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Proteus 04-27-2012 10:43 PM

I have a Merulina Coral that I've had for a year. It's always shown great color

The last month it's browned out and polyps have been out quite a bit. Which is strange since its never shown much polyp extension before.
Water perameters are good nothing changed. I run prodibio and carbon and rowa.
I know it a more difficult piece to care for so looking for advise

Also it's under a brand new geissmenn 250 watt 21k halide

reefwars 04-27-2012 11:02 PM

Ouch buddy I feel your pain I had a colony that was massive did well for 1 1/2 yrs then browned out, then slowly died.showed growth forever and then died off, I ended up fragging it and giving it away, was nice tough never did figure out why I guess its just one of those things .

bignose 04-27-2012 11:11 PM

Has your collection of corals grown substantially? Maybe your elements are being used up quicker than your used to. Just a thought.

Proteus 04-27-2012 11:12 PM

I've been reading and it seems that some
People have had success in lower light while others in high light also doing well.
I've moved it to a low spot with nice Flo. I'll just have to watch
It's not receding at all looks healthy just color

Proteus 04-27-2012 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by bignose (Post 710714)
Has your collection of corals grown substantially? Maybe your elements are being used up quicker than your used to. Just a thought.

Yes Jason there is Alot in the tank and I also thought trace elements could be low.

paddyob 04-28-2012 01:23 AM

Maybe your bulbs need replacement.

Proteus 04-28-2012 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by paddyob (Post 710767)
Maybe your bulbs need replacement.

Bulbs are 3 weeks old.

troni 04-28-2012 01:51 AM

Has it been through a light change before?

Proteus 04-28-2012 01:54 AM

haha. i was thinkin that when i wrote the age of the bulbs

fishytime 04-28-2012 02:00 AM

how old were the bulbs before you replaced them?

Proteus 04-28-2012 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 710782)
how old were the bulbs before you replaced them?

about 8 months. I moved the piece to a lower part of tank so time will tell

coolhandgoose 04-28-2012 03:17 AM

Were they the same type and color of bulb that you replaced?

Proteus 04-28-2012 03:40 AM

Went from aqua medic to giesemann. But color the same

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