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Enigma 04-05-2012 05:23 PM

What Did I need to Know Before I Purchased My Nass (Nassarius vibex) Snails?
I did loads of reading before I purchased my Nass snails. They sounded like the perfect snail for my CUC. But, they aren't the peaceful little sandbed cleaners that I was expecting.

Holy smokes these things are aggressive! I have no reason to believe that they're predatory, but they certainly aren't peaceful. They chase each other. They wrestle with each other. Sometimes it is so bad I feel as if I need to pull them apart. It kind of freaks me out. I had 9, but now I'm down to 8 (one was dead and mostly eaten this morning).

Also, they aren't great sandbed cleaners. I thought they'd clean up after my two small Mexican Turbos (who generate a HUGE mess). Nope. They don't seem to eat poop. They don't eat seaweed. The do seem to eat the frozen brine shrimp that my Chromis don't get to. I'm pretty sure these things are carnivores and not omnivores. They do really stir up the sandbed, but I wouldn't say that they "clean" it.

I'm sure they're not Welks (I've spent a couple of hours going over photos and examining them), but these Nassarius vibex sure aren't what I was expecting. :eek:

Is there anything else that I haven't figured out about them yet, which varies from the common perception (especially this:

Aquattro 04-05-2012 05:28 PM

They're meant to stir the sand and eat left over food. Little sand wolves, really :)

Enigma 04-05-2012 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 701799)
They're meant to stir the sand and eat left over food. Little sand wolves, really :)

:lol: That is a very apt description of what I've been seeing from them.

toytech 04-05-2012 05:34 PM

Are you sure there fighting if you know what i mean , they will lay eggs in your tank .If you want something to keep your sand bed sparkeling white get a fighting conch there great .Nass snails are great too ,uneaten food is a big waste producer if you have something that runs out and eats it its not a problem anymore , if theres extra food anywhere they will find it .

Enigma 04-05-2012 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by toytech (Post 701803)
Are you sure there fighting if you know what i mean ,

I wasn't sure at first . . . but what I'm seeing doesn't really seem to be any sort of normal "courting" behaviour. There are a couple of snails that I can easily recognize (the biggest and the smallest), and each of them will wind up on the giving and the receiving end. If it was courting behaviour, I wouldn't expect their roles to switch between instigator and recipient. Or, should I expect that?

toytech 04-05-2012 05:46 PM

I honestly have no idea how that whole snail thing actualy works , but mine fight over food , and so do my hermits its normal. The wont kill eachother but if something in your tank dies they will eat it asap.

subman 04-05-2012 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Enigma (Post 701797)
..... They chase each other. They wrestle with each other......

I'm sorry but that's the funniest thing I've read in a while. I could just picture the snail police chasing some perp snails, ending in an all out snail brawl!!! Awesome!!

(I have or had about 20 and never seen any aggressive behavior at all from them. I only see them rise from the grave like little zombies when I feed mysis)

Enigma 04-05-2012 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by toytech (Post 701805)
I honestly have no idea how that whole snail thing actualy works , but mine fight over food , and so do my hermits its normal. The wont kill eachother but if something in your tank dies they will eat it asap.

I suspect that's why mine are fighting too: a lack of an abundance of food.


Originally Posted by subman (Post 701807)
I'm sorry but that's the funniest thing I've read in a while. I could just picture the snail police chasing some perp snails, ending in an all out snail brawl!!! Awesome!!

The little one seems to be quite the antagonist. It will go up to one of the bigger ones and nudge it. The bigger one will then take off after it and pursue it across the tank and tackle it. The biggest brawl that I've witnessed so far was three snails. When one runs over one that is buried it seems to elicit quite a hostile response, too.


Originally Posted by subman (Post 701807)
(I have or had about 20 and never seen any aggressive behavior at all from them. I only see them rise from the grave like little zombies when I feed mysis)

That is about the only thing they do that I was expecting. They erupt of out the sand when I feed the Chromis just as I expected them too. :)

My tank is pretty empty right now, and I may spend too much time watching what is going on it it.

fishmanty 04-05-2012 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by subman (Post 701807)
I'm sorry but that's the funniest thing I've read in a while. I could just picture the snail police chasing some perp snails, ending in an all out snail brawl!!! Awesome!!

(I have or had about 20 and never seen any aggressive behavior at all from them. I only see them rise from the grave like little zombies when I feed mysis)

And now I just pictured a little snail with a cop hat. Funniest thing I've pictured all day, haha. My mind is in creative mode today apparently.

FWC 04-05-2012 07:36 PM

I agree with all the others.

I have one little Nass in my tank ,and he just chills in the sand until feeding time. THen he hauls up and feasts on whatever he can get.

My Diamond Watchman Goby keeps my sand sparkly clean and sifted ,the snail just putts around :razz:

Myka 04-06-2012 02:54 AM

The only snails that eat detritus are Cerith snails.

subman 04-06-2012 02:59 AM

love the new avatar Enigma!!


burgerchow 04-06-2012 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by fishmanty (Post 701828)
And now I just pictured a little snail with a cop hat. Funniest thing I've pictured all day, haha. My mind is in creative mode today apparently.

you mean " Snaesco " snail police.

Enigma 04-06-2012 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by subman (Post 701973)
love the new avatar Enigma!!


My avatars are always "inside jokes" of sorts. I'll use this one until I'm inspired by something else funny. :)

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