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dacookster 03-30-2012 10:03 PM

Cookie's 75G System
Typically, I'm too A.D.D. to start up a home project like this but somehow this ever changing hobby is a good fit for the A.D.D. population. My first entry into the hobby was a tiny 5G. Yeah, not the best choice when looking for something to do on a Saturday over the xmas holidays. That was more than a year ago and like many other hobbiests, it was cool for the first 3 months, but not enough to quench the thirst for bigger and better. So last xmas and by chance, came across a nice and mildly used 55G cube with euro bracing, I was sold on moving up. Using some 2x4's and some nice contemporary kitchen cabinetry, I fashioned this beast over the coarse of the holiday break and was off and running. This time, I said to myself - "I'm doing this right - no cheaping out and striving for the best possible conditions for its soon to be inhabitants." So in came the 7 stage RO system, a 20G sump/refugium, and best of all, a cone style skimmer rated for 125G.

Now, only 3 months in (knock on wood), my system seems incredibly stable and anything tha goes in it seems to thrive immediately. One thing I didn't mention above is that I built an automated LED light fixture with 24 7000K 3W whites with 9 blues and 3 royal blues. Its all dimmamble and set to my favorite location for sunrise/sunset - Maui time!!! The fixture only has to run at 30%, and the polyp extension on the lps and sps in there is crazy! I must say, in my limited experience, what a difference real de-ionized 0ppm water makes! An absolute must, now that I've gone down that root.

Anyways, once I finish my workday, I'll go home and post some pics and more details if anyones interested - Thanks All.

Coralgurl 03-31-2012 12:50 AM

Sounds like a sweet set up! Pics please!

ensquire 03-31-2012 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by dacookster (Post 699283)
Typically, I'm too A.D.D. to start up a home project like this but somehow this ever changing hobby is a good fit for the A.D.D. population. My first entry into the hobby was a tiny 5G. Yeah, not the best choice when looking for something to do on a Saturday over the xmas holidays. That was more than a year ago and like many other hobbiests, it was cool for the first 3 months, but not enough to quench the thirst for bigger and better. So last xmas and by chance, came across a nice and mildly used 55G cube with euro bracing, I was sold on moving up. Using some 2x4's and some nice contemporary kitchen cabinetry, I fashioned this beast over the coarse of the holiday break and was off and running. This time, I said to myself - "I'm doing this right - no cheaping out and striving for the best possible conditions for its soon to be inhabitants." So in came the 7 stage RO system, a 20G sump/refugium, and best of all, a cone style skimmer rated for 125G.

Now, only 3 months in (knock on wood), my system seems incredibly stable and anything tha goes in it seems to thrive immediately. One thing I didn't mention above is that I built an automated LED light fixture with 24 7000K 3W whites with 9 blues and 3 royal blues. Its all dimmamble and set to my favorite location for sunrise/sunset - Maui time!!! The fixture only has to run at 30%, and the polyp extension on the lps and sps in there is crazy! I must say, in my limited experience, what a difference real de-ionized 0ppm water makes! An absolute must, now that I've gone down that root.

Anyways, once I finish my workday, I'll go home and post some pics and more details if anyones interested - Thanks All.

Bring on the pics and details.

dacookster 03-31-2012 02:14 PM

10 Attachment(s)
Still need some patchwork on the walls but its coming along.

ensquire 03-31-2012 04:39 PM

Very nice, I like your aquascape.
Super clear water as well.

Trigs 03-31-2012 05:46 PM


Love the set up too btw.

Nano 03-31-2012 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Trigs (Post 699475)

Love the set up too btw.


Originally Posted by dacookster (Post 699283)
and best of all, a cone style skimmer rated for 125G.


Trigs 03-31-2012 05:50 PM

ahhhh just read this! my bad:razz:

dacookster 04-01-2012 04:08 AM

Technically I guess I'm still a noob at this but for my first tank I sort of got by with grocery store RO water. I still run my little tank but it only has inverts in it. As soon as I got a system and started making my own water, it was like everything in there came back to life. I have to tip my hat off to Seachem Fuel. Since dosing with that, every thing existing has doubled in size. I use a little less than the recommended dosage. I have a lot of macro algae in the refugium as well. Almost overgrown!!

dacookster 04-02-2012 02:56 AM

cuz 04-02-2012 03:01 AM

very nice build!!!

dacookster 04-04-2012 03:10 AM

Thanks cuz!!

dacookster 06-05-2012 07:08 AM

'bout time I did an update
I've been letting the tank just grow and stabilize. Lost one acro frag as my friend who was taking care of my tank knocked it off, and due to his limited experience, assumed he killed it and threw it in the garbage. Oh well. Fish are still doing great, even the mandarin I put in seems to be getting bigger, so he must be eating something! My pod population in my sump is ridiculous so they must be making their way around and keeping him well fed.

gregzz4 06-05-2012 07:15 AM

Great pics
Your chaeto shots make me wonder about having mine tumbling :smile:

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