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Trigs 03-21-2012 08:26 PM

Vortech pump mode favorites?
Hey guys curious as to see what modes are your favorites on the vortech mp10,40 and 60 models! Also what kind of tank you are using it with!

cwatkins 03-21-2012 08:38 PM

My Apex rotates my MP40's through almost every mode daily, depending on what time of day it is.

I think the standing wave is my favourite mode though (short pulse) with anti-sync on the opposing pump.

Coralgurl 03-21-2012 08:47 PM

I've got 2 mp40's synced on reef crest mode on full, but going to change it to see if I can get more flow across the sand on my 180 gl tank. Have an mp10 on my 55 on reef as well, but when I synced the 2 40's, it grabbed the 10 as well on the other side of the house...was making it act funny so I've shut it off for a while.

cale262 03-21-2012 08:52 PM

Mine also cycle throughout the day via APEX but it I had to choose one mode, it would be "Nutrient Export Mode".

Reefie 03-21-2012 08:57 PM

I'm liking the Tidal Swell Mode with my MP-10 as it will cycle through right-left flow, calm period, then left-right, calm period, and then the great surge. I believe it will give the best random flow throughout my tank.

Bigger tanks will most likely benefit more with the Reef Crest Mode providing that there are dual Vortech's working together.

Trigs 03-21-2012 09:21 PM

I agree with all the above, I am currently using a mp10 in my 35 cube and I feel that the short pulse is a little too much for my little clowns so I like using the Nutrient export mode on a lesser flow setting seems to do the trick. But when my clowns get a bit older I'll ramp it up and switch between short pulse and that. May even add another mp10

gregzz4 03-21-2012 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Coralgurl (Post 696388)
I've got 2 mp40's synced on reef crest mode on full, but going to change it to see if I can get more flow across the sand on my 180 gl tank. Have an mp10 on my 55 on reef as well, but when I synced the 2 40's, it grabbed the 10 as well on the other side of the house...was making it act funny so I've shut it off for a while.

There is a way to disclude your 10 but I can't recall it right now.
You could also open it up and remove the wifi module

Lance 03-21-2012 10:17 PM

Reef crest mode (master/slave) on a 225g

fishytime 03-21-2012 11:02 PM

aw jeez Trigs....are you sure you wanna bring this up?.....Im waiting for the koralia users to jump on and say that their koralias are the best because they are cheaper and all the features that a vortech has are just glam and glitz:mrgreen:

Reef Pilot 03-21-2012 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 696434)
aw jeez Trigs....are you sure you wanna bring this up?.....Im waiting for the koralia users to jump on and say that their koralias are the best because they are cheaper and all the features that a vortech has are just glam and glitz:mrgreen:

Or my new Coralife DC 5800 Wavemaker, even better... I still laugh every time I go by a bank....:lol:

Coralgurl 03-22-2012 12:22 AM

Hey, I have 2 koralias as well but they don't do anything fancy that I know

Will see if I can exclude the 10, haven't been overly motivated to play around with it.

Trigs 03-22-2012 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 696434)
aw jeez Trigs....are you sure you wanna bring this up?.....Im waiting for the koralia users to jump on and say that their koralias are the best because they are cheaper and all the features that a vortech has are just glam and glitz:mrgreen:

ya also the koralia takes up 50% of your tank...

gregzz4 03-22-2012 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by Coralgurl (Post 696461)
Will see if I can exclude the 10, haven't been overly motivated to play around with it.

If you weren't in Cowtown I'd come do it for ya :mrgreen:

Trigs 03-22-2012 01:37 AM

I personally think that any of the vortech pumps are well worth the money, just unbelievable devices.

Coralgurl 03-22-2012 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 696492)
If you weren't in Cowtown I'd come do it for ya :mrgreen:

Well we are heading to BC in a week, going to Tofino....I've already been fish stuff. I have the 2 koralias running on the 55, no problems in that tank, have the 2 40's on the 180, cyano is starting to show it's ugly the pulse settings hit the sand better?

gregzz4 03-22-2012 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by Coralgurl (Post 696524)
do the pulse settings hit the sand better?

That I can't answer for ya as I still don't have my system running yet. But if you'd like to know how easy it is to remove the RF module, just use a med-sized phillips and gently remove the shell. Start by pulling the speed dial off, remove the back screws, and open the clam shell. Once you are inside be very carefull with the components ... the switches/dials are kinda flimsy.
You'll see what to remove ... it's located on an upper corner of the main PCB. Flip the PCB over and there it is. I believe it just pulls off. Wiggle it and it should come loose.
When you put it back together, make sure you gently put the wires back in so the plug fits the cut-out and slip the shell on. Install the screws and you're done.

Or buy an MP10ES when you're @ J&L and sell me your wES :razz:

fishytime 03-22-2012 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by Coralgurl (Post 696524)
have the 2 40's on the 180, cyano is starting to show it's ugly the pulse settings hit the sand better?

not likely.....perhaps if you synced them to generate a wave.....if your not getting good circulation at the bottom of the tank with where they are, you could try lowering them a bit......thats where tunzes(or koralias) have their place

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