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FishyFishy! 02-22-2012 07:43 PM

Fluval Edge with 15 Gallon sump
I recently aquired a pewter colored 7 Gallon Fluval Edge Nano from a friend (for free...yay!). I decided to go for a nano setup since my 155 build is going terribly slow. I've also decided to go with LED's for lighting, and a 15 Gallon (water volume, not dimensions) 20" X 16" X 15" sump. So that will put the total water volume at roughly 22 gallons. I think it will make for a more stable evironment for the edge.

I'm also toying with the idea of doing a suspended fuge above the sump that would be either drain line or pump fed. More on that one when it's all set up and I see how much room I have to play with inside the stand.

Here is the tank as it came to me:

Current equipment that I have lying around -

150W Jager heater
Tunze 9002 Protein Skimmer
20 X 16 X 15 glass sump
TLF 150 phosban reactor for Chemi-pure elite
Tunze ATO
2 Koralia Nano powerheads (upgrading to Vortec MP10 asap)
Oceanic BioCube 29 stock return pump
Oddysea 150W 14 Halide with 2 X 24W actinic T5 Pendant (until LED's arrive)

When LED's arrive it will be 6 cree royal blues and 6 cree cool white with dimmable drivers. I'm ordering from Rapid LED, so from what I heard everything should go well.

Stock -
Not sure! pom poms, porcelains, sexy shrimp?
shrimp/goby combo?
pair of misbar clowns?

Buncha florida and yuma rics, birdsnest SPS, torch and frog spawn for sure... and whatever else comes along.

FishyFishy! 02-22-2012 07:58 PM

Step One - making the stand the overflow box.
Remove the rear filter cover portion of the tanks stand and remove the backing. Cut a piece of acrylic to fit the bottom. There is a bunch of slats that sit inside the cover, I used the second from bottom to rest the acrylic on.

FishyFishy! 02-22-2012 08:04 PM

Step Two - Trim top edge down.
The small cover that sits against the glass of the aquarium is too tall for the overflow section. I trimmed it down to the edge where the plastic lip of the aquarium meets the glass.

Trim area

Cover back together

FishyFishy! 02-22-2012 08:10 PM

Step Three - Cut holes for bulkheads
I decided to go with 1" for the drain, 3/4" for the emergency, and 1/2" for the return... why??? Because thats what I had laying around for bulkheads and plumbing! haha.

Here are the holes drilled in the acrylic

Test fit inside the overflow again -

Bulkheads in for test fit

Nano 02-22-2012 08:13 PM

HAHA neat this will be a cool build for sure

FishyFishy! 02-22-2012 08:17 PM

Step 4 - Make it water tight
So, the next thing to do it make the rear overflow section water tight. I used some crazy acrylic glue to seal all the parts together, and after for safety I also siliconed the entire inner perimeter.

(warning... don't open the can and stick your nose in to see what it smells like....burnt my lungs in a bad way)

Acrylic weld is seen here -

And now all together with the silicone in place

And bulkheads installed

FishyFishy! 02-22-2012 08:44 PM

Step Five - Modify drain from tank
Luckily, the top edge of the tank is plastic, making it easily modifiable. Since I did not want to glue/silicone the stand/cover and the tank together to allow water to flow directly into the back chamber, I decided to go with this:

Now, water will flow over the crack between the tank and stand, without worrying about leakage. I can also direct flow to add a layer of floss to pre-filter the water going into the drain. I don't have to worry about overflowing the overflow box with the emergency drain either.

Few more pictures

I have yet to decide how I want to do the tank side overflow. I'm going to either drill a bunch of holes, dremel slats (comb style) or cut it out completely and silicone some egg crate in there.

Bblinks 02-22-2012 08:48 PM

super cool.

FishyFishy! 02-22-2012 08:51 PM

Step 6 - Overflow plumbing
First, you have to cut out the bottom of the stand to allow the plumbing to go through. I kinda hacked it with a dremel, but no one will see it anyways.

Then did up the drain, emergency and return line plumbing

Also did up a little egg crate rack for some filter floss. The design of the stand on the Fluval Edge is awesome, because it already has little ledges inside the overflow section. So the egg crate just lies on top:

As it sits today:

FishyFishy! 02-22-2012 09:23 PM

Water testing
Had to do a water test again after I got all the plmbing for the overflow in place:

All is good, and no leaks as of yet!

Now.. onto the stand. I will be starting that tonight.

I seem to remember seeing a stand calculator that you plugged dimensions into, and it gave you all the list of lumber that you needed... anyone remember seeing anything like this... or am I just whacko? :twised:

Reefie 02-22-2012 11:39 PM

Very VERY COOL! Tagging along.

FishyFishy! 03-12-2012 05:10 AM

So I have lots to update!

Stand is built, tank is all plumbed and in place, and I went and got some temporary LED's until my CREE's arrive.

Stand under construction:

Stand framing complete:

Then I painted the inside white and the outside black

Tank and sump in place

Door painted and put on (used velcro)

FishyFishy! 03-12-2012 05:23 AM

Overflow cut into tank. 1/2" loc line return in place

Plumbing from bottom

Water testing... Nice even flow from the overflow.

And how I drained the sump! lol

FishyFishy! 03-12-2012 05:31 AM

So for the lights, I went to ikea and picked up some LED lights to use until my CREE's arrive.

I have ordered another tank topper so that I can lengthen the top canopy. I will fuse the teo together and make a longer one. Right now, I have cut the rear off the current one, and here I will show you where the lengthened hood will stay.

Original Location:

And this is where it will sit when the two are fused together:

Attached the LED's to egg crate and siliconed it into the canopy:

Blue only Lights on:

50/50 white and blue:

Bblinks 03-12-2012 06:32 AM

Looking good man. You think the lights are gonna be enough coverage?

FishyFishy! 03-12-2012 01:18 PM

Well those lights are very temporary. I think they are about 3W each LED stick, so at 8 of them, it's only 24W of crappy LED's lol. I highly doubt those would even grow corals, but who knows.

As far as the spread of lights, since that photo, I tilted two of them to shine towards the ends of the aquarium. But coverage should be good, it's stupid bright.

I have ordered 12 3W CREE LED's - 6 RB and 6CW. couple of drivers, heat sinks and 80 degree optics, so that should do the trick for sure.

lockrookie 03-12-2012 05:06 PM

use reflextive tape within th hood area it should add more reflection i have thought of doing this for my niece i ike what youve done great work

SandSifter 03-13-2012 06:16 PM

Very cool build...what is the livestock side of things going to look like?

FishyFishy! 03-13-2012 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by SandSifter (Post 693275)
Very cool build...what is the livestock side of things going to look like?

My stocking vision looks as follows:

2 Picasso Clowns or 2 Purple firefish (undecided)
Shrimp/Goby pair
2 Sexy shrimp
Emerald Crab
White Porcelain crab
Some tiny little hermits
5 astrea snails

Mainly LPS and softies, but when the good LED's come in, I will try some SPS:

Pink/Purple Birdsnest SPS
Couple colors of Monti's SPS

Hammer coral
Torch Coral
Florida Ric garden
Zoa Garden

One or two small clams as well.

SandSifter 03-13-2012 10:27 PM

wow, should become a very nice nano :) Of course the water volume will allow you to do more...hmmm now you have me thinking of adding a sump to my 10 gallon, damn you! haha

FishyFishy! 03-13-2012 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by SandSifter (Post 693389)
wow, should become a very nice nano :) Of course the water volume will allow you to do more...hmmm now you have me thinking of adding a sump to my 10 gallon, damn you! haha

Haha, yeah I wanted a nice fully stocked nano with very little equipment visable in the main display, so sump was the only option. I have also always wanted a Fluval Edge because of their unique design. Just never felt like forking out the money to get one, so now that I picked one up for free, i'll spend the time and money on it.

Ginu 03-14-2012 08:12 PM

This is very cool. Tagging along.

mufflerfist 03-15-2012 12:33 AM

tagging along too. Awesome setup.. You just made up my mind on what to build.. Very interested in how the water will overflow out of the tank.... Can't wait new pics ..

gregzz4 03-15-2012 12:44 AM

I'm likin' this build too.
If you get tired of the velcro, you could use counter sunk magnets

FishyFishy! 03-15-2012 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by mufflerfist (Post 693866)
tagging along too. Awesome setup.. You just made up my mind on what to build.. Very interested in how the water will overflow out of the tank.... Can't wait new pics ..

In this pic during the water test, you can actually see the water flowing nicely through the overflow. The only thing this is missing is my egg crate rack for filter floss.


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 693873)
I'm likin' this build too.
If you get tired of the velcro, you could use counter sunk magnets

Yeah I really wanted to use those, but I couldn't find any where I looked, and I am fairly unsure of how to make them stick in the counter sunk holes (glue?) So some advice on this would be awesome... I already hate the velcro!

Skimmerking 03-15-2012 04:56 PM

I knew it a seen that a REAL BEER LUCKY OH YA

FishyFishy! 03-15-2012 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Skimmer King (Post 694063)
I knew it a seen that a REAL BEER LUCKY OH YA

Hahaha, YUP! Love the good old Lucky lager.

gregzz4 03-15-2012 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by FishyFishy! (Post 694055)
Yeah I really wanted to use those, but I couldn't find any where I looked, and I am fairly unsure of how to make them stick in the counter sunk holes (glue?) So some advice on this would be awesome... I already hate the velcro!

I thought the velcro might be a pain :lol:
Talk to Grizz about where to get them and how he attached his magnets to the doors as I've never done it

SandSifter 03-18-2012 03:20 AM

Any updates on this bad boy?

FishyFishy! 03-19-2012 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by SandSifter (Post 695097)
Any updates on this bad boy?

Yup! got everything in place and set up. Got some of the rock out of my other tank, but I have to 'downsize' a lot of the rock to be able to fit in the hole at the top. So I have some chizzling to do! But there is some rock in there, a lot of sump rock/rock rubble in there, basically filled the whole sump. Bought a little blue devil damsel who is hilarious... he loves the powerhead. Play's in it all day. Also -

Found a good light color combo
Added Snails and hermits from other tank
Added Koralia Nano Powerhead
Added Fluval heater
Added Tunze Osmolator ATO
Added Blue Devil Damsel
Added floss rack and floss

Still to do:

Clean up all the wiring
Velcro the Tunze ATO controller to stand
Velcro the LED color contorllers to stand
Chizzle my nice display rock to get smaller pieces into edge (add more rock)
Add Protein skimmer
Add TLF 150 Reactor with Chemi-Pure Elite.

This is the sump about an hour in, I will get a better pic soon. There is a tonne more rock in there now, and a different heater, ato, etc etc.

Top down look

LED through top screen

FishyFishy! 03-19-2012 08:20 PM

Sump as it sits now, ATO controller in place.

Rock in sump

Nice rock from my other tank. Covered in Coraline

Crab hitchin' a ride on a snail

SandSifter 03-21-2012 12:21 AM

Looking good! What skimmer are you going to use? I just do 10-15% changes every 2 weeks in my 10 gallon and that seems to work out just fine, but then again I don't have the livestock list that you will. Nice work, looks great.

Ginu 03-21-2012 12:59 AM

Looks good so far... Too good lol

Love the rocks and I have to ask, how do you get that nice purple coralline on them?

FishyFishy! 03-21-2012 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by SandSifter (Post 696060)
Looking good! What skimmer are you going to use? I just do 10-15% changes every 2 weeks in my 10 gallon and that seems to work out just fine, but then again I don't have the livestock list that you will. Nice work, looks great.

My perfect skimmer for this setup because of the simplicity of design, use, and it's compact size, would be the Tunze 9002. I've had 3 of these skimmers in the past on various sized tanks and they are fantastic. It'll fit perfectly with the magnet mount on the back side of the sump right in front of the overflow drain. So thats what i'm looking for. I just hate buying things at new prices lol. So i'm waiting for one to come about used.

FishyFishy! 03-21-2012 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by Ginu (Post 696077)
Looks good so far... Too good lol

Love the rocks and I have to ask, how do you get that nice purple coralline on them?

Just start with a good piece of quality live rock with lots of coraline on it already. Put it in the tank with the other rocks, and make sure that your calcium and mag are always in check. I found that the best way for coraline to thrive. My other display is pure purple, and I just started with one pure-coraline covered piece of rock. It spreads on it's own.

Many people have tried stuff like "purple up" and personally, it has done nothing for me. I tried it for almost a full year of dosing on an old tank, and had maybe a couple tiny little patches of coraline.

I also keep calcium high in that tank because it's got a bunch of clams in it.

SandSifter 03-21-2012 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by FishyFishy! (Post 696139)
I also keep calcium high in that tank because it's got a bunch of clams in it.

How high are you keeping it at?

FishyFishy! 03-21-2012 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by SandSifter (Post 696370)
How high are you keeping it at?

In my other tank I keep it around 450 ppm. I have a measured dosage of calcium that goes in my auto top off bucket, so I mix 5 gallons at a time. Keeps it very consistant. I just use seachem advantage calcium/mag suppliment.

Also helps to have strong lighting. I have a 14K phoenix 150W metal halide right over top of it with 2 actinic t5's on a small tank.

In the edge, I don't think I will need to keep the calcium that high. I will aim for around 380-400 ppm for this tank as it will have some LPS, a small clam,and some easy SPS.

Bblinks 03-21-2012 10:13 PM

wow dude, coming along nicely. you should market mod to the tank and sell it, I'll buy one for sure.

Ginu 03-22-2012 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by FishyFishy! (Post 696139)
Just start with a good piece of quality live rock with lots of coraline on it already. Put it in the tank with the other rocks, and make sure that your calcium and mag are always in check. I found that the best way for coraline to thrive. My other display is pure purple, and I just started with one pure-coraline covered piece of rock. It spreads on it's own.

Many people have tried stuff like "purple up" and personally, it has done nothing for me. I tried it for almost a full year of dosing on an old tank, and had maybe a couple tiny little patches of coraline.

I also keep calcium high in that tank because it's got a bunch of clams in it.

I just love that coraline :) let me know if you would like to sell some rock :)

Ofcourse my test kit shows my Ca being extremely high 540+ which is most likely way off. I hate the fact that I spent almost 100$ on API kits to get false results.
I have a few large rocks with a nice coraline on them but they are pure white (very few purple spots on some of my other rocks) and now HA is trying to take my coraline over... this is a battle i must win.

Reefie 03-23-2012 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Bblinks (Post 696418)
wow dude, coming along nicely. you should market mod to the tank and sell it, I'll buy one for sure.

+1 I'd buy one too! How many Tangs could I squeeze in there before the Tang Police break my door down? ��

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