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ryanb69 11-14-2011 04:36 AM

20 Gal Nano Reef Build thread!
Hey all, I am new to the hobby and the forums! I am starting my build thread for my future 20 gal reef tank. I have almost everything I need purchased to initially set up the tank! I just recieved a shipment from a big online order to j and L aqautics with everything from lights to nets to magfloats! I will post lost of pictures and more details tomorrow!:mrgreen:

bignose 11-14-2011 05:13 AM

Welcome to canreef, it's always good to see new reefers!
Good luck with your new tank and feel free to ask lots of questions.

ryanb69 11-14-2011 11:53 AM

3 Attachment(s)
The tank:

The tank is 20gal total with approx 15 gal of display room. The dimensions are 24" long X 12" wide (8" in display, 4 " behind separating wall") X 16 " high. I purchased the tank used. There is a wall in the back 1/3 of the display for the HOB skimmer, heater, and whatever else i end up adding to the tank. Here is a picture to give you a better idea of the overal shape:canada:

(note: done on goggle sketchup:

ryanb69 11-15-2011 02:18 PM


I purchased the Vertex Illumilux II LED fixture. It's 24" long, and 3.5" wide. The color is Marino Bianco(50% white and 50% royal blue).

I bought the illumilux bracketa ssembly along with the vertex acrylic Bracket( size B6-5mm)

I bought it all online from j and l aquatics and it came fast and was packed super safe :) It took 3 business day to get to my house with regular shipping!
The LEDs will be 4 " above the top of the water.

The assembly of the lights to the mounting assembly and bracket were very easy to understand and to do. The instructions sent had some pictures and were easily legible.

Let me know what you think!!

Now pictures!:peace:


Myka 11-15-2011 02:51 PM

This looks like a cool little tank! I have done a similar DIY AIO 20 gallon nano myself. I have 4x24w T5 over my tank right now, and am considering trying out the AI Sol on my tank. I will be interested to see how this Vertex unit works out for you.

If you want to see my nano there is a link in my signature. I haven't updated it in a long, long time though. :eek: Maybe I should do that now...

ryanb69 11-16-2011 05:02 AM

I believe they are dimmable , if you purchase a controller

ryanb69 11-16-2011 05:47 AM

if you go to the vertex site it shows that the fixture I purchesed is dimmable, but maybe you have a different fixture?

luvthereefer 11-16-2011 06:21 AM

when i was at J&L the other day, the guy said hes heard about the dimmer module but hasnt seen it yet, so i dont think j&l has them in yet.

ryanb69 11-16-2011 11:43 AM

Oh ok, you meant the controller isn't available yet! I thought you meant a dimmable vertex lighting fixture wasn't available. My bad!

ryanb69 11-16-2011 06:11 PM

Thanks for all the info! I plan in building my tabs this weekend! Should be a fun weekend if it goes as planned, I will keep you posted

ryanb69 11-16-2011 06:11 PM

Building my stand**

FishyFishy! 11-17-2011 10:13 PM

any pictures of the tank itself?

ryanb69 11-17-2011 11:50 PM

My brother lives in calgary and he actually gave me the tank as a birthday gift:biggrin:, but I wont be able to get it from him until mid december.:cry: I will also be getting his old ro/di. He picked up some sand, salt, and bulk rock for me in calgary as it was cheaper then at bayside corals here in town. All in all, December will be busy!

FishyFishy! 11-18-2011 12:16 AM

Thought so! thats my old tank haha

ryanb69 11-18-2011 12:46 PM

Haha cool!! I haven't seen it yet but my brother said its a nice little tank

ryanb69 11-19-2011 09:43 PM

I have gotten a good start on the Stand! I purchased some 2x4's at Rona along with screws and L brackets and went at 'er. I only have the frame done. The outside will have some sort of paneling, as well as 1/2" plywood on the top and in the bottom(where i'll store food and waterchange gear). I will be putting a door on the front and staining the whole thing! but picture time!

ryanb69 01-14-2012 12:46 AM

The stand is very near completion! I spent my whole holiday relaxing and didn't get much done on the stand, so it has been a few weeks since the start of the project. I now have the entire stand built to its completion, but I am waiting to apply a protective clear coat finish. It has been a very productive fish week for me as I also got my ro system plumbed into my basement. I currently have a 20g brute full of ro water, so come Monday, Hopefully there will be water in the tank! :Banane04: Here is the stand as of now! Let me know what ya think:mrgreen:

gregzz4 01-14-2012 01:01 AM

The stand looks awesome. Lots of strength there
Because of the way we build these 2x4 stands, I'd recommend you use some styro between the tank and stand. It will take up a lot, but not all, of the variances between the 2. Has saved many a people broken tanks
This stuff, or something similar. 1" is the norm and most use the pink stuff
It's also a temperature insulator for the tank, so it's nice to have

daniella3d 01-14-2012 01:46 AM

Is this really necessary for a 20 gallons tank?? it does not weight much.


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 670972)
The stand look awesome. Lots of strength there
Because of the way we build these 2x4 stands, I'd recommend you use some styro between the tank and stand. It will take up a lot, but not all, of the variances between the 2. Has saved many a people broken tanks
This stuff, or something similar. 1" is the norm and most use the pink stuff
It's also a temperature insulator for the tank, so it's nice to have

gregzz4 01-14-2012 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by daniella3d (Post 670987)
Is this really necessary for a 20 gallons tank?? it does not weight much.

This is not meant to cause concern for anyone not up on the topic, just some info to ponder ...
The purpose of rigid foam is to take up the minor inconsistencies between the tank and the stand.
In a lot of cases, especially with long glass surfaces, but also with small/thin-walled tanks, it helps or stops stress on the different panes by not flexing the tank.
It's a judgement call as to whether it's necessary for a 20g. After all, a 20g only holds 167 pounds of water, before you throw in sand and rock. So a larger estimate would be more like 2-250 pounds. Now, stand on a flat piece of glass with a pebble under one edge and see what happens :mrgreen:
Grab a cardboard box and twist it. Eventually something will buckle.
With the stress already in a tank, why add to it?
Most store-bought stands are OK, but I've seen some crappy ones. Unless it's virtually flat, it's risky.
Hope that helps answer your question without raising more :smile:

NastayNatron 01-15-2012 02:34 AM

Looking good man. Can't wait to see this beast with that sweet light on it. Should work out nicely for ya! Ive got a couple zoa frags started for ya. . . :mrgreen:

ryanb69 01-15-2012 03:11 AM

Ya me too! I have the final coat on now it's just drying, and then I'll put a bunch of pics up. I'm excited to get the light on and water in the tank! Aqua scaping on Monday!

DCDN 01-15-2012 06:28 AM

I love how the grain of the wood comes out with the stain. Looks great. Can't wait to see the tank on it filled with water

ryanb69 01-15-2012 04:03 PM

thanks for all the comments! The stand is officially finished!

gregzz4 01-15-2012 04:18 PM

Turned out really nice Ryan

FishyFishy! 01-15-2012 04:51 PM

Great looking stand! Can't want to see the tank set up.

ryanb69 01-16-2012 01:23 AM

The tank is officially on the stand! Heres a look at it, along with my ro setup and some tank related material!`

NastayNatron 01-16-2012 03:34 AM

Looks sweet man! Finished working on the aquascape yet?

gregzz4 01-16-2012 05:13 AM

Cooool ... water. You're already weeks ahead of me now.
My tank hasn't even arrived yet, and the LR is still on it's way too :sad:

FishyFishy! 01-16-2012 02:23 PM

With the water in it, it looks a tad uneven. Is it sitting level? With thin-walled tanks like that I would highly recommend making sure it's 100% level.

It very well could have just been the angle of the photo though.

Otherwise it's coming along nicely!

ryanb69 01-17-2012 01:01 AM

thanks fishy, after some slight tank leveling and my aquascaping I have finally got my tank full(almost) with water and my sand in!
had to do some trimming on the black rim in order for the LED mount to fit

Nano 01-17-2012 01:08 AM

Its getting there! looks good :)

ryanb69 01-18-2012 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by nanomano (Post 672044)
Its getting there! looks good :)

Thanks man! The water was clear last night do I added the heater and power heads. This morning the thermometer said 75.6, so I did some calibrating of my jäger heater. Salt is in and solinity is 1.026! I will be adding a small piece of live rock to seed the tank, along with a shrimp from Safeway to decompose and begin my cycle!

ryanb69 01-19-2012 02:22 AM

The Cycle has began! I went to Bayside Corals and picked up some live rock to seed the tank. It took some time to fit the LR in but i managed. I then placed a shrimp from safeway in to decompose and to help start out the cycle!

heater, powerhead, and thermometer
tank before live rock added
new live rock (top)
tank with LR added (front)
tank with LR added(side)

FishyFishy! 01-19-2012 05:38 PM

Looking great man! What have you been thinking will go in the fuge/overflow portion? Gonna run any carbon or anything?

ryanb69 01-19-2012 05:56 PM

I have a hang on skimmer that I will be adding soon, once I pick it up from my parent house. As for carbon or calcium reactors, I haven't put much thought into them yet. I'll have to do some more research and maybe if they would benefit the tank I might think of adding them in a few months.

FishyFishy! 01-19-2012 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by ryanb69 (Post 673237)
I have a hang on skimmer that I will be adding soon, once I pick it up from my parent house. As for carbon or calcium reactors, I haven't put much thought into them yet. I'll have to do some more research and maybe if they would benefit the tank I might think of adding them in a few months.

I don't think there would be any use for reactors on a tank that small, but I would certainly put a bag of carbon in there. I find small tanks do well with Boyd Chemi-Pure Elite. Just huck a sack of it in the first overflow section.

Any live rock or Live rock rubble going into the fuge section?

ryanb69 01-19-2012 06:20 PM

Yes, I am putting rubble rock in the mini sump, although it is dead rock. I have an extra few pounds that I didn't want to put in the display, so I will break it up with a hammer and I plan on putting it in tonight! After a few months hopefully my rock isn't so dead anymore!

NastayNatron 01-19-2012 07:10 PM

Ryan when I sent home the RO and tank and everything I also sent a container about half full of carbon with a mesh sock to hold it for you. Once things get up and running you can fill that sock with carbon and give it a good rinse and then place it into the first chamber of your mini-sump.

ryanb69 01-20-2012 01:48 AM

Ahhhh I knew You sent the carbon but I didn't notice the sock inside, awesome! I added the rubble rock tonight, but added some of it to the display as well. I built up some rock in the little jut-out in the corner of my tank, where before I had none. I am unsure if this looks better or worse, so it is a temporary(maybe permanent) side wall. Let me know what you think! Does it look better or worse then before? Thanks!

Front view(on the right behind the live rock is the new rock)

side view(right side is new rock)

Top view(bottom part is new rock)

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