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Trigs 03-19-2012 07:56 PM

Trigs' Man cave / Tank room
So after much debate and a lot of thinking i decided to make a big step and to re do my outside room and create something I can sit in enjoy my tank and of course have a pretty killer entertainment room.

I thought about getting something big for in here 150gal+ but then decided to set up my current 35gallon and see what I could do with it before upgrading(since we all know it will happen eventually).

The room was a absolute mess when I first decided to tackle this project, was used mainly as storage for the house and the ocasional beer pong room.... :twised:, but i put my mind to it and started the build.

The idea was to have a couch/tv area on one side and have the aquarium on the opposite side. well much has changed since that beginning idea and ill show you!

Trigs 03-19-2012 08:18 PM

the beginning ...

So first things first, get to cleaning! I got my hands dirty and started with the biggest and that was the beer pong table, that was gone. next i worked my way through the room organizing and cleaning, cleaning and organizing.

Trigs 03-19-2012 08:26 PM

Slowly it started to look like something was getting done.

Trigs 03-19-2012 08:28 PM

Then a month or so had passed and the room was well on its way.

Yes I did put 2 tvs on top of one another..

Arok3000 03-19-2012 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Trigs (Post 695648)

Yes I did put 2 tvs on top of one another..

Brilliant! I like it.

Trigs 03-19-2012 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Arok3000 (Post 695653)
Brilliant! I like it.

Thanks! I wanted to do something different and i think i really did

reefgirl189 03-19-2012 09:21 PM

Wow what a change! Looks great!

blacknife 03-19-2012 09:23 PM

I have wanted to have TVs like that forever. The gf hates watching me play bf3, and I haye watching TV all the time. If your on a ps3 add me.

Trigs 03-19-2012 09:26 PM

This whole project took me a couple months roughly. I think everything turned out really well heres a couple current pictures of the set up.

Sitting on the couch

Some clutter as I am making more changes out there.

Trigs 03-19-2012 09:30 PM

Fish tank.
Now Comes the tank, I am still working on it waiting for my lights and changing things from time to time. Here is a series of pictures documenting the tank and how it started to how it is now.

This is initially how it looked before the changes took place.

Trigs 03-19-2012 09:39 PM

I then picked up some goodies off a fellow reefer.

Skimz-181 and a reefkeeper lite L1, Great additions to the tank, Skimz is amazing and having a controller makes everything so much easier.
This is how the tank sat that night.
I then put 2 retrofit t5s underneath for my corals as my lights have not shown up yet.

Added a shelve for my work station and tidied up the wiring of the pc4's

Trigs 03-19-2012 09:41 PM

Sorry for all the posts in a row, i have tons of pictures saved up from the last few months!
More updates to come when things move along more, but for now there are lots of pictures for you photo junkies to check out!

Trigs 03-19-2012 10:44 PM

Lots of work to be done still. MP10 waiting for pick up, aqua illumination on the way. ATO just set up, Quick water change and skin for the stand to be done yet then of course stocking the tank

Walker 03-20-2012 10:25 PM

Looks good. Too bad I did most of it. Just kidding bro. :lol: clean those wires up, they are giving me a rash.

Trigs 04-02-2012 08:24 AM

Well Finally getting around to some progress here! Recently got this little present.

Trigs 04-02-2012 08:25 AM

Here are some pictures that follow this purchase.

gregzz4 04-02-2012 08:32 AM

Looks like my 'used to be a rental suite' :mrgreen:


Originally Posted by Trigs (Post 695643)

gregzz4 04-02-2012 08:37 AM

Excellent equip. You'll be happy with all you've bought so far.
All I'll add is you may want to put a blind of some kind over that window behind the tank.
And some speakers flanking the tank so the fish can play too :wink:

Trigs 04-02-2012 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 700214)
Excellent equip. You'll be happy with all you've bought so far.
All I'll add is you may want to put a blind of some kind over that window behind the tank.
And some speakers flanking the tank so the fish can play too :wink:

=P I have a temporary blind up already! yes i hear ya all the equipment i bought is sure worth the money, im very happy with everything especially the leds. haha why not eh?:biggrin:

fido19 04-02-2012 10:23 AM

dude two things
1) go bigger on the tank
2) i envy you so much right now

Trigs 04-02-2012 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by fido19 (Post 700221)
dude two things
1) go bigger on the tank
2) i envy you so much right now

Oh i know i was contemplating going bigger... just dont know yet!
hahah ya it is a sick room thats for sure.

Trigs 04-04-2012 07:04 AM

So update, just put a brightwell order in, Will be expecting some calcium,kalk,phyto,magnesium and some more goodies.

I have a couple pieces of test sps in right now to see how they hold up under lighting conditions and water parameters. Everything has been tested and looks great, been adding some calc every day and will be measuring my mg tomorrow.

First time really jumping into sps but hopefully i can get it right after staying away the last 5 years!

All comments and help is welcome :wink:

NU-2reef 04-04-2012 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Trigs (Post 695648)

Now that's a real game right there! I can't get enough of it.
Great work with the room I'll be putting a 40breeder in my gaming room so I too can call it a mancave.

Trigs 04-09-2012 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by NU-2reef (Post 701329)
Now that's a real game right there! I can't get enough of it.
Great work with the room I'll be putting a 40breeder in my gaming room so I too can call it a mancave.

A tank is the perfect addition! Now I'm thinking of upgrading lol

Any one have some inut on stocking this gem?

Trigs 04-12-2012 11:16 PM

Coral Shots
Well guys I have added a bunch of new stuff figured id take some pics... let me know what you think (sorry for iphone pics)

and a FTS

Canuckgod420 04-12-2012 11:46 PM

Is the light that blue in person?
I'm thinking of upgrading my tank with 6 of those lights but it seems rather blue.

Trigs 04-12-2012 11:48 PM

just looks that blue, and it was also ramping up from my night settings. so majority blue.

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