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Best place for anemone
So I just got a bubble anemone and was told to take it off the love rock its on by bubbing around the base of the anemone and just place it in my tank and it will stick somewhere.
Is this that good of an idea? I figure that it might hit my bubble coral, hammer coral, ancans or my chili. Is there a better way to place it? And what kind of flow does it need? I did a slow 2 hour acclimation on it and its sitting on the original rock http://img.tapatalk.com/ce4bcd28-5617-ac5f.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/ce4bcd28-563e-0c6e.jpg Also how long does it take for a clown to feel comfortable enough to host |
Chances are, where ever you put it, it'll move. nems have a tendency to roam until they find a spot they like.
As far as how long it will take the clown to host with the nem, I have a gbta in my tank and my clown still prefers to host the return spout over the nem and they have been together in the tank for over 6 months and the nem has split twice. |
So it will detach it self and re attach itself else where eh?... That's pretty crazy... Will it possibly get stung by other corals?... Not sure of the type I got... I would say its a pink bta? Or is the colour of the whole thing not the tips?
Yes it can get stung by other corals and can also sting other corals.
It sounds like you're pretty new so here is some excellent and free literature on keeping anemones. http://www.wifeofnerd.com/images/AnemoneFAQ.pdf
Ya am pretty new still thanks for the read...I just moved him into a place with more flow... I just hope he doesn't move around to much and kill or get killed by other corals...and again sorry... is it a bubble tip? And what colour?( green or pink)? And should he be fat tenticled like that?
The biggest threat is that it detach and get cought into a pump.
I am not sure they like high flow. |
Usually lower flow and moderate light. It will find its own home. Don't worry about him being stung, unlike corals he can move if he gets stung.
Of course I'm just kidding around here but..... Nems is evil!.... Best place for it is in the fresh water tank in your bathroom:twised:.....nems seem to place their need for security above every thing else(light and the ability to catch food)....they really love to find a small hole or crevasse to wedge their foot into and expand around that...if you can find a spot that meets all its requirements, you can up the chances of it staying where you want it...... If the nem is new I wouldn't try removing it from the rock until after its settled in....provided it stays where it is for that long.....
So you think that I should take him off the current live rock he's on and just sit him on the sad bed? Sorry if I got what ur saying wrong. I like him sitting on the rock he's on
what is interesting is that my bubble tip is touching my alveopora as it moved right beside it and it is the nem that seem to retract when the alveopora is touching it. It does not seem to affect the alveopora when the bubble tip is touching it.
For now it moved in a spot where it can touch my alveopora and montipora cap. Also my maxi mini is constantly touching my montipora cap during the day but that does not seem to affect it one bit. Are bubble tips really dangerous for corals? Quote:
Don,t try to detach it as you might thear the foot and kill it.
Ok I didn't wanna try.. The guy at the Lfs picked up the first one I liked and two were attached to the same rock and he was going to remove it from the rock and just put it in the bag with any rock attached, then I opted to see another one and just took it on the rock... Luckily I did, he was a young kid and could have hurt it if he wasn't carefully enough
Well I woke up today as he's dead got sucked up in my canister filter... Amazing purchase on my half haha fail
dont feel bad i had a gbta dissapear completely no canister filter involved
but if you are using a canaser filter if yu attempt another anemone my suggestoin is make a mesh caseing out of plastick to put arounf the intake of the canister filter to keep the nem or other wandering inhabitants away from it .. not hard to do and will save you future dissapointment |
How can it get sucket into a canister? don't you have some sort of tip on the input to stop fish and animals from getting inside the filter?
I have a sponge filter at the entrance of my canister so nothing can get in. |
What just happened was painfully common and completely avoidable with a little bit of knowledge. Next time just do a little bit of reading first. You could have avoided a lot of unnecessary questions and spared the life of another anemone.
That sucks ( no pun intended)
I may come off as being harsh but its just because your situation was exactly the same as mine was with my first anemone 8 years ago. I didn't know what species it was or what its care requirements were when I bought it. My system at the time was completely unsuited for it and its a miracle that it didn't die within the first few months. But fortunately I got lucky and I still have that anemone to this day. Please don't skimp on the reading. The more you know the more likely you are to be successful the next time.
Oh ya I know that, that was my mistake this time... I normally read about what I'm getting, just this time I was at the store and I had the extra 40 bucks and I knew that I wanted to get one for my clowns... I knew it was a bubble anemone but had no clue it would move on its own... Will probly get another one in a couple weeks and am Going to put foam
Around anything he can get hurt by |
So got another anemone a couple days ago and put sponges around all my intakes and changed up my aqua scape and flow and he's looking really good... Was told he is a long tentacle. What do u think the chance are of my clowns hosting it?
http://img.tapatalk.com/ce4bcd28-d6b3-079a.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/ce4bcd28-d691-1021.jpg |
It's a nice looking one though, congrats. I hope this one works out a bit better for you. |
How big is your tank?
YOu might want to replace those clown if they don't adopt any anemone. Sometimes it does not take long, sometimes it takes forever for them to get the idea, sometimes they never get it.
I had a single clownfish in my aquarium for a year and half that never hosted anything, then I got a tank raised occellaris fancy white and he started to go on my duncan, then the female started to do it as well and the duncan almost died from this aggression. I then bought a long tentacles and after 3 months there was still nothing hapening. I decided to sell those clownfish and got some nice black ice occi and put a sebae in there and in a day they were in it. I bought a second sebase and now they are going from one anemone to the other and also a bit in my duncan but they don,t bother my duncan much so he's not upset like with the other pair. I decided to give up on my first pair and get another and I am glad I did. Both are tank raised occellaris and both got the idea in less than a day. BTW, long tentacles anemones become HUGE! mine as nearly 12" after a few months and it was not even eating. |
My RBTA loves high flow. Sits about 6" in front on my return line. |
Thanks reefgirl i hope it goes well to:) I think this one looks way cooler than my first one aswell.
Ryan my tank is 29 gal. Thanks for your experience Daniella ... That's probly what I'll have to end up doing is selling these two and getting another pair. Will probly give these guys 3-4 weeks and if not then I'll probly sell them or give them to a friend |
I've had a true perc clown for over 3 months now and over a week ago I got a RBTA. He couldn't care less about it. He swims in his little corner and never leaves the one side of the tank. So over the weekend I got a black clown from another canreefer and in less than 24 hours he was in the RBTA. It all depends on the individual clown I guess. I'll post pics soon. |
I have read and heard about putting a pic of a hosting clown near the anemone and sometimes the clowns with catch on to the idea... So I printed one out of the same looking clowns and anemone near it... It's a Long shot but it's werth he effortless try
Heres the size the anemone is at now he's absolutely huge... Does it mater the ratio of size of clown to anemone?
http://img.tapatalk.com/ce4bcd28-ac09-7b62.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/ce4bcd28-ac23-29c8.jpg |
Finally today I woke up and the bigger of the two clowns was hosting ... The little one still hasn't made his way in but I think it might be cause he's to little... I noticed black spots on the big clown for a couple weeks now and looked into it and figured he was trying I host but was to small or not strong enough and was getting bruised from the anemone but now he's sleeping in it so I would only hope that once the little guy gets bigger he'll host aswell
getting clown to host in anemone
Here is what i do and recommend to everyone worked for me and 5 of my friends and only took a day or 2 longest being a week. In nature they are taught by their parents how to keep safe. Therefore are taught, tank raised clown do not go through this stage let alone even see an anemone till is sold and in your tank i replicate this by putting a loop video of same breed of clown and same breed of anemone as yours i also have been told by a highly reputable LFS store owner is how he has done it for 10 years and been backed by a professor of icktheology (study of fish) that also confirmed it simulates the natural parenthood and is the best way. It is how he hosted both office and home clowns of his own all those people that laugh are probably ones who need to research more remember you will be laughing with an amazing sight everyday while others have theirs hosting unusual things been proven 5 times by me personally hundreds by LFS owner and a few by university professor hope everyone with a clown starts to do this and hope to hear your results are as good as all of ours
Plus...old thread. |
Actually I have heard this works with just a picture taped to the tank. |
i got tired of waiting so i put an anemone up to where the clowns hung out.
Didnot stay there? |
i moved the anemone with its rock up to the clowns and they went in that day
now they have 8 to play in |
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