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Aquaticguy11 03-28-2012 04:42 AM

Braeden's 22 Gallon SPS Dominated Cube
Hi Everyone,

Now that I have some time on my hands, I am going to be showing my build to everyone. This is my first saltwater tank but I have done a lot of research and felt completely comfortable with setting this thing up. Currently my tank is about 2 months old but I am going to take you back to the beginning. Please comment and tell me if you see anything wrong and give me suggestions.

Frame of the stand

Plywood for the sides and top of the stand

Painting The Stand

Finished Stand

Siliconing baffles in 20 Gallon Sump

Finished Sump

Koralia 750 (Circulation)

Test Kits, got calcium after I took this picture

Maxi Jet 900 (Circulation)

Eheim 1000 (Return Pump)

Bulk Reef Supply 4 Stage RO/DI Unit

Aluminum Bar for my 250W PFO Metal Halide. This was painted black and another piece was added to it for better mounting

Ready for placement in my living room

Sitting in it's permanent spot, looking pretty nice. I know It is by a window but the tank itself won't get any direct sunlight. Also I will be keeping the blinds closed most of the time.

This is up to about February 10th. Hopefully I did everything properly. I will post some more pics of the tank up and running from the last month later tonight or tomorrow. Please comment and tell me if I should change anything.


Casey8 03-28-2012 04:47 AM

Very nice stand you built ! You would be very proud of yourself if you see how I built my ugly stand :redface:

Aquaticguy11 03-28-2012 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by Casey8 (Post 698501)
Very nice stand you built ! You would be very proud of yourself if you see how I built my ugly stand :redface:

Thank You. :biggrin:

Aquaticguy11 03-29-2012 12:35 AM

Filling up with fresh RO/DI water. Very exciting!!! Also got 3/4's of the rock in. Not my final aquascape.

Adding Reef Crystals Salt

Made a stand for my skimmer so that it would be sitting in the proper water level in my sump. All I did was cut a square of egg crate out to the right size, then the PVC legs, then cut and drilled some holes in them so that detritus wouldn't build up in there, then I zap strapped the PVC legs to the egg crate.

Added the live sand

Under the stand

Water clearing up a little bit

I will post some more pics later. Enjoy!

Aquaticguy11 03-29-2012 02:18 AM

Here is where the fun part began for me. Watching the tank grow into a small piece of the ocean.

New aquascape. This I believe is my permanent scape. A new powerhead for the time being since the Koralia 750 was blowing my sand around a little. I will be putting a Koralia 550 in here along with this Maxi Jet 900. In the future I will hopefully get 1 MP10 which would be ideal since the 2 power heads that are in there now don't look the nicest.

View from my chair

View from the front. On the front right rock there will be a neon green torch coral. I will also have 2 True Percula Clowns that will hopefully host the torch.

A couple of close-ups of my rock work

The Koralia 550 is now in and I also got a fan to blow over the water surface.

Also bought a Reef Keeper Light to control my metal halide, Koralia, heater and fan. I absolutely love this thing!! It keeps my temperature perfect. Between 78.4 - 78.6

Will be posting some more pictures a bit later, SPS and Zoas!! Stay tuned.

Snaz 03-29-2012 02:33 AM

Looks great so far. How do plan to cycle?

Aquaticguy11 03-29-2012 02:40 AM

There was an instant cycle from adding the 40lbs. of live sand. The Nitrates looked like this for the first 5 days

Day 1: 3ppm
Day 2: 2ppm
Day 3: 2ppm
Day 4: 1ppm
Day 5: 0ppm

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think this is a full cycle, right?

Nano 03-29-2012 02:43 AM

I would still wait, dont be surprised if you see an ammonia or nitrate spike.. wait your not usin any live rock? technically you have no real biological filtration, I would add a chunk or 2 of live rock even just in the sump to add the filtration, that will also ensure a cycle happens.

Snaz 03-29-2012 02:52 AM

Yes don't count on live sand to cycle your tank. If you are not interested in damsels or clowns to cycle then a bit of rotting uncooked shrimp will get things going along with a seeded rock.

Aquaticguy11 03-29-2012 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by Nano (Post 698782)
I would still wait, dont be surprised if you see an ammonia or nitrate spike.. wait your not usin any live rock? technically you have no real biological filtration, I would add a chunk or 2 of live rock even just in the sump to add the filtration, that will also ensure a cycle happens.

I forgot to mention, I added a few handfuls of good quality sand from an established tank about a month ago. The cycle definitely happened because I am keeping Hermit Crabs, Snails and SPS in the system right now and they are doing great. Thanks for the heads up though.

Snaz 03-29-2012 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by Aquaticguy11 (Post 698786)
I forgot to mention, I added a few handfuls of good quality sand from an established tank about a month ago. The cycle definitely happened because I am keeping Hermit Crabs, Snails and SPS in the system right now and they are doing great. Thanks for the heads up though.

Don't rush. The quickest thing in this hobby is failure. Take the time tonight or soonest and read how the Nitrogen cycle works in a reef environment. It takes 2 - 4 weeks AFTER you have added an ammonia source to your tank and frankly you have not added one yet. The live sand you added might contain some of the needed bacteria to get started but it certainly is not a cycled tank. Ask away and we can help

Nano 03-29-2012 03:06 AM

Agreed ask anyone here take it slow, i didnt and crashed my tank. Mind you in my case there were other factors involved but still. Our motto is "go slow, let it grow" :) I would get someone to hold the livestock for you temporarily and toss a shrimp in to rot and cycle the tank as well as a peice of live rock, rather be safe then sorry

Snaz 03-29-2012 03:07 AM
Right now your tank is around day 1-5 on this graph. Once the Nitrites start to build up your sps and possibly your CUC will perish and well you will certainly have a nice ammonia source to finish the cylce at the cost of your tankmates.

Give your tankmates to a buddy or back to the store until your tank is properly cycled. Oh and turn off your skimmer as it will slow down your cycle.

Aquaticguy11 03-29-2012 03:13 AM

Oh, I think you guys are misunderstanding me. My tank has been running for about 2 months now. I was just going back in time and explaining my build. I waited over a month to add any livestock. Haha

Nano 03-29-2012 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by Aquaticguy11 (Post 698780)
There was an instant cycle from adding the 40lbs. of live sand. The Nitrates looked like this for the first 5 days

Day 1: 3ppm
Day 2: 2ppm
Day 3: 2ppm
Day 4: 1ppm
Day 5: 0ppm

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think this is a full cycle, right?


Snaz 03-29-2012 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by Aquaticguy11 (Post 698793)
Oh, I think you guys are misunderstanding me. My tank is around 2 months old. I was just going back in time and explaining my build. I waited over a month to add any livestock. Haha

So what was the ammonia source in those two months? How long ago did you add the inhabitants? I still feel you are setting up for a crash.

I'm not trying to be mean or bully you but genuinely want to ensure you succeed, that build looks amazing.

Aquaticguy11 03-29-2012 03:27 AM

Ok, sorry for the confusion, I didn't mean for this to be confusing. I will give you a full break down of what I did from day 1. I know you are trying to help. I really appreciate it.

Day 1: Added RO/DI Water

Day 2: Added Salt Mix and Dry Rock

Day 3: Added Live Sand (Says on the bag there is an Instant Cycle (Probably not true so that is why I waited a month to add a few snails and crabs. Also says on the bags of live sand that it uses ammonia cycling.)

Day 10: Added a few handfuls of mature sand from a local's tank. Very good quality. Also added some chaeto

Day 31: Added a couple hermits and Nassarius snails

Day 45: Added Green Pocillopora Frag and some Zoas. Doing great by the way.

Day 55: Added 5 other frags of SPS

Day 58: Today

This is pretty much it.

Aquaticguy11 03-29-2012 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by Nano (Post 698795)

This was just showing the first 5 days of testing. Today is day 58 and the nitrates are still undetectable. Sorry for the confusion.

Nano 03-29-2012 03:33 AM

LOL no worries were just trying to make sure you don't suffer the same fate as some. Any live rock? It can take months or even years for dry rock to become truly live

Aquaticguy11 03-29-2012 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by Nano (Post 698800)
LOL no worries were just trying to make sure you don't suffer the same fate as some. Any live rock? It can take months or even years for dry rock to become truly live

Thank you for your concern. No live rock yet but my uncle is coming down from Vancouver next weekend with a nice piece from J&L. This will probably do a good job of seeding the tank.

axe_man16 03-29-2012 03:43 AM

Just a question for you. Maybe i missed something in the write up, but i noticed that the water level in the sump is almost at the top. Have you checked to see what happens when there is a power outage and your pump syphons water from display to sump. Just a thought, i have my water level only half way up my sump so that it will not overflow incase of power outage and just incase my floats malfunction.

Aquaticguy11 03-29-2012 03:46 AM

I have checked that and everything is fine. Only 1 inch of water from my main display drains into the SUMP when the return pump is off and the SUMP holds that amount of water. Thanks though

toytech 03-29-2012 04:16 AM

Its cycled, but i would guess that the capacity of your bacteria is still a little low .If it where me i would add fish one at a time and wait a decent time between fish .Oh and nice tank by the way , love the dimensions .

Aquaticguy11 03-29-2012 04:36 AM

Ok, Do you think that adding 2 small true percula clowns (1 inch) next week would be fine? My uncle is bringing them up from Vancouver so should I tell him not to bring them? Also thank you for them kind words. I also love the dimensions.

Aquaticguy11 03-29-2012 04:36 PM

Day 45: Added 2 corals!! Yay!


Green Pocillopora. Yes I know it is not green. When I bought it, it had a little bit of green in it but it was under an 20,000K bulb. I am using a 10,000K bulb so there is no green on it at the moment.

Day 55: Added 5 pieces of SPS. I got all of these corals for $40. I was pretty happy about that. I just laid them in the tank on the rock for the time being. I glued them in the day after.

Green Millipora

Pink/Purple Millipora

Purple Poccilopora??


Blue Acropora??

More updates to come. Give me advice. Thanks.

toytech 03-29-2012 05:44 PM

Im sure the 2 clowns will be fine , your bacteria population will catch up quick , you just dont want to add 6 fish at once because it wont catch up that quick.Corals look great for just a 10k bulb , thinking of adding any blue suplements?

Aquaticguy11 03-29-2012 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by toytech (Post 698914)
Im sure the 2 clowns will be fine , your bacteria population will catch up quick , you just dont want to add 6 fish at once because it wont catch up that quick.Corals look great for just a 10k bulb , thinking of adding any blue suplements?

Ok sounds good. I bought this fixture with the 10,000K bulb from my Uncle and I will probably just switch it for a 14,000K bulb within the next month or so. I think this will make the corals pop.

Aquaticguy11 03-30-2012 12:52 AM


Here are some recent pictures of the corals.


Day 1 in my tank

Day 14 - Looking more plump and healthy

Green Pocillopora

Day 1

Day 14 - Looking a lot lighter coloured, is this good?

Green Millipora - Mounted now, lots of polyp extension

Pink Millipora - great polyp extension as well

Blue Acropora - Polyps coming out a little bit

Purple Pocillopora

Birdsnest - Nothing new

Full Tank Shot - March 28, 2012

These are up to date pictures. Enjoy and Comment.

ensquire 03-30-2012 01:51 AM

Man, I have to get a macro lens soon, Nice pics.

Aquaticguy11 03-30-2012 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by ensquire (Post 699058)
Man, I have to get a macro lens soon, Nice pics.

Haha, that's funny that you say that. I don't even have a macro lens. It is just a Fujifilm FinePix E500. My mom payed like $300 bucks for it about 6 years ago. I was surprised that it took pretty good macro shots. Thanks

ensquire 03-30-2012 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Aquaticguy11 (Post 699073)
Haha, that's funny that you say that. I don't even have a macro lens. It is just a Fujifilm FinePix E500. My mom payed like $300 bucks for it about 6 years ago. I was surprised that it took pretty good macro shots. Thanks

Wow I have a Canon SX30 and can't get anywhere near that good of a picture. Good job.

Aquaticguy11 03-30-2012 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by ensquire (Post 699212)
Wow I have a Canon SX30 and can't get anywhere near that good of a picture. Good job.

Thanks :smile:

Starry 03-30-2012 05:34 PM

Glad to hear your frags are doing well. tanks looks great so far. that birdsnet will grow like crazy once its settled.

Aquaticguy11 03-30-2012 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Starry (Post 699235)
Glad to hear your frags are doing well. tanks looks great so far. that birdsnet will grow like crazy once its settled.

Ya, thank you sooo much again for the frags, I love them!! Can't wait to see some growth happen. Thanks

Aquaticguy11 04-02-2012 02:56 AM


New Addition: Clown Goby

Aquaticguy11 04-06-2012 08:13 PM


Clown Goby found his new home inside my Purple Millipora. He doesn't leave this thing.

Blue Acro Progression

Day 1

Day 12

Purple/Pink Pocillopora. Is this colour change a good thing??

Day 1

Day 9

Here's what my water parameters are:

Calcium: 485 (It is steadily going down. I want it at 430)
Alkalinity: 9.9 (Should I try and keep it here? Or is 9 better?)
Magnesium: ? (I'm getting the Salifert test kit and some supplements next week. I'm going to keep it at 1350)
Nitrate: 0
Phosphate: 0
pH: 8.0


Aquaticguy11 04-16-2012 09:39 PM


New additions:

2 True Percula Clown Fish

Unknown Acropora

Blue Staghorn Acropora

Green Torch (Hopefully my Clowns will host this thing one day)

Green Birdsnest
(Didn't get a picture of this yet)

FTS April 16 2012

aqure591 04-16-2012 10:14 PM

I really like your stand and tank. Your entire setup looks very sharp!

Aquaticguy11 04-16-2012 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by aqure591 (Post 706172)
I really like your stand and tank. Your entire setup looks very sharp!

Thank You!

Aquaticguy11 04-20-2012 05:47 PM


Got rid of my Yellow Clown Goby the other day. It was eating my Pink Millepora polyps and was making it mad

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