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Aqua-Digital 11-30-2011 01:08 PM

Foz down Silver Bullet to PO4
As the Exclusive distributors for Ocean Fresh proudcuts I am really proud to launch one of the most important lines that we do

Ocean Fresh Foz down!

Foz Down is the silver bullet to PO4 issues, no media reactor required, no media changing required and instant results! Say goodbye to your media reactor.

add 1 drop per 10 gallons of tank water and wihtin 30 minutes you will dramtically lower your PO4.!

How does it work?

Firstly the key word is safely, Foz Down is made from inert minerals, the key word here is Floculent. Foz down binds the PO4 in the water so it can be removed by skimming or filter sock, so much so on high reading tanks the water will go a tiny bit cloudy for a short while, this is the actual PO4 bound ready to be removed by filtering.

There is a thread started below which answer all further questions.

Distribution starts next week, please contact us directly to find out which dealers will be carrying it.

Myka 11-30-2011 02:31 PM

Is this a Lanthanum chloride product?

Aqua-Digital 11-30-2011 02:38 PM

Manufacturers wont give out specific ingredients anymore.

The important details are that it is VERY Reef Safe and widely tested ;)

ALang 11-30-2011 02:42 PM

Sounds like a silver bullet alright!!
I hope that one of our LFS will be carrying it!!

If this works, it'll take reefing to a whole new level.
Can't wait to try it.

Myka 11-30-2011 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Aqua-Digital (Post 655594)
Manufacturers wont give out specific ingredients anymore. The important details are that it is VERY Reef Safe and widely tested ;)

Ya, that's annoying. If it was for humans they would have to list ingredients. Sounds like Lanthanum chloride by the description of what it does and how it looks when it is dosed.

Cugio 11-30-2011 06:27 PM

Can you list which canreef sponsors will be carrying the product when they get in? thank you

fishoholic 11-30-2011 06:41 PM

The Red Coral stores carry it.

Aqua-Digital 11-30-2011 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Cugio (Post 655658)
Can you list which canreef sponsors will be carrying the product when they get in? thank you

The full launch is next week, price lists go out to all dealers this week, this will include the new ocean Fresh classic balling salts, the first ionic balanced balling salt mix!

I will update everyone next week with all details as they roll out.

Here is the a list of canreef sponsors in alphabetical order that we supply regularly to so expect them to be on the supply list for sure

Aqua Valley
Aquarium Illusions
Advanced aquatics
Blue world Edmonton
Concept aquariums
Coral Reef aquatics
Go Reef
Marine Aquaria
Ocean aquatics
Progressive Reef
Red coral aquariums Calgary
Red coral aquariums Edmonton
Red coral aquariums Lethridge
Red coral online

These are just the canreef spsonsors, our full line of distributors is available by email.

RedCoralEdmonton 11-30-2011 11:34 PM

The Red Coral Stores have been carrying this product for a while now, works great, I sell out of it so fast that I literally cant keep it on the shelves....


Cugio 12-01-2011 12:15 AM

Thank you

reefermadness 12-01-2011 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 655607)
Ya, that's annoying. If it was for humans they would have to list ingredients. Sounds like Lanthanum chloride by the description of what it does and how it looks when it is dosed.


How is a customer to form a sound decision about a product with out knowing whats in it and the science behind how it works.

Aqua-Digital 12-01-2011 01:02 AM

Your question was how is a customer supposed to form a sound decision? Well considering most of us are not pharmasists or marine biologists, we all go by user feedback. Thats how you form a sound decision about nearly everything in this hobby, why should this product be any different.

If it was published every other manufacturer can copy it........ Is that really in the interest of the manufacturer? Hmmm tough choice that one :idea:, happy to stick with good client feedback which this product clearly has ;)

TimT 12-01-2011 03:49 AM

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for the interest in the product.

Cyano Starver is the first version of the product without the buffer. I changed the name to Foz Down because it also works in freshwater and ponds. I have also added a trace amount of buffer to the Foz Down. The web page for the product will be up shortly.

As with all of my products, they are produced because I use them myself, found them to be effective and reef safe, so I produced them to help hobbyists.

About a year ago I switched from High Capacity Granular Ferric Oxide to the chemical behind Foz Down. I was tired of the monthly expense of 3 lbs of High Capacity GFO to remove phosphate from my coral grow out system. Since I feed heavily it generates a lot of PO4. Since switching to this product I have not had to use any HC GFO. I add the Foz Down directly to the 135 gallon sump and let it settle out. I test for Phosphate using a Lamotte Smart Colorimeter. I have been doing that for over a year.

Since a picture is worth a thousand words here is one of a small section of the grow out tank. I took this pic on the 28th Nov 2011. Check for yourselves how colourful the corals are in a tank with Foz Down used for a year+. Granted I use 400 watt 20k Radium bulbs and have low nitrates.

Most companies do not list ingredients for their special formulas. A couple that quickly come to mind are Kentucky Fried Chicken and Coca Cola. Numerous other foods have a listing called "spices".


therealshark 12-01-2011 05:24 AM

hey tim,
thanks for the info and pic. one thing i dont understand is "you add to the sump and let it settle out". could you explain this abit more?
will a filter sock pull the PO4 out or does the skimmer pull it out once foz down is added?
i plan to pick some of this product up, but would like to understand it abit more.

TimT 12-01-2011 06:12 AM


I add it to my sump in an area of moderate flow. My sump is 8' long so there is ample space for water flow to slow and the flocs to settle out.

The best method however is to filter it out using a filter sock. Just be aware that the sock may plug quicker than you are used to.

Some people have reported that by dosing it into the pump inlet for their skimmer it changed the colour and smell of the skimmate. That is anecdotal evidence though.


jtbadco 12-05-2011 02:46 PM

My group would like to order some Foz Down. Can anyone tell me where it is available or where I can order it?

RedCoralEdmonton 12-05-2011 02:49 PM

Any of the red coral stores can send it to you....


fishytime 12-05-2011 02:50 PM

Red Coral Online can hook you up

Aqua-Digital 12-05-2011 02:51 PM

we put a list on this thread of all dealers, the product gets full launch status next monday, all dealers can pre order as of tomorrow.

jtbadco 12-05-2011 02:51 PM

I called Red Coral Online but they don't have Foz Down. They only have Cyano Starver. I realize they are almost the same thing but I would like the actual product.

Aqua-Digital 12-05-2011 04:40 PM

They will have it next week.

jtbadco 12-11-2011 10:51 PM

Hey Gang,...I picked up a small promotional sample of Foz Down from a friend.

I started dosing yesterday to reduce by .1 per day. Dosed again today.

Have not tested yet to see the phosphate level reduction but the corals are already more plump, there is more polyp extension and the colors are more vibrant.

Aqua-Digital 04-21-2012 07:20 PM

The silver bullet is back in stock, (otherwise known as Foz down) please email us at for supply.

Time to get rid of your fluid reactor now and all the messy media changing!!

Skimmerking 05-13-2013 03:53 PM

So this is suppose to be better then GFo, wHowever does this product rapidly lower ALk if you use it alot.

Aqua-Digital 05-13-2013 06:02 PM

yep replaces GFO and nope does not effect ALK

TimT 05-13-2013 07:15 PM


This product does not rapidly lower Alkalinity... only Phosphates.

It is important to not use too much as the sudden drop in Phosphate levels can shock corals.

Do not use the product if there is NO phosphate present in the tank.

For more info check here


studsrsx 05-14-2013 02:48 PM

where can we get this stuff online or manitoba for that matter. I have a buddy looking for some

TimT 05-14-2013 05:30 PM


I sent you a PM.


paddyob 05-14-2013 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Aqua-Digital (Post 818135)
yep replaces GFO and nope does not effect ALK

How often do you dose this? Daily ? GFO set and forget for months.

Cjm 05-14-2013 07:09 PM

Please post online sources, I'm interested as well!

TimT 05-14-2013 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by paddyob
How often do you dose this? Daily ? GFO set and forget for months.


Here is how I have set up a few large systems, one is 700 gallons and the other is 300 gallons. Both systems have dosing pumps and I use one of the pump heads to dose small amounts multiple times per day into the sump. In the 700 gallon system the Foz Down is dosed into one of the 7" filter socks in the sump. The 300 gallon system is just dosed directly into the sump. I use the 8oz bottle of Foz Down with a rigid plastic pipe that connects to the inlet side of the dosing pump.

Another option is if you run an ATO system is to add some Foz Down into the water container. If you dose kalk with your ATO then I would not mix the kalk with the Foz Down.

For my 800 gallon system I manually dose into the sump. I am presently in process on setting up multiple 7" filter socks so once they are in place I will dose into those.

I am more than happy to offer suggestions for your specific setup if you like.


lastlight 05-14-2013 08:13 PM

if you drip this into a sock there's a fraction of a second before that water passes through the sock. does this reaction take place instantly so we're catching the floculates and also preventing the foz down from entering the same water the fish inhabit?

if it can actually work on contact in the sock and i'm understanding this right... you've reacted with a very tiny portion of your displays water and can't possibly have taken much p04 out unless you were doing a lot of drips throughout the day.

Can you explain the reaction mechanism a bit better please Tim? I'm interested in this if it's cheaper to use than gfo.

TimT 05-15-2013 02:51 AM

Hi Brett,

I will try to explain this as best I can. :-) I think your two concerns are; is it safe for fishes in a display tank and it logically doesn't make sense that the reaction only happens in the filter socks.

First, Foz Down is perfectly safe for fish, clams and even very sensitive acros... A. echinata etc. I add Foz Down daily to my 800 gallon system... even when I had 70 x 4.5" - 6" ultra grade Tahiti Maxima clams I didn't hesitate. I completely trust the product.


Originally Posted by lastlight
if you drip this into a sock there's a fraction of a second before that water passes through the sock.

I think it all depends on whether the sock is above water level or in the water. I did a little math and if the sock has 8" of water in it the flow rate would have to be over 3600gph before the Foz Down would exit the sock before it had time to react.


Originally Posted by lastlight
if it can actually work on contact in the sock and i'm understanding this right... you've reacted with a very tiny portion of your displays water and can't possibly have taken much p04 out unless you were doing a lot of drips throughout the day.

This makes sense and I suspect that un reacted Foz Down exits the filter sock and then reacts with the first phosphate it comes in contact with. This would generally be in the sump. Any reacted Foz Down that made it into the display tank would be removed by the filter socks on subsequent passes.

It is always best practice to keep your aquarium conditions as stable as possible. Some possible ideas for Foz Down addition would be:

1. through the ATO systems water reservoir. Then it would be added slowly throughout the day. If it was added into a filter sock the sock would catch it. It might be an idea to have a small pump that pumps sump water into a filter sock. The ATO water with the Foz Down would be dripped into the sock.

2. inject the Foz Down into the skimmer pump inlet and have a filter sock on the skimmer outlet to catch any flocs that don't get skimmed out.

3. a small powerhead that pumps water into a filter sock. Diluted Foz Down is dripped into the filter sock by a dosing pump several times throughout the day.


Originally Posted by lastlight
Can you explain the reaction mechanism a bit better please Tim?

Whenever the Foz Down comes in contact with phosphate it binds(flocculates) with it instantly. This flocculant can be filtered out via filter socks or left to settle out in the sump. This is a personal choice in how you maintain your aquarium.

Normally the flocculated phosphate is not visible unless a lot of Foz Down has been added quickly and there are elevated levels of phosphate in the water. Then it looks very similar to adding sodium bicarb solution to tank water where there is a little bit of clouding until it is mixed into the water. Foz Down has the same type of clouding except it does not dissipate as fast. If you get this clouding you have put in too much at once.


Originally Posted by lastlight
I'm interested in this if it's cheaper to use than gfo.

That is why I produced the Foz Down. I used to use 3.5lbs of High Capacity GFO a month and it was getting expensive. If you like lots of fish Foz Down is the cheapest and easiest way to remove the phosphate. Then of course you would need a lot of Ultra Maximas from Tahiti to use up the nitrate. :-)


Aqua-Digital 05-15-2013 02:57 AM

all our dealers have this product just pm or email us for availability

lastlight 05-15-2013 05:05 AM

Thanks for the answers Tim I like what I'm reading.

I think I might have a pretty good idea where to does the stuff but your input would be appreciated. my drain feeds a chamber in my sump that holds maybe 3-4 gallons of water. This chamber then overflows into a dual filter sock tray. water stays in the tray and then falls through the socks into a second chamer which then spills over into the skimmer chamber. the socks are almost entirely submerged.

I'm thinking if I drip the foz down into the drain chamber it has lots of time to react and then either settle in there (no big deal) or land in the socks.

I have a spare channel on my doser... what sort of amounts are we looking at dosing for optimal performance. and how many times per day?

It would be ideal if I could tell you my phosphate levels but I rarely ever measure I just sort of change gfo based on algae film on my glass...

TimT 05-15-2013 09:44 PM

Hi Brett,


Originally Posted by lastlight
I'm thinking if I drip the foz down into the drain chamber it has lots of time to react and then either settle in there (no big deal) or land in the socks.

That is a perfect place to add it. Try to add it into where the water flows in.


Originally Posted by lastlight
what sort of amounts are we looking at dosing for optimal performance. and how many times per day?

This will all depend on how much food you put into the tank and your fish load. You will probably have to "dial it in" a bit. Without knowing your bioload I would start off with diluting the Foz Down by 75%(add a 240ml bottle to 750ml of ro water) and then adding 1 ml four times per day. If you notice algae growth(based on your prior experience with GFO) you could increase it. My recommendation would be to use a testkit or a Hanna meter and dose based on the readings. Eventually you will know how much phosphate your tank produces and you can dose accordingly.


cuz 05-15-2013 10:07 PM

who in Calgary has it in stock?

reefme 05-16-2013 05:17 PM

I would like to give it a try. Who carries this in Edmonton?

Stinktooth 05-16-2013 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by reefme (Post 818787)
I would like to give it a try. Who carries this in Edmonton?

I got some from Red Coral

reefme 05-16-2013 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Stinktooth (Post 818788)
I got some from Red Coral

Thank you so much!

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