marblesab |
07-12-2012 05:29 AM |
I can't vote as it appears that the voting has closed, however I've shopped at almost all of the stores listed. (all except Marine Aquaria, which I've never heard of until now BTW, I'll have to go check them out!) I have to say that I thank you tremendously for creating this poll! I am new to SW but have been doing FW for a long time. I've found that the stores I liked for FW, aren't necessarily all that great for SW. Heck even some of the FW quality has gone down a lot lately (just my opinion). I looked at this poll briefly last night and until then, I had never heard of Blue World Aquarium, after seeing that they received the most votes so far, I had to go check them out this afternoon. Well I have to admit that I was pretty impressed. We got to meet Shannon, who I have to say, in the short time my husband and I were in there.... I am already a fan! Her customer service is outstanding and she didn't scoff at any of my "Newbie" questions, which I really appreciated. We will definitely be going back when my tank is ready for it's first fishy addition or anything else I need in the near future. Their selection (even though she said it was low at the moment), prices, but above all their customer service is what will keep me a loyal customer.
I use to be a big shopper at Big Al's, and I respect some of the things they do, but at the same time... it's terrible how often we go in there and see so many tanks with the sign "Not for sale, new arrival" on them. Now it's terrible if I can say that they aren't always "new additions" because we go in so often, but tanks that have been severely ick infested instead. It's a store I tend to browse in more then purchase and this is one of the reasons. I would say that I have had some great customer service there, however I can also say the opposite as well. It just depends on the day I guess. I have my favourite employee, and I've waited almost a half hour once for her to finish up with another customer so I could get her help. Their tanks tend to be over crowded, which is a huge turn off for me, and I would never buy from a tank that has severe over crowding. Their SW selection doesn't seem to be the best, so it won't be a place I go to actually buy.
I noticed Aquagiant wasn't on the list, but it was mentioned in the thread. I can't say I have had the best of luck in there, especially lately. (First experience with SW... they let me buy a chocolate chip starfirsh and a coral at the same time!.... I did do some research prior to my purchase on starfishes and saw that they are great members of your cleanup crew (which stuck with me more then the second part) and most of them are reef compatible.... now at the time I didn't make note of which ones weren't but I have never had an issue buying something that wasn't compatible with my tank.... ever. Yes, I do recognize that I too am to blame for the error, I should have kept a closer eye on which stars are and aren't reef compatible. However, when you can see that I am very obviously making a potential mistake in my tank occupants, I don't know of any store that wouldn't have at least asked if they were going in the same tank... and let me leave with both items.... for this, I will not be returning.
Another new store (at least new to me!) that I very recently have found is Red Coral! Another little gem, I have to say. I happen to be driving by one day and made my hubby turn the truck around so I could go check it out. At the time it was still when I was just doing my research and it was prior to me buying my tank. Since then, I have been in once, and I like their selection and service. Their prices seem to be pretty good as well. This store too will get my future business.
Aquarium Illusions is the store that I have known to be mainly SW based for quite some time. I had a friend that had a SW tank a few years ago, and I use to always get her gift certificates there. I also bought 4 Red Belly Piranhas there a few years back. Their tanks are not usually over crowded which I really do appreciate. Their selection, especially on corals seems to be abundant, but then so do their prices.
Aquarium Central is a store that I found out about back in March or so. (I found out about them through the ACE spring auction that I attended) I've been in the store several times, and I have to say that I like their selection of FW live plants, fish, and "critters" (shrimp, clams, aquatic frogs, etc). Their SW selection however is disappointing. Prices and equipment selection seem to be good, and customer service is ok too... most days. However, if I had "newbie" questions it's not a place I feel comfortable asking them (with justified reason).
Anyway, if you have gotten to this point in my post.... thank you for sticking with me this long, lol. My post is just my opinion and what I've experienced. The only store I have been in only one time is BWA, all the others I have been in a number of times. The opinions I expressed has been done with multiple visits to the store over a period of time. I am never one to make a negative comment or judgment on any store after just one visit.... as perviously mentioned... we all have bad days from time to time. Again, these comments are just my opinion. :biggrin: