mike31154 |
03-10-2012 07:45 PM |
I spent some of my younger years in Cold Lake Alberta, went to school on the base actually. In keeping with the German theme, here's a letter to the base paper from a gentleman who was getting a little irate with pet owners allowing their critters to do stuff in his yard. During the cold war, there was a bit of a posting loop between Cold Lake & two German bases, so many folks had enough of an understanding of the language to pretty well decipher the following:
Editor's Note: The following was received for the letters to the Editor, but to chop it up and put it in one column, would lose the whole story.
Herr Cuttensnittenscriber:
Ich hab ein bitchencomplainen. Ich hab ein heim im Kinderfabric mit mein Frau und kinder. Ich arbeit mit C.F. einhundredundvier snorsunzoomers (nix mit CF funfundyowlers) on das fliegerplatz.
Mein bitchenuncomplainen is mit pooches and barkenpantensniffers. Immer morgan Ich hab lotsun poochen und barkenpantensniffers (und some spittenscratchers) in mein yarden, wassering und squawtenmessing in mein platz. Mein kinder ist playen und foolen in mein platz und steppenundslippen in das barkentpantensniffers squawtenundmessen. Mein Frau bin screamenundwheezen ober das mess. Ven isch goen to arbeit ish must tippytoeen oder isch ben slippenundslidden alsoo.
Bitt, Bitte mein Komerads, ifen das barkenpantensniffer needen runnenexercisen, taken im das leash im dein hand und du runnen mit, but nix im mein yarden.
Hair - von - Dick
Kinderfabric, Medley
P.S. Oder isch bin callen das barkenpantensniffersnatcher.