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krisalexander 05-02-2012 05:13 AM

Any Tips or Tricks for Clown Fish?
Maybe a stupid question, and I know the real answer is wait until they do it, but I sometimes get a bit impatient.

Anyone had any luck with any tricks to getting clowns to host in their Anemone?

I have had a couple of clowns for 2 months and a GBTA for a month.



ryanb69 05-02-2012 06:04 AM

I have heard of people putting pictures of clowns hosting anemones against the glass, so your clowns can see them hosting. Its a really far out plan, but some people claim it helps

ElGuappo 05-02-2012 07:08 AM

I've done the pic thing. It worked for me. 8 months no hosting and 3 days after the pic went up they started hosting

Sent from my galaxy S2 using tapatalk.

lockrookie 05-02-2012 07:23 AM

clowns are evil.. that being said the pic things work as well as just wait they will find and the interspecies love making threesome will ensue.

fishytime 05-02-2012 01:16 PM

You can also try placing a mirror as close to the nem as you can..... They also may never host..... What kind of clowns are they?....are they captive raised or wild clowns?....

krisalexander 05-02-2012 06:14 PM

I will try the picture, I have an impatient girl friend who didnt like the tank purchase! :biggrin: if it wasnt for the clowns she would completely hate the tank.

They are tank-bred from a local distributor here in the GVRD.

I am hoping this picture idea works!

thanks for the help!

daniella3d 05-03-2012 02:33 AM

Some clown with never host an anemone. I had 2 occellaris for about a year and they never even got close to my anemone. I tried the picture thing and it did not work either. I ended up selling those clownfish and bought to babies black ice (also occellaris) and in less than 2 days they were hosting. They are now hosting 2 anemones (sebae) and a duncan part time.

It's cute to see each clownfish go into its own anemone at night to sleep.

The tric here was to replace the clownfish.


Originally Posted by krisalexander (Post 712504)
Maybe a stupid question, and I know the real answer is wait until they do it, but I sometimes get a bit impatient.

Anyone had any luck with any tricks to getting clowns to host in their Anemone?

I have had a couple of clowns for 2 months and a GBTA for a month.



paddyob 05-03-2012 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by ryanb69 (Post 712509)
I have heard of people putting pictures of clowns hosting anemones against the glass, so your clowns can see them hosting. Its a really far out plan, but some people claim it helps

It worked for me. Ken a BW told me about it. Within a few days they were hosting.

Used a pic of the sake type clowns in a similar nem... Printed to scale of real life, taped up and watched.

Amazed. Truly amazed.

arash53 05-03-2012 03:03 AM

Are they currently hosted in something else?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

chewie 05-03-2012 03:32 AM

hosting trick
you could try to put a fake clown near or in the nem. By fake i mean one like the kind that comes on some of the veggi clips sold, or hunt toy store, 2nd hand store for a plastic nemo toy ( would feel safer with clip one as it IS tank safe, not sure about others) I had a freind try this with great success.

krisalexander 05-03-2012 09:40 PM

I put the picture up last night, now it is the waiting game.

I thought about picking up a black clown yesterday when I was at J & L and putting it in the tank and hoping he would host, but I dont want to just have the one other clown.

Let's hope it works and I will keep everyone posted!

Arash- No they are just swimming around and at night they sleep at the bottom of the tank on the sand together. there is not really anything they can host in, as most of the stuff I have are pretty little frags at this point.

thanks for everyones help.



arash53 05-03-2012 09:46 PM

Mine jumped into the RBTA the day after I bought it :)

Rogue951 05-03-2012 10:45 PM

Mine host in the branching hammer colony and Elegance I used to have.
but when I first for them they didn't host. Might've been going through the female dominant sex change thing. cause they started hosting and soon after they started regularly laying eggs.
Now no one goes near the GBTA without mom coming out for a nudge... which never bubbles and really looks like a condy. But it's not...

BlueWorldAquatic 05-04-2012 12:39 AM

Not all clowns host in ALL anemonies, some like LTA's some BTA, some sand anemonies. Mine took up to 3 months.

A way we found that sped up the process is as follows;

Use a clay pot in your tank, they will go to it quicker than an anemone. They like the cave like properties. Then when they go to the pot, slowly move it towards the anemone, until the anemone covers the pots entrance.

One stung a few times, they are hooked.

paddyob 05-13-2012 01:38 PM


RuGlu6 07-02-2012 06:17 AM

Ok, so it worked !
Very long story short It Worked, the clown is hosting!
Now the long story.
The clown fish is a False Percula Ocelaris, I’ve had it for 7+ years now; wild, got it from J&L when it was a tiny baby. Had it in small 8 Gal first and then moved to a 65 Gal as it grew. The fish never hosted any anemones that were in the tank. It did host the red Gonioporah for a very long time keeping the coral closed where it was touched. So 7(!) years later (present time) I decided to try and make him host and got an orange tip BTA. Clown didn’t even look at the BTA, continued to host the Softy.
Here is what I tried:
1- 6 different pictures of the False Percula Clowns hosting each was left on the glass for a few days did nothing. The first picture did get his attention and scared him away from the Gonioporah but just few inches back from the picture not even close to the anemone.
2- Fake clown fish toy “Nemo” very realistic was placed beside the anemone “as if” it was hosting, the real fish did not even looked. Then I placed the toy by his home (Gonioporah) that scared him away for a half a day, and clown was back to the sof coral after that.
3- I did not try a mirror.
4- Then I tried chasing in the dark (someone on here told about when he was breeding the clowns) with anemone being the only light spot in the tank. The idea is to chase the clown in the dark “in to anemone”, hard to do due to SPS branches and live rock.
5- Relocated red gonioporah that clown is hosting close to the anemone. What do you think clown did? It was hosting an empty spot! Had to get Gonioporah back because anemone almost killed it.
6- “Manual Hosting”. This somewhat worked. Clown was caught during the night, with flash light and net. Then placed back in 8Gal for 2 days. Then I got inverted 2L pop bottle cut to the size to fit under SPS colony that anemone is settled under. Put some black electric tape on the top portion (where I will be holding my hand, so clown would not get scared of the hand). Cut the side of the top of the inverted 2L pop bottle just enough to release the fish from my hand in to the pop bottle. Acclimatised clown fish back to 65 Gal tank water. Cover the anemone with the bottle so that all of the anemone is inside. Release the clown in to the pop bottle and kept my hand on top. So now the clown has nowhere to go except in to the anemone. It took less then 5 min for the clown to escape but he did get zapped by the tentacles before he did.

This was good in a sense that clown was now swimming to and from the anemone and looking at it but never touched the anemone. After 3 days clown stopped swimming to the anemone and was back to Gonioporah hosting. After that I could not get him even at night because he would some how sense me and would swim away before I can get the net in to the tank.
7- Got another fish, very small locally raised false percula baby clown fish. Acclimatized him in the tank water and using above described method of “manual hosting” kept him under the inverted pop bottle for at least 30 min, where he got touched by the tentacles many times and then he was even diving all the way to the anemones mouth. Other fish were checking him out including the “old” clown, and that is when small guy got out because he wanted to check out the bigger clown (old clown looked like a parent?). At any rate, the small new clown was hosting the same day. Oddly enough the was no fight .perhaps the size difference was so large that the old fish did not see small one as a competitor. Even though the small clown is now hosting the old one was not. But old fish was definitely interested in the new fish, while new fish would hide in the anemone every time some other fish swam by (French Angel & or Hippo Tang). This was going on for about 4-6 days, old clown was still in the Gonioporah new one hosting BTA. One day I look and see the old clown is hosting !!! together with new one! Funny thing is that he would host together during the day and go back to sleep back to Gonioporah for the night.

I am happy now because 1: my old clown is hosting and 2: i have discovered a new method of "manual hosting" when introducing new clown fish to the tank. Maybe its not new for someone else but it is for me and good thing is that it worked!

gregzz4 07-02-2012 06:48 AM

Awesome news
Good job Dude

RuGlu6 07-02-2012 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by Rogue951 (Post 713082)
Mine host in the branching hammer colony and Elegance I used to have.
but when I first for them they didn't host. Might've been going through the female dominant sex change thing. cause they started hosting and soon after they started regularly laying eggs.
Now no one goes near the GBTA without mom coming out for a nudge... which never bubbles and really looks like a condy. But it's not...

regarding the bubbles on BTA.
In case of mine the bubbles on BTA are showing better when there is less flow. So much so that some times my BTA has half bubbles where there is no flow and the other half will have long tentacles like Condoluctis.
I guess i should try to make a picture to demonstrate...

Ryancw 07-02-2012 07:16 AM

ive used the picture method too and it was sucessfull. had the pictures up for about a week and gave up, then the next day i found one had taken to it finally:biggrin:

mandyplo 07-03-2012 05:17 AM


Originally Posted by krisalexander (Post 712624)
I will try the picture, I have an impatient girl friend who didnt like the tank purchase! :biggrin: if it wasnt for the clowns she would completely hate the tank.!

Hate the tank!?! How can anyone hate a marine tank... Ever? :( so... sad...
It was my boyfriends idea and plan to get a salt water tank in the first place and now I'm the one taking care and doing all the work for this thing because I LOVE IT so much!!

Sorry to hear she can't share the enjoyment with you :(

RuGlu6 07-03-2012 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by RuGlu6 (Post 728048)
regarding the bubbles on BTA.
In case of mine the bubbles on BTA are showing better when there is less flow. So much so that some times my BTA has half bubbles where there is no flow and the other half will have long tentacles like Condoluctis.
I guess i should try to make a picture to demonstrate...

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