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fido19 04-03-2012 08:57 PM

Fido19's 60 gallon rebuild
So guys over the next few weeks i will be doing a rebuild of my 60 gallon
Some things that will be new
1)new lights(t5s from coralife or vertex really confused right now)
2)getting an aquaclear filter(will run in tandem with my eheim
3)a wavemaker(vortech mp10 or 40 all the way)
4)a new skimmer
5)lots of new corals

i will post some pics tonight that will show some before and after
first of on the list is going to be aquascaping done by raf and diana from aquatic escapes
then we move on to hardware which will happen next week or maybe even this week

well guys i welcome any suggestion
i will make sure this is a fast build so tag along

soaptray 04-03-2012 09:20 PM

Good luck dude! Love to see the builds!

Nano 04-03-2012 10:48 PM

Very Exciting, its always fun to watch something come together. The vertex LEDs would be nice, but so pricey IMO. if you decide to go led and not the t5 unit I have, no worries, but I would contact martin at modular LED, and see what he can do for a tank that size :)

toytech 04-03-2012 11:13 PM

I have a question why the aquaclear and eihime filters , are you building a small hang on fuge or is it just a place to run carbon ect?I just ask because i ran a canister filter for years on my 55 and it was a headache and 2 weeks after i took it down the tank had never looked better.

fido19 04-04-2012 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by toytech (Post 700993)
I have a question why the aquaclear and eihime filters , are you building a small hang on fuge or is it just a place to run carbon ect?I just ask because i ran a canister filter for years on my 55 and it was a headache and 2 weeks after i took it down the tank had never looked better.

well i have space issues and cant really go for a sump
the aquaclear seems to be my only other option but hey if you have thing else in mind let me know

the other reason why i cant get a sump is noise, my living room isnt that big
the apartment on its whole is only about 1400sq ft

Nano 04-04-2012 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by fido19 (Post 701058)
well i have space issues and cant really go for a sump
the aquaclear seems to be my only other option but hey if you have thing else in mind let me know

the other reason why i cant get a sump is noise, my living room isnt that big
the apartment on its whole is only about 1400sq ft

mines about half the size, (sqft) and our sump is super quiet but space is space. if you cant go sump, do a couple of aquaclear 110s on the back. or build the tank into an AIO kind of thing, with a pane of glass separating the tank into 2 sections, with a mini sump in the back if you know what I mean :lol:

fido19 04-04-2012 01:50 AM

thats actually not a bad idea but see i got hardwood floors and if i have a sump it gets a little risky
but a couple aquaclears might actually be worth it

Nano 04-04-2012 02:02 AM

just in case you didnt quite get what I meant, this is it, (but I'm sure you get what I'm talking about)
AIO you could still very easily hang aquaclears on there for some added water volume, or for refugiums

fido19 04-04-2012 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by Nano (Post 701077)
just in case you didnt quite get what I meant, this is it, (but I'm sure you get what I'm talking about)
AIO you could still very easily hang aquaclears on there for some added water volume, or for refugiums

sorry i did understand what you said and i am actually looking into that idea right now
doing some measurements to see how much room i have in the back

fido19 04-04-2012 02:21 AM

Alright guys here are some shots of the new aquascape they include the before and after i would really aprreciate any feedback

Notice in this image that there really was no flow, it was just rocks piled on top of each other

i like what diana did with the aquascape,what do you guys think

these are the marineland reefbrite, they have beeen with me for a year now and they are okayish but i need to go better

so far i am done with the aquascaping, i had new sand layered in, man was it cloudy but the water has cleared up slowly and its actually looking much better

fido19 04-04-2012 02:24 AM

now the next set of pictures i will show you why i cant t have a sump and if i can go aio type as suggested by nano

Nano 04-04-2012 02:27 AM

Aquascape looks much better, makes your tank look way more open, plus I don't think you'll have any dead spots(low or no flow) with the open rock work

fido19 04-04-2012 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by Nano (Post 701091)
Aquascape looks much better, makes your tank look way more open, plus I don't think you'll have any dead spots(low or no flow) with the open rock work

yeah thats exactly what i had in mind, hey do you think this setup would do well with a single vortech mp10

Nano 04-04-2012 02:30 AM

not sure, lol never used one, depends on placement, and GPH rating, but with 2 aquaclears as well, I think youd have lots of flow.

toytech 04-04-2012 02:30 AM

Just my opinion but i would ditch the hang on filters because i would be scared of them filling with crud and go with the mp40(or something with similar flow) and just shoot for lots of random flow .With the open rock work and lots of flow ,thats the best biological filter . I was using alot of rock and 2 koralia 1400 in my 55 with too many fish and nitrates and phosphates never went over 0 and i got great growth from my zoas , acans and other corals.

Nano 04-04-2012 02:33 AM

true they can collect a lot of crap, but thats where your maintenance comes into play, I had an ac70 on my 16 gallon, and cleaned it when I did water changes never had any issues

fido19 04-04-2012 02:35 AM

i am still looking into the flow thing

toytech 04-04-2012 03:04 AM

koralias work great (and are cheap) and run quiet and the new ones can be used with a wavemaker suposedly

fido19 04-04-2012 03:39 AM

does anyone have any idea as to how much a nice led set would cost me from modular led
i would really like to make something for my tank led based if anyone has any ideas or can tell me what kind of package to get it would be amazing
getiing a vertex went out the window today
so now looking at radions and ai sols
but i would really like a diy project

fido19 04-04-2012 03:48 AM

hey if anyone wants the marineland leds i will trade them for a digital aquatics controller l1 and some frags
it has to be done locally in burnaby

also take note about 6 leds dont work they are not broken or anything its just the adaptor is wrong

Nano 04-04-2012 04:08 AM
not a bad price. you'd also need a way to hang them too
mind you if you want dimmable leds (which you most likely will)
you would add about $180 or so to that price. so all the sudden
your looking at over $700 with shipping. they are cool leds though

then lenses adds more to the cost, not 100% necessary, but good to have

fido19 04-04-2012 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by Nano (Post 701142)
not a bad price. you'd also need a way to hang them too
mind you if you want dimmable leds (which you most likely will)
you would add about $180 or so to that price. so all the sudden
your looking at over $700 with shipping. they are cool leds though

then lenses adds more to the cost, not 100% necessary, but good to have

i am looking into this right now, lets see if it is a viable option

toytech 04-04-2012 04:48 AM

auquastyle led online has cheap diy leds and kits i have 2 of the 24led kits and they work great and are easy to build (oh and did i mention there cheap!)

fido19 04-04-2012 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by toytech (Post 701159)
auquastyle led online has cheap diy leds and kits i have 2 of the 24led kits and they work great and are easy to build (oh and did i mention there cheap!)

hey i dont know much about diy leds right now
but do you think you could possible help me pick a package for a 4foot tank
i wanna see my options right now and if its not too much to ask do you have a pic of your leds, i wanna get a good idea if i go down this road

fido19 04-04-2012 08:33 AM

alright i need a little help guys, i will just come out and say it i need vertex in my life(some sort of obsession) anyhoo
if i get the 48 inch vertex marino bianco with 50/50 royalblue(450nm)/white(7000k)
is it advisable
also what does 7000k honestly look like is it worth it
i am probably gonna run it in tandem with the marineland which does 10000k so what do you guys think
plus vertex is highly customizable

fido19 04-04-2012 08:38 AM

oh just in canse anyone is wondering
the dimensions of the tank are as follows
49 inches length,14 inches width,20 inches high
i might be an inch off or so but this is more or less accurate

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