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Josh7831 03-22-2012 05:51 PM


I setup my 20g reef about 3 weeks ago and i have not put anything in it for a few weeks during cycling, i am now noticing a small transparent looks almost like a caterpillar thats only about 1/5 inch long. i have never seen it before is this something i should worry about? is it possible for this to survive a tank cycle and i had to do a 100% water change at about 1 week in due to a tank leak lol.


mess7777 03-22-2012 06:58 PM

picture would help a lot. could be a tranparent flat worm, they are harmless. could be a lot of things. Check out some websites for common hitchhikers or post a picture here.

Casey8 03-22-2012 07:13 PM

It looks almost like a caterpilla ? Brittle worm, I guess.

JohnnyReeftank 03-22-2012 09:41 PM

Ya probably a bristle worm.....I had hundreds survive the cycle....along with a few colonies of Zoas, mushrooms and Palys, which are still thriving today....And I was dosing pure ammonia to speed things up! I was suprised at how resilient some of these species are.

FishyFishy! 03-22-2012 10:26 PM

Could be a pod? Does it look like this -

Flash 03-22-2012 10:37 PM

could be a clear pistol shrimp?!

FishyFishy! 03-22-2012 10:42 PM

This is a more realistic picture of a amphipod

This is what a bristle worm looks like:

Josh7831 03-23-2012 04:39 AM

looking at those pictures id say its a bristle worm,
are they bad for the tank? should i try and remove it?

FishyFishy! 03-23-2012 05:30 AM

If it's a bristle worm, they are just fine if not beneficial to your tank. They eat poop.

If you get a big sucker (I say 3" +) I usually take those ones out just because they are so big and gnarly. But wee ones will be just fine... But don't touch them with your bare hands... you'll do it once and never forget it...fiberglass like splinters in your finger. I recommend duct tape for removal!!

EDIT: And for confirmation, always best to post a picture for any sort of I.D. Try to snap one so we can take a look-see.

Josh7831 03-23-2012 05:43 AM

Yeah i have been checking the tank but now he is hiding lol, as soon as i can snap a picture of it i will post it on here for you guys to see. he is a very very quick mover.


pollywog 03-23-2012 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by Josh7831 (Post 697025)
Yeah i have been checking the tank but now he is hiding lol, as soon as i can snap a picture of it i will post it on here for you guys to see. he is a very very quick mover.


I wouldn't worry about him. Not only is trying to remove them a complete pain in the ass, it is also not worth the effort in most cases.

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