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Coralgurl 01-08-2012 07:28 PM

Coralgurls tank build 180 - it's ALIVE
Hey everyone, I finally get to have a build thread! This is a bit early to start as i wont be picking up the tank till later this week but I'm so excited, sitting here planning and thinking. I expect to have the tank up and running within the year so loads of time for planning.

As I have only been reefing for less than a year with my 55gl sump less system, I have a LOT to learn going bigger and would like some input on equipment. Currently have the following:

Tunze 9011 skimmer rated to over 200 gl
Mp 10 and 40
Illuminex LEDs and 2x 54 wt t5ho
Hob refugium

Obviously lighting is going to have to change. I really like what the LEDs have done for the tank since adding, I know a lot of you have been switching over, thoughts, pros, cons?

I'm guessing another mp 40...?

In my current set up I've been trying every coral, sorties, lps and sps. Not
much luck with the sps and not sure if I will really get into them (for now) but
obviously want the option.

So....what else should I be looking at?

My other question is flooring. The space where the tank will be going is carpeted, will likely pull it out and tile it. I've read a few threads on tile floors and the concerns...Thoughts?

When we get the tank home, will post pics, have an idea of some of the mods we will need to make.

Thanks and I look forward to all comments and suggestions.

Reefie 01-08-2012 08:01 PM

Oooh.......this sounds exciting! Getting another MP40 would be a good idea, but depending on how much actual flow you're looking to achieve. You might actually be ok with the MP40 and the MP10 that you already have.

I'm gung-ho on LED's, however that will really depend on your budget and if you want the dimming option that the newer units have. I have 2 Illumilux units retro-fitted in my little BC29 plus I added a "few" Ecoxotic Stunner LED strips to fill the area that the Illumilux doesn't reach. I think I honestly went a little overboard on my lighting.

I can't wait to see pics.

Good luck on the build!

Coralgurl 01-08-2012 08:13 PM

I'm running the 10 at 100% and the 40 at about 45%, also have a koralia 750 to move water on the surface and this seems more than enough on the 55. My big issue is getting all water storage out of sight and right now we are debating where to put it. Our basement is partially developed with a bedroom right under where the tank will be. I'd rather have the sump and everything in the basement, but would mean running a lot of extra plumbing. He's talking about an additional cabinet to house the water...hmm.

From what I've seen with the led units, will likely need at least 2 for a 6 ft tank, possibly 3? That gets pricey.... I'm also wondering about controllers, if necessary?

Cal_stir 01-08-2012 10:37 PM

i had a mp10 on a 90g with 3/8" glass, it barely held on and my turbo snail kept knocking it off.

Nano 01-08-2012 10:54 PM

DIY LED kits are probably cheaper in your case, and I assume your tank is probably braced in the center, so the middle light would get a lot of shadows created in the tank if it was the case. If your seriously considering LED I would message Martin about a DIY kit He can throw things together t suite your needs for whether or not you will keep softies/lps/sps, what color requirements you want, dimming, controllers etc. awesome guy to talk to about this. from what I have heard MP40s are awesome but for the money I head a lot of people say Tunze is the way to go. I personally have no clue about that though.

Good Luck I look forward to watching your build!! I will be doing one in a few weeks too!

Coralgurl 01-15-2012 10:29 PM

Well, I got my tank, not the 135, but a brand new 180 gl, plus a sump (don't have the dimensions yet) and metal stand. Tank and stand were delivered yesterday, have 3 very strong guys to thank for safely getting it in the house! I have to pick up the sump from Red Coral this week, its a 5 footer..Thanks to my amazing boyfriend and family who made this happen!!! Hope they continue to support the addiction!

Here's the pics!

tank and stand
left overflow
right overflow

Where it will actually be placed.

Coralgurl 01-15-2012 10:34 PM

I went out today to look at wood both for skimming and to place the tank on. Will have to wait until later this week for the boyfriends truck, I really don't want it sitting on the floor. Its all predrilled so we are hoping to start the plumbing this week. I was thinking this would take more time, but may have it going sooner than expected. Water in a month????

I see many of you designing layouts, what program are you using?

Hoping for any suggestions you can offer!

gregzz4 01-15-2012 11:24 PM

I'm not so sure that desk will hold your tank :rolleyes:
But seriously, that's a great lookin' setup so far.
You, IMO, will need more in tank flow than the 3 powerheads you have now, but I'd be inclined to leak test everything first and see how you like it before you buy more.
As far as the tiling goes, I'm the wrong guy to answer it for you, but I do know it's doable as long as it's done right. Otherwise you'll destroy the tiles.
I'm not familiar with your skimmer, but many are over-rated, although some are close. You'll probably end up with around 160g DT plus your sump, so you'll just have to try it and see. It's a good brand, but I know not of it.
Some tips;
-fasten your PVC to the stand to alleviate stress on the glass
-use flexible or 'spaflex' hose where you can to alleviate stress and vibrations
-if your sump is not already baffled, plan it well, then think about it for days. Then plan it again. Many of us wish we had thought it through more our first go 'round
-some members have used 'rare earth' magnets to hold the stand skin on. Works great as far as I have seen
And I'd highly recommend you leak test everything with tap water. Completely fill everything to where it will be and let it sit/run for a day or more. That's a lot of RO water to waste if you have issues :mrgreen:

gregzz4 01-15-2012 11:24 PM

OH, one program out there is Google Sketchup

Coralgurl 01-16-2012 12:13 AM

The desk will be moved, it's not part of the tank :lol:

Leak test will happen once we're ready for water. Thanks for the suggestions on the plumbing. I know nothing about this so I'm reading as much as I can and looking at other builds. Ya, at 2 hours per 5 gallons for ro water, not going to chance filling the tank without testing.

The sump has a top off section, 3 baffles and room to add a refugium. I will post pics once I get it.

We may just leave the carpet and not change it out.

I'm not going to rush out and buy anything at this point, will get everything transferred and then see what needs to be changed/upgraded.

Was so excited last night, couldn't sleep, thinking about everything. I so want to do this right!

gregzz4 01-16-2012 01:10 AM

The tile idea is good as you have more control over spillage and spray, so don't bail on the idea yet.
I can't do anything about my carpet as the tank is in the livingroom and we just had the whole house re-carpeted.
I haven't slept right since the end of October when I decided to sell all my FW gear and go SW, so I know Exactly what you mean.
Can't fall asleep, wake up in the middle of the night thinking, get up after 1 or 2 hours, pull 36 hours straight ...
I'm getting close though, so hopefully, once I get my rock 'cooking' and all the plumbing/electrical done, I'll sleep normally again as I am absolutely Bagged :wacko:

lockrookie 01-16-2012 01:29 AM

looking good i will say that the euro bracingismaking me re think a few things.. i willbe following i may be bugging you for a few measurements atyur conveinence tho :)

fishytime 01-16-2012 03:57 AM

Looking good Sheena!.....I know exactly how exciting this stage of the game can be.....and somewhat overwhelming for a first time reef tank builder.... Like I said at the shop, feel free to PM me if you need/want to..... And have fun:wink:

fishoholic 01-16-2012 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by Coralgurl (Post 671584)
Hope they continue to support the addiction!

Muahahahaha little do they know what they are getting themselves into :razz:

Seriously though that's awesome, congrats and good luck with the build :biggrin:

Coralgurl 01-17-2012 03:37 PM

Hmm, electrical - going to have to take a look at this bit. My current set up is a bit of a mess....

Lockrookie - If I can answer your questions, I'll be happy to, as long as you can answer mine :biggrin:

Thanks Doug, I'm pretty sure I'm going to be bugging you! Will be stopping by this week I'm sure as we want to get started on the plumbing.

Laurie, all they keep asking me is how much everything costs and what I've already spent on my little tank (which looks super small now).

Question - how thick should the plywood and foam be for the base? Picking up today, can find 1 inch foam (was told to get 3/4 inch), is this too much?

Also, boyfriend wants to plumb an overflow for the sump directly into the house plumbing. Has anyone else done this? There are plumbing lines in the wall behind where the tank will be going so this is where he wants to go. I'm researching like crazy and I haven't found anyone who has done this.

I hope you all don't mind if some of these questions seem silly or dumb, this is my first build ever and going to need loads of help and input!


ensquire 01-17-2012 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Coralgurl (Post 672222)

Question - how thick should the plywood and foam be for the base? Picking up today, can find 1 inch foam (was told to get 3/4 inch), is this too much?

I would say that a minimum of 5/8 plywood but 3/4 is ideal. I believe that all pink foam boards are 1". as long as it's dense foam I would say that 3/4 would be OK.

Cal_stir 01-17-2012 08:51 PM

Also, boyfriend wants to plumb an overflow for the sump directly into the house plumbing. Has anyone else done this? There are plumbing lines in the wall behind where the tank will be going so this is where he wants to go. I'm researching like crazy and I haven't found anyone who has done this.

I have my skimmer drain plumbed in, make sure you use a trap to prevent smell from backing up

Coralgurl 01-26-2012 12:36 PM

The sump is coming home tonight. I'm going to start it by keeping things simple for now. The wood for the stand has been sealed and plumbing will start this weekend. I've ordered my lights, going with the radians, should be here next week!! Ive got a tunze 9011 skimmer which I will use to start up and see how it performs in the sump, but will upgrade if needed. My mp40 has crapped out so I'm sending it away for repairs, as it's still under warranty. Will be adding one more once tank is running. I've also started a fish list but it's too soon to worry about yet.

I will need more lr, got 60lbs in the 55, picked up another 30+ lbs last week. I'm thinking 30 lbs lr and 50 lbs base rock and new sand to start the cycle. Will not be transferring current sand as it's too fine. How much sand do I need? I am loving the wrasses, so a sand bed is needed.

Will post pics as things start. What else should I be thinking about to get going equipment wise??

Coralgurl 01-26-2012 03:29 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 8860

This is the sump I am working with 60x18x18. It has a section for auto top offs, water in, baffles, skimmer and return section. What if any mods would you make? My thoughts are to add live rock/sand, but add a separate compartment for the refugium, simply block of the end with eggcrate and add some chaeto. This is my first sump so I'm not sure what I should do if anything. If changes are made, its not coming home today:sad:. Thanks for any help/suggestions

kien 01-26-2012 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Coralgurl (Post 675459)
Attachment 8860

This is the sump I am working with 60x18x18. It has a section for auto top offs, water in, baffles, skimmer and return section. What if any mods would you make? My thoughts are to add live rock/sand, but add a separate compartment for the refugium, simply block of the end with eggcrate and add some chaeto. This is my first sump so I'm not sure what I should do if anything. If changes are made, its not coming home today:sad:. Thanks for any help/suggestions

My suggestion would be to swap the in and out compartments. That is, make the "in" compartment bigger than the "out" compartment. Reason being, by placing your skimmer and potentially other media reactors in the "in" compartment your bubble trap will trap potential bubbles from your skimmer and reactors. However, if you place your skimmer in your "out" compartment as you have it now you have nothing to stop/reduce bubbles that may be ejected from your skimmer from getting into your display.

reefgirl189 01-26-2012 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by Coralgurl (Post 675459)
Attachment 8860

This is the sump I am working with 60x18x18. It has a section for auto top offs, water in, baffles, skimmer and return section. What if any mods would you make? My thoughts are to add live rock/sand, but add a separate compartment for the refugium, simply block of the end with eggcrate and add some chaeto. This is my first sump so I'm not sure what I should do if anything. If changes are made, its not coming home today:sad:. Thanks for any help/suggestions

Exact size of my new sump! lol :)

Not sure if you're a refugium type of girl or not but at this stage of the design it's easy to accomodate for one. You may want to think about it for nitrate control. Of course there are other nitrate control methods, but the fuges are just so cool!

What kind of sand are you thinking?

Also let's see that fish list!!

Coralgurl 01-27-2012 01:41 AM

Thanks Kien, that's what we are going to do! Kevin at RC kindly helped with the plumbing layout drawings tonight, so hoping to get it started!

Reefergirl, are you redoing everything?

I do like the refugiums, I can still add one in, along with a mod for filter socks.
Def a courser sand, the stuff in my current tank has all blown to one side and the front is now bare. I haven't looked at brands yet...not going with all live tho.
Ummm, fish list is at work, got a little distracted :razz:
Without being overly specific
Blue powder tang
Brown powder tang
I so would love a trigger-reef safe if possible, think these are cool looking fish but need more research
That's all I remember atm
Of course my current fish, 2 sebae clowns, royal gramma, solar wrasse, cardinal.

fishytime 01-27-2012 02:33 AM

sorry I missed your pm(was at work)......but ya, +3 (Kien, Kevin)......the big section would be great for whatever skimmer you ever decide to go with......have your drains dump as close to the outside edge of the big compartment as possible......if you want to run filter socks, a holder could be done with glass or acrylic or even eggcrate.....skimmer then fuge/spare rock (partitioned off from the skimmer with eggcrate).....bubble trap then return.....a nice tunze ATO and Bob's your uncle:biggrin:

reefgirl189 01-27-2012 03:22 AM


Originally Posted by Coralgurl (Post 675642)
Thanks Kien, that's what we are going to do! Kevin at RC kindly helped with the plumbing layout drawings tonight, so hoping to get it started!

Reefergirl, are you redoing everything?

I do like the refugiums, I can still add one in, along with a mod for filter socks.
Def a courser sand, the stuff in my current tank has all blown to one side and the front is now bare. I haven't looked at brands yet...not going with all live tho.
Ummm, fish list is at work, got a little distracted :razz:
Without being overly specific
Blue powder tang
Brown powder tang
I so would love a trigger-reef safe if possible, think these are cool looking fish but need more research
That's all I remember atm
Of course my current fish, 2 sebae clowns, royal gramma, solar wrasse, cardinal.

Well... we are doing a few changes. Like you, I have the most awesome boyfriend in the world. It was actually his idea to get an aquarium in the first place. Little did he know!! LOL But this is your build thread!! Let's talk more about you and your set up.

What do you think about the niger trigger? I'd love to get one of those when the time is right. I know they don't have much for color but they just look so majestic.

And what are your plans for the first tank? Are you going to keep it up like it is right now or are you going to do something different? Sell it off to pay for the new baby?

I'm sand shopping too at the moment. We have the bare bottom right now and I don't like it. Sometimes I wish there was a magic calculator you could plug all your dimensions and equipment into and it would tell your options are for sand, rock, what your potential future upgrade options are, etc. Maybe one of the more tech-savy vendors on this site could create one.

Coralgurl 01-27-2012 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 675664)
sorru I missed your pm(was at work)......but ya, +3 (Kien, Kevin)......the big section would be great for whatever skimmer you ever decide to go with......have your drains dump as close to the outside edge of the big compartment as possible......if you want to run filter socks, a holder could be done with glass or acrylic or even eggcrate.....skimmer then fuge/spare rock (partitioned off from the skimmer with eggcrate).....bubble trap then return.....a nice tunze ATO and Bob's your uncle:biggrin:

That's the plan for now! Will modify as we go if needed! The bf is trying to complicate things....gotta reign him in lol. Thank you!!

Coralgurl 01-27-2012 04:00 AM

Update your build thread!:lol:

The Niger trigger is gorgeous but aggressive and not reef safe. I want a peaceful community tank, with a bigger tank, there's so many choices! I saw a couple gorgeous butterflies and angels tonight but again not reef friendly!

I want to turn the little one into a pony tank but bf says I have to take it down. I don't see why I can't have 2 tanks...will see, our office is moving this spring, maybe move it there, drive the boss crazy!

There was a recent thread on sand types here, or just start one. I've been reading a ton on skimmers, pumps, lights. I learn it as I need it otherwise it makes no sense.

Will post updated pics over the weekend!


Originally Posted by reefgirl189 (Post 675689)
Well... we are doing a few changes. Like you, I have the most awesome boyfriend in the world. It was actually his idea to get an aquarium in the first place. Little did he know!! LOL But this is your build thread!! Let's talk more about you and your set up.

What do you think about the niger trigger? I'd love to get one of those when the time is right. I know they don't have much for color but they just look so majestic.

And what are your plans for the first tank? Are you going to keep it up like it is right now or are you going to do something different? Sell it off to pay for the new baby?

I'm sand shopping too at the moment. We have the bare bottom right now and I don't like it. Sometimes I wish there was a magic calculator you could plug all your dimensions and equipment into and it would tell your options are for sand, rock, what your potential future upgrade options are, etc. Maybe one of the more tech-savy vendors on this site could create one.

Coralgurl 01-28-2012 12:27 AM

Tank is on the stand! Woot!! Question - the wood was cut to the stand but the tank is about an index finger wider than the stand if placed flush on one side and the end. Obviously we can move it so the overhang is less but is this an issue?? The tank does have black trim but the overhang is slightly more than the trim.

lockrookie 01-28-2012 12:45 AM

center it even on all sides you will be ok

unclesalty 01-28-2012 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by Coralgurl (Post 675437)
The sump is coming home tonight. I'm going to start it by keeping things simple for now. The wood for the stand has been sealed and plumbing will start this weekend. I've ordered my lights, going with the radians, should be here next week!! Ive got a tunze 9011 skimmer which I will use to start up and see how it performs in the sump, but will upgrade if needed. My mp40 has crapped out so I'm sending it away for repairs, as it's still under warranty. Will be adding one more once tank is running. I've also started a fish list but it's too soon to worry about yet.

I will need more lr, got 60lbs in the 55, picked up another 30+ lbs last week. I'm thinking 30 lbs lr and 50 lbs base rock and new sand to start the cycle. Will not be transferring current sand as it's too fine. How much sand do I need? I am loving the wrasses, so a sand bed is needed.

Will post pics as things start. What else should I be thinking about to get going equipment wise??

Nice looking tank you have! Good light choice and you will be happy with the Radions. How many are you ordering?

Coralgurl 01-28-2012 01:38 AM

Going with 3 radions.
Thanks, the set up looks even better's a pic. Because the tank was brought straight inside the house when delivered, I was not allowed to paint the back of the tank. Will pick some backing and see how that looks. will also be cutting back the foam under the sump. Plumbing this weekend....omg I'm excited. Will post pics as we go...

lockrookie 01-28-2012 01:46 AM

[quote=Coralgurl;676007]Going with 3 radions.
Thanks, the set up looks even better's a pic. Because the tank was brought straight inside the house when delivered, I was not allowed to paint the back of the tank. Will pick some backing and see how that looks. will also be cutting back the foam under the sump. Plumbing this weekend....omg I'm excited. Will post pics as we go...


you can still paint the back of the tank with a brush and roller and regular house paint.. have you not had toscrap that off windows while painting lol it ill work. dont do abackground you will hate it and once its filled there is no turning back and redoing it. just get some latex paint of your choice and a small roller cover yur floor with something and have at it.

unclesalty 01-28-2012 01:46 AM

3 Radions is the perfect match for your tank. I bought 4 for mine only because I have the centerbrace which I might do away with and then sell the 4th Radion-still deciding. That sump looks awesome too as you can never have a big enough sump it seems like. My sump is a 4ft 75g but wish it was bigger!

Coralgurl 01-28-2012 02:05 AM

Oh, I'm so going to paint the back then. Bf has hockey duty in the morning, I will go and get paint and start before he gets home. Just have to convince him to move the tank away from the wall tonight...My daughter took my car tonight otherwise I'd go now!:lol: never scraped paint off windows but I'm really good at painting weird borders around ceilings!

There's not a lot of room left under the stand for anything so will have to buy something to hold supplies and stuff. I'm happy with the sump and not getting complicated!

The lights are going to be sweet. Hoping the lighting will give me better results with sps!

toxic111 01-28-2012 02:23 AM

Another choice would be to use vinyl the size of the back of the tank from a sign shop. Self sticking , and fairly easy to put on, & remove in the future if you need too.

lockrookie 01-28-2012 03:29 AM

vinyl is a great idea except for bubbles if you dont get them all it will annoy you i tried just black backing and hated it. also used black formica which was a good idea until salt creeped behind it and i cant clean it.

mseepman 01-28-2012 03:33 AM

The tank build is looking good! Nice clean simple sump. Looking forward to seeing some life in this with those Radions.

fishytime 01-28-2012 03:45 AM

background, smackground:mrgreen:......I always just tape on the vinyl background that you can buy at most pet stores me the time and effort spent for something that will be for the most part hidden by aquascaping and then is eventually covered by coraline algae(unless you are ambitious enough to clean the back glass) is better utilized doing something else.....or maybe Im just lazy:biggrin:

The Grizz 01-28-2012 03:50 AM

I have to ask where you got the tank & stand from?

Coralgurl 01-28-2012 04:05 AM

I have the black vinyl on the 55 and I hate it. I was considering doing it on this one simply bec i think it would be easier to put on with more access behind the tank. I cut out around my power heads and skimmer and i've got bubbles in it that reflect in pictures. Im lucky on the 55, only have a few spots of coralline on the glass and never clean it off the back, nothing on the sides so I see how crappy the back looks....besides I can do that myself, plumbing, not so much:lol:

Coralgurl 01-28-2012 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 676052)
I have to ask where you got the tank & stand from?

It's from northwest glass products in edm. Is the stand one of yours?

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