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Whats your top 5 fish??
I'm having trouble making a fish list so I am asking the question from you fellow reefers for some help!! I need your top 5 lists.
I have so far: yellow tang tail spot blennie two perc clowns two yellow gobies lawn mower blennie two cleaner shrimp My tank is 200g 5x30"x26 tall no corals yet.Thanks in advance and look forward to your lists. |
The following fishes in my tank are my favorites.
1) Purple tang 2) Sailfin tang 3) Powder blue tang 4) Yellow tang 5) Flame angel |
Dusky Jawfish Orange Shoulder Unicorn Tang Powder Blue Tang Potters Dwarf Angel |
My favorite work fish in no particular order;
Lawn mower blennie Diamond back gobie Kole tang Cleaner wrasse Yellow coris wrasse |
hmm hard to only pick 5
copperband butterfly ornate leopard wrasse christmas wrasse yellow eye kole tang and better throw in a bucket load of fairy and flasher wrasses for good measure |
I don't have five so i cant say lol, but my favorite is my scooter blenny not sure why.. but i love him.
1 - Majestic Angel
2 - Majestic Angel 3 - Majestic Angel 4 - you get the idea and maybe an Orchid Dottiback |
For affordable fish??? Heheehhehe.
~ Yellow Coris Wrasse and/or Melanurus Wrasse and/or Grey Head Wrasse (all good scavengers and eat flatworms and bristleworms) ~ Fairy/Flasher Wrasses are colorful and get along nicely in groups provided there is only one super male. ~ Yellow Headed Jawfish are entertaining and attractive fish. ~ Firefish are colorful and active. I love Purple Firefish. Kept singly though. ~ Majestic Angels are as reef-safe as Angels get, but not really considered reef-safe. Love them though, gorgeous fish. |
- Big Tangs (I have none): Sohal, Naso, Vlamingi
- Kole (have) - Leopard wrasses (have 2) - Black cap basslet (settled for Royal Gramma for now) - Tailspot Blenny (have) |
In no particular order:
Scribble Angel Venusta Angel Majestic Angel Multicolor Angel Multibar Angel |
My top 5 in my reef tank:
Blonde Tang ( have ) Powder Blue Tang ( have ) Copper Band Butterfly ( have ) Lieutenent Tang (have ) Sailfin Tang ( have ) My top 5 in my FOWLR Valintine Puffer ( have ) Flame Angel ( have ) Blue Spotted Puffer ( have ) Niger Trigger ( have ) Clown Trigger or Koran Angel ( want ) |
I do love any Naso tang, but your tank isn't big enough for vlamingi or unicornis... Go with elegans (blond Naso).
Leopard wrasse
Mandarin dragonet Purple tang Achilles tang CBB |
My Fave Five:
Aussie Harlequin Tuskfish Chocolate Tang Sailfin Tang Kole Tang Copperband Butterfly |
In no particular order
Majestic angel (mom has one in her 135 for 10 years, gorgeous specimen) Blue face angel Copper Band butterfly (my nemeses, can't keep one alive, finally gave up) Mandarin goby Seahorse (I have one with great personality) |
some faves of what I have presently are:
Marine Beta
mandarins banded pipe fish (get a pair) powder blue tang (I kinda' dig most of my tangs actually):wink: coral beauty pencil wrasse (I kinda' dig most of my wrasses actually):wink: etc. |
Achilles tang (have)
copperband (have) orchid dottyback (have) flasher wrasses (have 2) mandarins (have 2) would love to get another blonde naso someday if I have a big enough tank |
Hmmm, tough to pick only 5, but here goes.
Majestic Angel {have} Any Wrasse {have a few} Soaring red hawkfish {have, thanks Paul at Oceanic Corals} Banner Fish {Heniochus} {have} Blenny's and Mandarin are cool too but I love my Banggai's too ..... oh well for #5 I will pick....a lawnmower blenny for their great personality. {Don't have} 5 isn't fair...don't even get into shrimp or eels or starfish....:sad: |
[quote=Tom R;666760]1 - Majestic Angel
2 - Majestic Angel 3 - Majestic Angel 4 - you get the idea and maybe an Orchid Dottiback[/quote Pm'd |
Volitan Lionfish
Snowflake Moray Weedy Scorpionfish (never owned one, too expensive) Mandarin Dragonet Tailspot Blenny |
In my reef...
Blue Throated Trigger (never had a problem eating anything he shouldn't) One Spot Foxface (same as above) Single Female Ocellaris Clown Pair of Zebra Dartfish Orange Spot Sand Sifting Goby Also have a Lawnmower Blenny. Although he does good work I'm choked at him right now. Any frag not glued down and that he doesn't like the placement of ends up on the sandbed,over and over again. |
Queen Angels, have a Chrysurus and love it.
Anthia's have a pair of Lyretails, but love Squarespots too. Lieutenant Tang Red Scooter Blenny Flashing Tilefish |
Highfin snapper ( symphorichthys spilurus )
John's snapper ( lutjanus johnii ) Blubberlip snapper ( lutjanus rivulatus ) Yellowfin seabream ( acanthopagrus latus ) Taiwan tai seabream ( argyrops bleekeri ) i.e. most fishes from the Lutjanidae & Sparidae family |
Niger triggerfish
copperband butterfly designer clownfish, especially the black ice mandarin dragonets bangai cardinal I have all these fish and love them all. I have the copperband for a year and the trigger for a year and half. |
My favourite are:
Seahorses (have 2 - but inappropriate for your tank) Porcupine puffer (had a reef-safe one before) Marine betta (have and love this hardy, beautiful fish) Flasher/fairy/leopard wrasses (have over a dozen of these colourful reef-safe fish) Copperband (finally have a good one that eats mysis & NLS pellets - thanks OC Paul) Other fish I love are: Purple tangs (lost mine last year) Sohal tang (never tried) Elongate tang (grows to big and fast for your 5' long tank) Mandarin goby (have 2 - both eating mysis) Cherub dwarf dwarf angels (have one) |
Regal tang
Sailfin tang Mandarin Blennys Flame angel My list is from fish I've owned. |
I thought asking this question would help lol. There are lots of nice fish in those lists so far. Mmmmmmmmmm I need a bigger tank! :mrgreen: I see that I will need to have two tanks one reef and one fowlr. Wonder how I can pull this one of past the wife?? Thanks guys so far.
I would be surprised if it would help because at the end this is all a matter of personal taste and also a matter of each fish personality.
Some people love their yellow tang, I hated mine with a passion. Quote:
1- Coral Beauty
2- Yellow Tang 3- pair standard Ocellaris (in RBTA) 4- tail spot 5- mandarin |
1)Chrysurus Angel
2)Radiata lionfish 3)Potter's leopard wrasse 4)Sunset/banana wrasee 5)Red sea sailfin tang. |
7" sohal tang, pair of mated percs, royal gramma and some type of strawberry dotty back that I can't seem to I'd.
1) Black Longnose Tang
2) Helfrichi Firefish 3) Flame Hawk 4) Gold Stripe Maroon Clown 5) Royal Gramma |
I find it amazing that all these lists are different! Not even any doubles lol. makes interesting reading and I have a lot of googling to do :mrgreen:
1,Tangs are my favorite(achilles,yellow,purple,black,etc)
2,Blenny(bi-color,midas) 3,wrasse(mystery,flasher,cleaner) 4,basslet(swissguard) 5,goby(cleaner,sand shifters) |
1.powder blue tang
2.regal tang (have) 3.lawnmower blenny ( got a sweet one a couple weeks ago its black with yellow fins light whitish blue speckles and red around his eyes never seen one like it before) 4.lunar wrass but you cant have snails or crustaceans plus its nipping at my blenny a beautiful fish though 5.clowns have a pair ocelleris honorable mention goes out to a juv emperor(have one but its a little sick) |
I should mention my top five I guess not that they would all go together :mrgreen:
Copper band Powder blue White cheek tang Lion fish Yellow clown gobie (love the way they stick to the glass) |
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