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Nano 03-04-2012 09:55 PM

water proof cameras?
I am looking for a waterproof housing for my nikon p500 with no luck thus far, anyone now where they might have them? or a decent underwater camera, that I dont have to spend more then $200? I am going to build a coral veiwer that is 6 inches in diameter, and about 10" long for good close shooting but feel it may block some light from the corals too. any tips?

es355lucille 03-04-2012 10:01 PM

Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS2
This is the one that I have......I think its a bit over $200 though. Takes nice pics....

scubadawg 03-04-2012 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by nanomano (Post 689706)
I am looking for a waterproof housing for my nikon p500 with no luck thus far, anyone now where they might have them? or a decent underwater camera, that I dont have to spend more then $200? I am going to build a coral veiwer that is 6 inches in diameter, and about 10" long for good close shooting but feel it may block some light from the corals too. any tips?

Your camera is still too new.

They make housings for Nikon, but for your application overkill!!!

These are meant for scubdiving

Aysha 04-08-2012 07:53 PM

I bought a sony tx10 due to its being waterproof. I think they retailed for 350 at Christmas (no idea I paid cost) it has however been discontinued (typical) so you may be able to find one on kijiji for less. the tx5 is similar its just the older model.
check for some awesome deals

here is the camera.
they come in silver, black, pink, yellow, and blue.

Aquaria 04-08-2012 08:50 PM

Try a fujifilm xp 20 or 30 same as every ohter cam shown only 200 bucks i have one there a great camera shock proof dustproof n waterproof

tim the toolman 04-08-2012 08:59 PM

I have a fujifilm xp model and it fried after about 40 underwater pics. Looked into it and it is not warrantied for saltwater use.

Aquaria 04-08-2012 09:04 PM

Try a fujifilm xp 20 or 30 same as every ohter cam shown only 200 bucks i have one there a great camera shock proof dustproof n waterproof

doch 04-08-2012 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by es355lucille (Post 689707)
This is the one that I have......I think its a bit over $200 though. Takes nice pics....


I think that the TS2 is no langer available, as the TS3 is currently being phased out in place of the TS4. This post actually prompted me to FINALLY buy my TS3. I've been waiting for at least 8 months... I'm grouchy today and needed a cheer up... this is it!! lol

The best part about this camera is that you can take amazing macro shots from 1.25" away. I looked and looked and looked for another point and shoot camera that does this... couldn't find one. My wife has a Panasonic camera, and I love it. I'm sure that I'll love this one just as much.

It is a little over the $200 you budget for, but IMO the macro shots will be well worth it. I paid $350 w/tax and shipping at Mcbain. If there's one by you, you can save $10. If you buy from the states, you can get it for $275. I paid the extra $75 for the easy canadian warranty.

DanG 04-12-2012 02:52 AM

I've got an olympus TG-310 that I picked up just before christmas through airmiles. I used it when I was in cuba and was happy with the pictures it took.
They've now got the tough 8010 at Bestbuy for $190. That one is good up to 33 feet down, mine is only 16.

daplatapus 04-12-2012 02:51 PM

I don't know if you can find them anymore, but I have a Pentax Optio W10 6 megapixel and love it. I've had it for probably close to 7 years or so. It's good for up to 15' and I've snorkelled with it, surfed with it, beat it up fairly bad and it just keeps ticking.

Geofrog 04-12-2012 03:29 PM

I have a Canon D10. Just love this camera, which is good upto 10m. The camera is a couple of years old now and goes for around $200-250.

s.tan 04-14-2012 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by doch (Post 702899)

I think that the TS2 is no langer available, as the TS3 is currently being phased out in place of the TS4. This post actually prompted me to FINALLY buy my TS3. I've been waiting for at least 8 months... I'm grouchy today and needed a cheer up... this is it!! lol

The best part about this camera is that you can take amazing macro shots from 1.25" away. I looked and looked and looked for another point and shoot camera that does this... couldn't find one. My wife has a Panasonic camera, and I love it. I'm sure that I'll love this one just as much.

Been thinking about the TS3 as well. Quick question, though. My wife has a Panasonic ZS-6 but on the underwater SCN setting, the macro function is disabled. Is this true of the TS3?

Kryptic4L 04-18-2012 05:51 AM

d20 will be out soon seeing as my olympus cratered in cuba, I will be getting this

Flash 05-02-2012 08:45 PM

anyone using the Kodak Playsport ZX3??? I'm just looking for something cheap!

Nano 05-02-2012 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Flash (Post 712667)
something cheap!

me too! ;)

Flash 05-02-2012 09:20 PM

i was thinking the fujifilm xp50 but i am not sure...

Aquaria 05-02-2012 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Flash (Post 712676)
i was thinking the fujifilm xp50 but i am not sure...

I have the xp20 and its a great camera for the price it took great pictures of tiny jellyfish in murky water at belcarra park

Flash 05-02-2012 09:34 PM

i can get a used olympus stylos 6000 for $80.00??!!

Enigma 05-02-2012 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Flash (Post 712684)
i can get a used olympus stylos 6000 for $80.00??!!

I use an Olympus Stylus Tough 6020. I love it.

ElGuappo 05-02-2012 10:55 PM

I have a underwater stylus as well. Good camera.

Sent from my galaxy S2 using tapatalk.

cbrine 09-02-2013 05:59 PM

Ikelite makes housings for just about all makes if camera/camcorder

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