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SeaHorse_Fanatic 12-22-2011 08:36 PM

So, who else has been bitten by the Fairy/Flasher/Leopard Wrasse bug? PICS ADDED!!!!
I changed up my bioload/stocking plan and decided to go hard-core into reef-safe wrasses with my present setups. The nice thing is that if they get along, then you can keep more different colourful species of r-s wrasses than with the larger fish that I normally kept before.

Now I have:

Blue flasher
Filament flasher
Carpenter's flasher
Temminckii fairy
Exquisite fairy
2 x Orange back fairy
Solarensis fairy
Lubbock's fairy
Yellow Flank fairy
Green wrasse
Cleaner wrasse
Ornate Leopard
Leopard wrasse (2 reg. females)
Potter's Leopard
Surprisingly, almost all these wrasses get along (probably because I feed frequently and heavily). My baby girl, Isabella, loves to watch the colourful wrasses swimming around, which is one of the reasons I started this collection.

I'm finding that as long as the new wrasse survives the initial harassment from the Candy Hogfish, then it hides for a day or two before joining the gang.

The second female reg. Leopard Wrasse is still finding its way into the hierarchy but its eating mysis and I'm hoping that it's presence will trigger the other female (or itself) to morph into a male (green-blue colour) leopard wrasse.

So, just wondering how many others are getting into these colourful little reef-safe fish?


Skimmerking 12-22-2011 08:54 PM

I'm with u anthony I love my wrasses u have some nice ones too

FishyFishy! 12-22-2011 08:55 PM

You should get some pics up of all those together! Thats an impressive amount of wrasses to be held together.

Ryan_Lap 12-22-2011 09:05 PM

I really like the female Blue Star Leopard Wrasse

Chowder 12-22-2011 10:00 PM

Yep I'm in

Mystery Wrasse
Wetmorella nigropinnata wrasse
2 Richmonds Juvenile wrasse
Yellow flanked wrasse
Blue lined Wrasse
Melanarus wrasse
and a pink body with white underside wrasse Have not been able to ID yet.

By far some of my favorite fish. They have so much personality and you can tell they are stairing back at you. I have a few that I can pick up with my hand.


Skimmerking 12-22-2011 10:14 PM

i have 2 leopards
2 labouti wrasses
Mystery wrasse
Yellow Coris wrasse
Hawaillin flame wrasse male which I cant find.

i want to add
2 more leopards
carpenters wrasse
clown wrasse
flasher wrasse
McCoskers too

KPG007 12-22-2011 10:26 PM

I have a male leopard wrasse that was a female when I got it. He changed over the course of about 2 months this summer. I'd like to add another one.

Also have a mystery wrasse that I picked up about 2 months ago - I love it!

Over the years I've had a handful diffrent wrasses, and have had many jump out, so keep a lid on your set up!

SeaHorse_Fanatic 12-22-2011 10:29 PM

I have glass tops on all my tanks now. Lose some light but great for controlling evaporation and keep fish from jumping although I've picked up my Temminckii twice from the floor when it jumped through when I didn't put the lid on properly after feeding.

FishyFishy! 12-22-2011 10:33 PM


Coralgurl 12-22-2011 10:35 PM

I just got my first one, solar wrasse and he's awesome! Would love to see pics of what everyone has!

BlueWorldAquatic 12-22-2011 10:43 PM

Look up the lineatus wrasse

we sold a few and the customes love them

dsaundry 12-22-2011 11:05 PM

So long as nobody asks me to kiss their wrasse I am happy with mine.:wink:

Lance 12-22-2011 11:09 PM

Wow Anthony, you're really up to your ass in wrasses! :mrgreen:
That's an awesome collection you've got going there. Which tank is this? Not the old yellow tangs tank is it?

ALang 12-22-2011 11:37 PM

Just got mu Lineatus from BWA and it's a beaut!!
Also has a Two-spot wrasse, H. biocellatus, and a female M. meleagris. Now hunting for a male.

And wanting the Blue Star wrasses.

If I ever have a chance to re-do, I'll go mostly wrasses, too!! Definitely got the bug!!

BlueWorldAquatic 12-22-2011 11:42 PM

blue stars are next week

ScubaSteve 12-22-2011 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic (Post 663680)
I have glass tops on all my tanks now. Lose some light but great for controlling evaporation and keep fish from jumping although I've picked up my Temminckii twice from the floor when it jumped through when I didn't put the lid on properly after feeding.

I love wrasses. I my favourite fish. But I don't want to give up the rimless... no no wrasse for me :cry:

sunoka 12-23-2011 01:19 AM

Wrasse are my fav too !!! :mrgreen:
I have a cleaner in each tank a 2 year old female leopard and wanting to add more very soon.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 12-23-2011 02:57 AM

Sold off the old "yellow tangs tank" a few months ago. Decided that instead of a few large tangs, my remaining systems will do better with smaller, more colourful fish. Luckily we have a couple of good LFS around here that order in a lot of different wrasses (for me:wink:).

Adding a Melanarus wrasse & maybe a Mystery wrasse during Boxing Day sales.

Would love a Linneatus and Blue Star Leopard wrasse to add to my collection.

PS. Picked up a true Exquisite Fairy Wrasse, a Yellow Flank Fairy, and a Potter's Leopard today. (Dangerous to be obsessive-compulsive and have credit at the LFS):wink:

Delphinus 12-23-2011 03:59 AM

Heh, if it's off a credit, who cares :p Now if it's off a credit CARD that might be another matter.

I too have a soft spot for the wrasses particularly the fairy wrasses. But have had bad luck with jumping over the years, even on covered tanks. I had a nice pair of blue sided fairies that one weekend I was away the tank sitter forgot to close the lid one night and both of them jumped out. What are the odds. :(

Lost a few other fairies over the years to jumping and the darn things just landing on the Eurobracing and not flippityflopping back into the water.Just lost a canary wrasse last night. Boo. :( Really is not a question of "hopefully they never jump" - forget it, they WILL jump at some point - you just have to hope they fall back into the water.

Have a pair of flame wrasses now though which has me super excited! I'll try to post some pics later.

fishytime 12-23-2011 04:14 AM

I am a bigtime wrasseman......lubocks in the small tank......mystery, leopard and melenarus in the big tank......Ive pledged to not put any really expensive wrasses in this version of the tank, aside from the mystery..... Ive had a lineatus carpet surf before.....I like my tanks topless so I am still kinda rolling the dice....

lastlight 12-23-2011 04:22 AM

i really want a blue star and potter's leopard. strangely I'm not huge on the other styles of wrasses but i currently have two greedy as heck wrasses (leopard and melanarus) and want more. I also dig me the golden rhomboid.

Delphinus 12-23-2011 04:22 AM

Lubbock's are fantastic little fairy wrasses!! Had one a while back, one of the few I didn't lose to jumping, but one of many I did lose to that stupid ritteri anemone and it's little trick of killing fish with its invisible death ray. :( I lost a rubriventralis that way too (another totally underrated fairy wrasse IMHO - have one right now and he displays like crazy. Looks awesome.)

But one habit he that he does have that has me right on edge - at around the time the lights go off, he's jumping for what appears to be the sheer fun of it. Nobody is chasing him, he's not going after food - he's just literally jumping and skipping over the water surface. Lasts about 5-10 minutes. I figure it's only a matter of time before this high-risk recreational jumping activity is going to end badly. :( I need to figure out how to get some netting up stat.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 12-23-2011 04:52 AM

OK. So some very quick pics. Just snapped off a few frames at low res. but no time to take really good pics of these very active fish.
(Solorensis & Lubbock's)

Temmenckii fairy

Orange back fairy

Filament Flasher

Blurry pic of Leopard and Ornate Leopard

Yellow Flanked fairy

SeaHorse_Fanatic 12-23-2011 04:54 AM

Another of Solorensis

Close up of Temmenckii

Another of Lubbock's

SeaHorse_Fanatic 12-23-2011 05:39 AM

Three pics of my "blue" flasher wrasse and a Mandarin goby just to spice it up.

staceyd72 12-23-2011 06:00 AM

I was bitten some time ago also, here are some of mine

Merry Christmas Wrasse

Blue Margin

Cleaner and Golden Rhomboid


Golden Rhomboid

SeaHorse_Fanatic 12-23-2011 06:19 AM

Great, now I "need" more wrasses. Thanks Stacey:twised:

noirsphynx 12-23-2011 02:01 PM

I'm just getting in to them but so far I have a couple black leopard's & a line spot flasher. Can't wait to get more!

Eduardo 12-23-2011 03:39 PM

Nice Rhomboid Stacey.

Golden Rhomboid[/quote]

fishoholic 12-23-2011 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by staceyd72 (Post 663819)

I WANT!!!!!!!!!!! Beautiful wrasse. I also love wrasses. I have a blue star leopard and a mystery. Unfortunately my mystery wrasse is a jerk and chases my blue star all the time :neutral: Really need to make a lid! I also have other wrasses, red corris and sixline in the reef and a marjorie fairy and rainbow in the fowlr.

Coralgurl 12-23-2011 04:07 PM

This is a great thread! Everyones photos are stunning! I think I'm def getting a couple more fairy wrasses for my tank, it's one thing to look on line at these fish, another to see them in everyones tanks! Thanks for sharing and feeding the addiction!

Smudge 12-23-2011 04:45 PM

A very inquisitive fish. Becoming one of my favorite fish in the tank.

reefwars 12-23-2011 04:47 PM

theres a wrasse bug that bites???? thats it im dipping all my wrasses today thanks guys;ppppp

toytech 12-23-2011 05:05 PM

Hand down my wrasses ( lubbocks, yellow 4 spot and ornate ) are by far my favorite fish . At least once a week i hear a splash , thud as my lubbocks bounces off the plexi top , so open top is a definite no go.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 12-23-2011 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 663899)
theres a wrasse bug that bites???? thats it im dipping all my wrasses today thanks guys;ppppp

Yes, and once bitten, it causes the victim to trade Visa cards and cash for colourful little fish while in a zombie-like state. Victims stand helplessly in front of LFS tanks, drooling and mumbling "wrasse, wrasse" (instead of "brains, brains"). Its highly contagious. I recommend you get yourself innoculated, thus leaving more wrasses for ME!!!!:twised::lol:

noirsphynx 12-23-2011 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 663899)
theres a wrasse bug that bites???? thats it im dipping all my wrasses today thanks guys;ppppp


Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic (Post 663934)
Yes, and once bitten, it causes the victim to trade Visa cards and cash for colourful little fish while in a zombie-like state. Victims stand helplessly in front of LFS tanks, drooling and mumbling "wrasse, wrasse" (instead of "brains, brains"). Its highly contagious. I recommend you get yourself innoculated, thus leaving more wrasses for ME!!!!:twised::lol:


Here's my 2 Black Leopard's

s.tan 12-24-2011 07:55 AM

Here's my picture contribution. Only have 1 wrasse; its a McCoskers. Its a great fish, eats everything and takes it from the surface, mid water and the bottom. Likes to display to the firefish and neon gobies (hopes to get cleaned but the neons don't seem to want to do any cleaning!). The white specks in the last photos are food particles.

Proteus 12-25-2011 03:08 AM

Tanks destiny is to be wrasse dominate.
Have labouts fairy, melanarous, mckosker flasher and line spot flasher. I'll post some pics tomorrow

SeaHorse_Fanatic 12-25-2011 08:40 AM

Here's an article on Fairy Wrasses by Scott W. Michael that some of you wrasse-aficionadoes might appreciate. Unfortunately, its purely text with no pretty pictures to go with the descriptions.

fishytime 12-25-2011 03:30 PM

here's another......with some pretty pics.... .......break out the credit card:mrgreen:

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