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Judy Waytiuk 01-02-2012 04:49 PM

id on weird little hitchhiker wrasse?
I can't get a decent pic of this little guy, but he hitchhiked in on a pulsing xenia, hiding in its small piece of LR a few months ago and has been poking his nose out, growing, and finding new places to hide ever since. Shaped like a long, thin dottyback, with a rounded tailfin. Orange-red face and fin edges, with the tailfin solid back and edged with orange. Eyes like the sixline wrasses, with the horizontal black bar. Body color a dark purple-blue.
Cannot find an image of anything that looks like this guy and it is bugging me deeply...

Brandon5555 01-02-2012 05:02 PM

Coris wrasse?

I am here:,-114.046500

toytech 01-02-2012 06:48 PM

Wrasse as a hitchhiker wow your lucky !

Judy Waytiuk 01-02-2012 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Brandon5555 (Post 666949)

Nope. If anything, it looks like the elongated wrass, but much, much more intensely coloured...

Brandon5555 01-02-2012 07:05 PM

Could be a juvenile though.

paddyob 01-02-2012 07:51 PM

Any pic good or bad is better than none.

Not likely to get a real id without.

Post what you can and I'm sure someone can help.

After a few months... If it was wrasse, it should be swimming the tank.

Judy Waytiuk 01-02-2012 10:02 PM

strange wrasse ID
okay, here goes, the best I could get... it's maybe an inch and a half long. and its crazy shy, and real quick.

BlueWorldAquatic 01-02-2012 10:06 PM

looks almost like an Elongate Dottyback

Judy Waytiuk 01-02-2012 10:13 PM

yeah, i thought that, too-- but the elongate's colors are just so much more washed out... this one is really brightly-colored... although I did find this shot of one on the web that looks sorta like mine...

xtreme 01-02-2012 10:19 PM

Pseudoplesiops Rosae aka Largescaled dottyback maybe?

Judy Waytiuk 01-02-2012 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by xtreme (Post 667055)
Pseudoplesiops Rosae aka Largescaled dottyback maybe?

no, much more like the elongate-- I think it must be that, apparently they are quite rare in the trade. I must have lucked in!

christyf5 01-02-2012 11:13 PM

+1 for elongate dottyback. Mine looks just like that. Neat little fish, very reclusive but its awesome to see him when I get the chance :biggrin:

paddyob 01-03-2012 12:44 AM

Wow that's great!

Update us if you can get more pics!

Looks great. Wanna trade for my hitch hiker crab? He's cool ... Yea cool. Lol.

Great find!

Judy Waytiuk 01-03-2012 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 667088)
+1 for elongate dottyback. Mine looks just like that. Neat little fish, very reclusive but its awesome to see him when I get the chance :biggrin:

Yeah, he really is a little beauty, isn't he?

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