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fencer 02-09-2012 04:37 PM

Fragging Demos at Red Coral
I spoke to Steve
There will be four parts / sessions on separate days
The first one will be on Sat Feb 18th
The topic will be Zoo fragging
It will be hands on not just a watch me demo

The time will be 6pm at the shop

fencer 02-10-2012 02:25 PM


Nano 02-10-2012 03:16 PM

cool hopefully I can make it to this one, I'm interested to see the best way of doing things like that

lockrookie 02-10-2012 03:30 PM

i wish i could be part of this i need to frag this in the worst way

RedCoralEdmonton 02-10-2012 11:29 PM

Nice Zoa Rock!

Step 1 - Lift rock out of display

Step 2 - drop from 10 story building

Step 3 - Profit?

(by no means am I serious)


lockrookie 02-10-2012 11:41 PM

lol thanks steve but im afriad they will freeze on the waay down the 10 stories

that is 8-10 months growth off a 20 polyp frag i got. i should post the candycane i have that was one head 6 months ago

gregzz4 02-11-2012 12:10 AM

Man, I wish I could attend

Mike-fish 02-12-2012 05:17 AM

I should be there

scubadawg 02-12-2012 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by RedCoralEdmonton (Post 680962)
Nice Zoa Rock!

Step 1 - Lift rock out of display

Step 2 - drop from 10 story building

Step 3 - Profit?

(by no means am I serious)


Where do we attach the mini parachute?:lol::lol::lol:

MMAX 02-13-2012 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 680829)
i wish i could be part of this i need to frag this in the worst way

Take a hammer and a clean chisel or flathead screwdriver and bust it into chunks--and yes I'm being serious. I have a few of the same sized zoa rocks and that's all I do to frag them. Be sure to wear safety glasses while doing this.

fencer 02-14-2012 04:45 PM

Bump......Steve needs a who's coming list on this thread

Kgrizzle 02-14-2012 04:57 PM

I'll be trying to attend

reefwars 02-14-2012 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 680829)
i wish i could be part of this i need to frag this in the worst way

a grinder and cutting disk does the job best , but sooner or later that colony is gonna start fragging itself by growing off the rocks and the weight of the mats will attach it from the colony.

ive smashed zoas on the floor for frags before lol so the building thing steve said will also work well:P

noirsphynx 02-14-2012 05:05 PM

This is a great idea Steve! I know there are probably lots of locals who will enjoy this. I may show up to some future demos.


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 680829)
i wish i could be part of this i need to frag this in the worst way

hammer & chisel or I like using a dremel with the diamond wheel bit.

Mike-fish 02-15-2012 01:49 AM

I will be there for sure. My dad might tag along.

Kgrizzle 02-15-2012 01:52 AM

Damn I just realized this was in Edmonton won't be making it

Leon71 02-15-2012 06:08 PM

I will be there. And Eva as well, but she only wants to observe.

ALang 02-15-2012 09:10 PM

Thanks for "volunteering" your store for this fun demo, Steve.
I will be attending other demos in the future, but I'll pass on this one.
As you know, mine were all eaten by some anonymous fish!

scubadawg 02-15-2012 10:40 PM

Crap, I'm doing a 2 network server switchovers on Saturday, I hoping to make it.

fencer 02-17-2012 06:06 PM


Abe 02-18-2012 04:26 AM

I will be there :)

Oilers 02-19-2012 05:04 AM

Thank you Steve for putting a wicked demo for us. It's great to actually try fragging those zoas. Let me know when you have those tool kits in store, I will definitely drop by to pick up one.

Mike-fish 02-19-2012 05:56 AM

Thanks for the frag and demos. I'm looking forward to the next one. When I got home I went to town fraging my zoas so I have 12 assorted frags siting in the rack. If you don't mind put me down for a frag kit.

Thanks again

fishoholic 02-19-2012 11:49 AM

Thanks Steve you did a great job on showing everyone how to frag zoas, and to be able to have hands on experience, that was great :biggrin:

Also loved seeing scubadawg's dive pic's. Awesome shoots which me thinks he needs to share more of *HINT HINT*

John from Spruce Grove 02-19-2012 02:02 PM

Steve, my son Evan and I really enjoyed the frag'ing demo last night and it was nice to meet you finally. My zoa frag has opened up this morning and seems like a happy little coral in my tank.

I'm sure over time you'll be creating an even more devoted and loyal customer base by doing things like these demos and you'll deserve it too!

Nice to meet everyone else there last night also!

Leon71 02-19-2012 05:55 PM

Thanks Steve. The demo was great. Having the hands-on was definitely a huge benefit. It takes away my fear of destroying them. Looking forward to the next demo. Put me down for the fragging kit as well. Leon

fencer 02-19-2012 09:16 PM

Fishoholic bought pizza for us:mrgreen:

fishoholic 02-19-2012 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by fencer (Post 684199)
Fishoholic bought pizza for us:mrgreen:

Correction I bought pizza for Steve because he agreed to and did help me move my antique dresser today. Someone showed up last mintue and tagged along :razz:

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