing! That Ricordia garden is looking awesome and the nems are off the hook! Also glad to see the orange hammer still looks like a pile of shredded Cheddar. :biggrin:

Borderjumper 06-02-2012 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by Snappy (Post 721246)
Great shots Shelley, thanks for sharing! That Ricordia garden is looking awesome and the nems are off the hook! Also glad to see the orange hammer still looks like a pile of shredded Cheddar. :biggrin:

Thanks! the pic doesn't do the hammer justice.. It's defiantly cheddar cheese orange!

Snappy 06-02-2012 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Borderjumper (Post 721254)
Thanks! the pic doesn't do the hammer justice.. It's defiantly cheddar cheese orange!

Yes I have the same problem, it's hard to get that orange to pop in a photo the way it does in person.

fishytime 06-02-2012 02:50 PM

Cali tort I once had

Rice Reef 06-06-2012 04:19 AM

A few of my favorites (all my Snappy Corals are my favorites but I cannot take all of them at this time). :biggrin: Greg, hope you can ID them. I had them in a order at one time but a kid one time knocked the rack of Snappy Corals and so they all got rearranged. Wish I had done a better job in catalogging them...:redface:

Ones that I don't need ID on...

Spiny 06-09-2012 02:09 AM

Convexa bought 2 years ago, definitly my favorite I got from CM

Snappy 06-09-2012 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 721321)

Yep that was a beauty. Thanks for sharing Doug.

Snappy 06-09-2012 05:05 AM

Wayne I really appreciate you sharing these pictures however in a different system and especially with such different light "reticulet evolution" really kicks in and makes corals very hard to ID. I will take my best crack at it but there are some that I look at and think "did he really get that from me?" because they look completely different and there were a few that you got frags of that I later lost to RTN. But anyway here goes....:biggrin:

Originally Posted by Rice Reef (Post 722197)
A few of my favorites (all my Snappy Corals are my favorites but I cannot take all of them at this time). :biggrin: Greg, hope you can ID them. I had them in a order at one time but a kid one time knocked the rack of Snappy Corals and so they all got rearranged. Wish I had done a better job in catalogging them...:redface:

A. Fastigata

Fiji Blue Polyp
CM Bonsia

Acropora Gomezi


Possibly A Exquisita but it will need to grow out more to make a positive ID. The corallite structure doesn't really appear to be settled yet so once it starts really branching we should be able to get a better idea.
I suspect it's A.Selago but if you can provide more of a top down shot the different angle would help me to ID with more confidence.

Snappy 06-09-2012 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by Spiny (Post 722949)
Convexa bought 2 years ago, definitly my favorite I got from CM

Great to see a Quebec customer participating. Thanks for sharing, that convexa looks fantastic!

Rice Reef 06-09-2012 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by Snappy (Post 723016)
Wayne I really appreciate you sharing these pictures however in a different system and especially with such different light "reticulet evolution" really kicks in and makes corals very hard to ID. I will take my best crack at it but there are some that I look at and think "did he really get that from me?" because they look completely different and there were a few that you got frags of that I later lost to RTN. But anyway here goes....:biggrin:

Hi Greg,
Thank you for trying... You got a point... Diff system and lights can make corals grow differently making it hard to compare. On the first pic it is the greenish and cream colour piece with blue hint tips.
The fourth one is green and purple with yellow tips and blue polyps.
The last one is green and Has hints of light orange or red and cream and yellow it likes like a table acro...
I'll pm you a list of all the corals I've purchased less the last order. I've kept the bags.:)

Snappy 06-09-2012 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Rice Reef (Post 723027)
Hi Greg,
Thank you for trying... You got a point... Diff system and lights can make corals grow differently making it hard to compare. On the first pic it is the greenish and cream colour piece with blue hint tips.
The fourth one is green and purple with yellow tips and blue polyps.
The last one is green and Has hints of light orange or red and cream and yellow it likes like a table acro...
I'll pm you a list of all the corals I've purchased less the last order. I've kept the bags.:)

Great that should make it easier since I always write the ID on the bag of each coral sent, glad you saved them. :wink:

Snappy 06-10-2012 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by Rice Reef (Post 723027)
Hi Greg,
Thank you for trying... You got a point... Diff system and lights can make corals grow differently making it hard to compare. On the first pic it is the greenish and cream colour piece with blue hint tips.
The fourth one is green and purple with yellow tips and blue polyps.
The last one is green and Has hints of light orange or red and cream and yellow it likes like a table acro...
I'll pm you a list of all the corals I've purchased less the last order. I've kept the bags.:)

Ok Wayne I have gone over your pix again and made some corrections with my best guesses. If you have some pictures of others on the list you sent me I would love to see them too. :biggrin:

lee9 06-11-2012 01:55 AM

Here are a few of my favorite Coral Master purchases. I'll move them off the frag rack some day!

Orange Crush Chalice, Lava Chalice, Mummy Eye Chalice

Chalices under the moonlight.

Dragon Soul Favia

reefermadness 06-11-2012 03:53 AM

lava chalice looks pretty neat.

Rice Reef 06-11-2012 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by Snappy (Post 723185)
Ok Wayne I have gone over your pix again and made some corrections with my best guesses. If you have some pictures of others on the list you sent me I would love to see them too. :biggrin:

Hi Greg,
Here are some top down shots of the same and new ones for you to ID... they surely look different from the top...

The Selago? (not the one on the plug)


CM Bonsai

Fiji Blue


Orange Hammer

Ones for you to ID...


Snappy 06-15-2012 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by lee9 (Post 723370)
Here are a few of my favorite Coral Master purchases. I'll move them off the frag rack some day!

Orange Crush Chalice, Lava Chalice, Mummy Eye Chalice

Those look great Lee, thanks for sharing. That cyphastrea is looking pretty good too. :mrgreen:

Snappy 06-15-2012 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Rice Reef (Post 723392)
Hi Greg,
Here are some top down shots of the same and new ones for you to ID... they surely look different from the top...

Ones for you to ID...

The color is way different but I think this might be

looks to be A VERMICULATA


Not sure on this one but I lke it :wink:


Thanks for sharing Wayne, I did my best for ID's but some of them look completely different (some better) in your system. That desalwii is off the hook! :eek:

MMAX 06-18-2012 01:57 PM

Here's a few Coral Master frags I picked up Dec 2010...

Had only 1 casulty, Acropora Lovelli, here's a couple of them mounted in the tank

Acropora Formosa

Blue Acropora Humilis

Acropora Florida & Acropora Tenuis

Orange Monti

And here they are now, have been dosing alk, Ca & Mg since Jan 2012

A. Formosa, finally starting to grow

A. Humilis, needs to color up a bit

A. Florida & A. Tenuis, these 2 haven't done much

Monti, a monster. Is this a scrolling monti?

Acropora Microphthalma (Frost Polyp),doing quite well. 2nd pic shows were I first had him, starting to grow into a new coral.

lastlight 06-18-2012 03:58 PM

whoa that humilis went crazy you're doing something right =)

Snappy 06-19-2012 01:07 AM

Thanks very much for sharing! Looking at the growth you are getting from some and so little on the tenuis & a.florida I would suggest there is something going on in that area they are in since they are both growing together and those strains are not typically really slow growers. Like Brett said that humilis has really taken off, looks great!

MMAX 06-19-2012 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by Snappy (Post 725151)
Thanks very much for sharing! Looking at the growth you are getting from some and so little on the tenuis & a.florida I would suggest there is something going on in that area they are in since they are both growing together and those strains are not typically really slow growers. Like Brett said that humilis has really taken off, looks great!

Any suggestions? Only thing I can think of is not enough flow. What type of monti is the one you gave me Greg?

Snappy 06-19-2012 05:44 PM

I am away in Mexico right now & using my Ipad with the "go to my pc" app which isn't great for scrolling through pictures on the forum so I will be able to better answer when I get back.:smile:

Snappy 06-22-2012 11:16 PM


Had only 1 casulty, Acropora Lovelli, here's a couple of them mounted in the tank
How long after you got your order did it die? Any idea what happened?

Snappy 06-22-2012 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by MMAX (Post 725154)
Any suggestions? Only thing I can think of is not enough flow. What type of monti is the one you gave me Greg?

They both like lots of flow & light but it seems odd that both their growth has been so stunted for so long.:noidea:
As for the Monti, it both encrusts & plates and gets very orange. I don't have it anymore unfortunately and don't remember the species off the top of my head and will have to look it up when I get back to Calgary.

MMAX 06-23-2012 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Snappy (Post 726155)
How long after you got your order did it die? Any idea what happened?

If I can remember correctly, it didn't last very long--maybe 2 weeks. Had it at the very top of the tank, lots of light & flow and it bleached away to nothing. Really liked the sky blue color of it and was a bit disappointed.

Snappy 06-23-2012 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by MMAX (Post 726214)
If I can remember correctly, it didn't last very long--maybe 2 weeks. Had it at the very top of the tank, lots of light & flow and it bleached away to nothing. Really liked the sky blue color of it and was a bit disappointed.

In the future please be sure to let me know if you have a problem with a coral you buy from me Right away so I can resolve the situation ASAP. My guarantee is stay alive for 10 days but if there is a piece having issues I am pretty reasonable to work with, especially if it died in two weeks it was likely having a problem within the 10 day period anyway. :biggrin:

MMAX 06-23-2012 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Snappy (Post 726237)
In the future please be sure to let me know if you have a problem with a coral you buy from me Right away so I can resolve the situation ASAP. My guarantee is stay alive for 10 days but if there is a piece having issues I am pretty reasonable to work with, especially if it died in two weeks it was likely having a problem within the 10 day period anyway. :biggrin:

I will remember that in the future but I thought that policy was just for mail orders. Not like I was blaming you, just thought it might have been a tough species to keep alive. No hard feelings on my part.

Snappy 06-26-2012 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by MMAX (Post 726261)
I will remember that in the future but I thought that policy was just for mail orders. Not like I was blaming you, just thought it might have been a tough species to keep alive. No hard feelings on my part.

Glad to hear that but yeah for future reference if there is an issue let me know so I can fix it. :biggrin:

reefan 07-27-2012 06:20 AM

one of my recent favorites from CM

Snappy 07-28-2012 12:47 AM

Thanks for posting - that coral is a fave of mine too.

fishytime 07-28-2012 03:22 AM

here's an oldie, but a goody:biggrin:

Snappy 07-28-2012 03:28 PM

Great picture Doug, thanks for sharing.

fishytime 07-29-2012 12:39 AM

and another......

lee9 07-29-2012 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 734047)

Oooh... awww... I want that one!

Myka 07-29-2012 03:34 AM

I have a whole thread dedicated to growth sequence photos of Snappy's Rainbow are a few pics from it.

Aug 30, 2009

March 17, 2010

July 31, 2011

It is now another 50% bigger...I should take another photo of it. The color of it really changes to reflect the overall performance of the system. It is one of the first corals to drop its color when things are amiss, and one of the first to color back up. I also find this coral very difficult to capture the true colors with my camera.

Snappy 07-29-2012 04:10 PM

Doug - thanks for posting that HOT Acan. That has really grown into a great looking colony. (looks just like it's mother) :wink:

Mindy - thanks for the cool growth sequence shots of that stylo (how did I manage to miss your original thread on that?)- that is a great coral and you are right about it being hard to capture it's true colors. That coral gets color morphs like nothing else I've seen before or since. Below are a few shots of what the mother looked like.:biggrin:

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