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axe_man16 05-16-2012 12:30 AM

Coral Beauty in a reef tank
I am thinking about adding a coral beauty to my reef tank. I have mainly sps with a fews zoas. What do you think

1. Have one and love her
2. Had one was a nightmare
3. Would take a chance on one
4. No way not in my tank

MarkoD 05-16-2012 12:37 AM

Most aggressive fish I've ever had

kole 05-16-2012 01:01 AM

Have had the same one in my reef for about six years now. Hardy fish and I haven't seen it picking at corals.

sharkbait 05-16-2012 01:14 AM

One of the loveliest fish I have ever had. Never touched my zoas or lps. I really loved it!

The Guy 05-16-2012 04:49 AM

I have one in my reef tank and never bullies or goes after any coral. She is truly a beauty, no regrets at all. :biggrin:

bignose 05-16-2012 05:32 AM

I've had one before and sold it because it was nipping at a clam I had. I don't have any clams in my tank now so I bought another one and I'm glad I did, it started eating pellet food in a couple of days and no picking at corals.. as of yet. Next time I want a flame though.

nrosdal 05-16-2012 05:43 AM

i have 2 in a 120 for a while now and they are great with lps/a few sps and softies... might even try a clam soon.

xnmuller 05-16-2012 03:48 PM

I added one about a month ago. She played strange for about a week always hiding, then decided she ruled the tank for a week and was nipping at some of the other fish. But she has since settled down and gets along with her tank mates. I have not seen any evidence that she is interested in any of my corals either. I'm super happy with my decision to add a coral beauty.

paddyob 05-16-2012 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by MarkoD (Post 717037)
Most aggressive fish I've ever had

Serious? Over any of your big tangs?

paddyob 05-16-2012 05:36 PM

Almost a year and a half. Great big and favorite.

Northvan 05-16-2012 10:26 PM

coral beauty in reef tank
have had ours 3 yrs in our 90 gallon reef. Also added a flame angel (gasp) a few months ago, 1 day of fighting, now swimming together. Neither has bothered our corals, but we have mostly softies.

toolmanbmw 05-16-2012 11:10 PM

Mine is great. Never touched anything. He is ranked third in my tank.... The tang is the boss.

Tracey2 05-17-2012 12:28 AM

Mine is in a 150g mixed reef and I have never seen her bother a coral, she is not aggressive but not a wimp either, perfect beauty.

Snappy 05-17-2012 05:17 AM

Mine has been a model citizen for the past 8 years and it is gorgeous. That said fish are hit & miss and the only way to tell if it is well behaved is to add it into the reef.

reefme 05-17-2012 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Snappy (Post 717326)
That said fish are hit & miss and the only way to tell if it is well behaved is to add it into the reef.

Best answer you can get.

tang daddy 05-17-2012 10:24 PM

Had mine for a year and it was fine well fed, cut down the feeding and it went party platter sampler, had to drain the tank to catch him. It was my fault because he was use to eating lots to once every other day. With sps and Zoas you're fine, Lps they may nip if hungry or bored. Generally angels go for Zoas sponges and sps polyps however there are alot of people who keep angels in sps tanks and as long as they have food they are fine.

tt101 07-02-2012 09:22 PM

i have had one for 3 months now and I LOVE HER!!!!!!!!! she never touches anyone or anything. my zoas are as happy as could be and she is around 3.5 inches long. one of my favourites by far, very colorful and peaceful and i even had her with a yellow dwarf angel and still nothing at all. the yellow is gone now because my damsels raped him but im thinking of adding a flame to the tank but scared to upset the balance.
i say go for it

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