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strickrick 12-07-2011 11:23 PM

10' 600 gal system - Finally some activity in my forever build!!!
My drab and boring tank is now bursting with life. I like to think that the school of Blue streak cardinals was the key, the dispar anthias hang out with them and all the other fish seem to swin in their proximity. I'm finally starting to feel like this long wait is worth it. Still missing a few key pieces but they'll show up shortly. Sorry about the colors in the photos - not sure how to get it less blue.

Stock list so far:
9x Blue Streak cardinals
7x Dispar Anthias
2x yellow tangs
Purple tang
Powder blue
Regal Blue tang
Orange Shoulder tang
Spotted Bristletooth tang
Metallic foxface
Copperband butterfly
rosshatch trigger
Majestic angel
Flagfin angel
Flame angel
Clown fairy wrasse
Mystery wrasse
Golden head sleeper goby
Lawnmower blenny
Mandarin goby
Bangaii cardinal
2x Black bar chromis
Ocellaris clown

Linked are previous posting of the setup. I haven't been keeping great tracking of the updates unfortunately.

reefwars 12-07-2011 11:25 PM

hey buddy :) man thats a hell uv alot of fish lol how big is your tank?? looks like a lot of life happening must be fun to sit and watch the tank:) cheers:)

reefwars 12-07-2011 11:26 PM

nevermind just read the threads lol looks great buddy:)

strickrick 12-08-2011 10:14 AM

Yeah, I totally went about starting this thread all wrong. For anyone else reading the tank is 120x30x30 w/125 gal sump making the overall system around 600 gal.

Funky_Fish14 12-08-2011 10:22 AM

That looks like a beauty!

"Blue-streak cardinals"/threadfin cardinals are really cool! I bet your school looks awesome!

Also, I love dispar anthias.. cool to hear you have a group and that they hang out with the cardinals!

Thanks for sharing!



strickrick 12-08-2011 11:34 AM

I'm still awaiting a few new guys that should be arriving soon:
Australian harlequin tusk
White-freckled tang
Bariene tang
Monrovian tang

Was hoping to have these guys in first and build from there but the logistics and timing just hasn't worked. I couldn't wait any longer and had to get some movement in there so now they will be the last to go in. I believe they are all gonna be L-XL so i don't think there will be a lot of quarrelling from the other tangs.

And hopefully a Blonde naso tang & Female Bellus angel. She is definitely one of my favs. There's no sign of the Mystery wrasse in the pics but I'll guarantee he is my favorite in the tank right now. He's the first I've ever seen in person (he's not a person) and not from a google photo so that may have something to do with it.

Anyway, I'll try and get a pic or a nice video of the tank. I'm downloading some editing software now because the camera shoots in HD and the files are massive and in .MTS format.

reefwars 12-08-2011 12:08 PM

you should change your thread title to include your tank gallons youll get alot more view and posts i gotta say man that is one huge tank im in awe id love to have that, where the hell did you get that built to in nl??? i didnt think there were any tank builders there??

reefwars 12-08-2011 12:12 PM

here ya go mate:)

strickrick 12-08-2011 12:47 PM

Noooo, not NL. I've been trying to get an acrylic 10' now for years, tried every vendor from here to BC. All prices was in excess of $10-15k plus between $2500-$3500 for shipping. Even the lfs cost was $10k plus $3k freight and that was glass. You'd need 20+ people to help ya move it, don't know if I even know that many people!!! Lol.

I had it built and shipped from The Aquarium Company for less than half any offer in Canada and the freight from Winthrop, Mn was only $1k. Locked in at a good price because they told me the price of the tank from the time I ordered to the time it shipped had gone up $1600. Locked in low with a strong Cdn dollar. Finally, some good luck!


strickrick 12-08-2011 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by strickrick (Post 658601)


Guess that's not how you add images. What am i missing here? Lol

MarkoD 12-08-2011 01:48 PM

Wow that's an awesome size. What are the dimensions?

HaZRaTTy 12-08-2011 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by strickrick (Post 658602)
Guess that's not how you add images. What am i missing here? Lol

Lol nope, Attach them with the "Attachment Icon" (Paper Clip) Then select the images you want in your post, After they are done uploading look at the bottom of the upload screen for the percentage. Go back to the Paper Clip and your picture will be there. Click the Link and they will be added to your post.

Good luck.

strickrick 12-08-2011 02:22 PM

Thanks, for some reason I had to make that complicated. Lol.

The tank dimensions are 120x30x30.

lastlight 12-08-2011 05:08 PM

Whoa ten feet must be fun for those fish! From what little you've posted the build looks great... I didn't even know about the blog functionality here I never saw this stuff posted. Can you post a larger FTS (full tank shot) your scape looks nice.


Originally Posted by strickrick (Post 658602)
Guess that's not how you add images. What am i missing here? Lol

You used the correct tags but are referencing a file on your hard drive. You need to use the absolute path to the file after you upload it somewhere.


strickrick 12-08-2011 06:32 PM

Newbs!!! LOL. This is a better pic of the full setup.

Attachment 8602

I'll have to fool with the camera settings to try and get a good one with the fish in it. So far, everything looks like garbage after I take them.

Skimmerking 12-08-2011 06:43 PM

nice looking tank Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

now i want to do a 15 fter hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm with normal flouresants mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

fishoholic 12-08-2011 07:14 PM

Love the dementions of this tank, same size I hope to have some day. Looks great love the full tank shot

Lance 12-09-2011 12:55 AM

465 gallons in 10 feet! Nice. Good Luck and I hope you enjoy it. Don't know what you have for a skimmer but I hope it's a big sucker. :lol:

strickrick 12-09-2011 12:33 PM

Yeah thats right 465, easier to round it off to 600 with the sump than 590. LOL. Here's a pic of the skimmer working its poor little heart out.

Attachment 8606

I took a million pictures of the Mystery wrasse and this was the best i can come up with.

Attachment 8607

I'm still working on a video, I have some software now but I'll wait for the lights to come on and get the most recent I can. I'll still have to dumb down the quality I guess so i'll play around with it first.

strickrick 12-09-2011 10:33 PM

Video - check it out:

Still not perfect but I think you'll get the point.

Reefie 02-09-2012 02:18 AM

SEXY Tank!!!

I can't wait to show my wife that this is EXACTLY what I want when I buy a house. Oh Snap! That will mean I will have to buy her the HOUSE that SHE wants, just so I can have the TANK that I WANT. Nevermind, I'll just follow along with your Tank Journal instead. Haha!

reefwars 02-09-2012 02:26 AM

looks great man :) any plans on skirting the stand??:)

reefgirl189 02-09-2012 02:34 AM

WOW. What a beast of a tank! So cool.

strickrick 02-11-2012 12:01 AM

Hahaha, I'll have to keep you updated regularly to keep from getting new real estate. The tank ain't anywhere near complete yet and I've been so busy that it has been getting neglected.

The tank will eventually be built into the wall with a bar ledge running under it. Bottom half to be stained oak and the top to be some kinda stone work. If all goes as planned that is.

Still waiting on some essential key pieces of livestock. Or at least I think they are essential. I'll post as soon as they are in and happy.

Cade 02-13-2012 05:46 AM

Wow, I would love to have a tank that size. One day....:razz:

SeaHorse_Fanatic 02-13-2012 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by Reefie (Post 680287)
SEXY Tank!!!

I can't wait to show my wife that this is EXACTLY what I want when I buy a house. Oh Snap! That will mean I will have to buy her the HOUSE that SHE wants, just so I can have the TANK that I WANT. Nevermind, I'll just follow along with your Tank Journal instead. Haha!

Good luck with Vancouver real estate prices. A lousy fixer-upper for only $750,000.

strickrick 05-26-2012 12:53 PM

Ok, this is what I had invisioned long ago!!! Finally getting there.
So my state of a room is starting to come together to the point where its not embarrassing to show people!!! Can't wait for my black walnut bar slab to show.Attachment 9542

reefgirl189 05-26-2012 12:59 PM

That's going to look very classy with the bar top in. Well done!

gregzz4 05-26-2012 01:00 PM

Wow, that looks great :smile:

Wish I had the room you do !!!

fishoholic 05-26-2012 01:06 PM

Very nice! Love the finish around the tank, the bar top will make a nice addition.

mseepman 05-26-2012 05:34 PM

Looking really good. Do you have any pics of your equipment area?

Coralgurl 05-26-2012 05:43 PM

Very stunning set up! Love the dec video! More pics please:lol:

strickrick 05-26-2012 06:30 PM

I'm still renovating around the back of the tank and the side wall (which will have a port hole to view through). I just added a Nextreef MR1 monster reactor with one chamber for Vertex pro Bio-pellets and the other for RowaPhos. I'm waiting on the new skimmer, a Reef Octupus FDNW-400 and I'm in the process of changing my return pump to an ATB Flowstar 4200. Once I have the vapour barrier finished in the rooms I'm looking at adding on a Venmar EA1500 air exchanger to keep the humidity down. Also, I'm getting plumbing to the room but I need to add a lift station for the drains because all the water is on the complete other side of the house.

All in all, I'm still nowhere near finished!!! But at least its starting to show potential. I'll try and get some tripod pics so the fish will actually swim out.

strickrick 05-27-2012 12:32 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 9543

Well here is a shot but I just uploaded this video during feeding. At least most of them will come out while they are eating.

Side note:
1. I just found a Cryptic Sixline wrasse in one of the overflows. First time I've ever seen him since introduced to the tank a couple months ago.
2. Its the first time I've ever seen 2 Cleaner shrimp at once since being introduced, I assumed all along only one survived.
3. First time I've seen the Mandarin in at least 3 months. Had once again assumed the worst and nearly ordered a pair last week!!!

Bonus, bonus, bonus. Time to buy some lottery tickets!!!

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