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Harpo 11-08-2011 02:48 AM

So I was at my LFS this weekend talking about cycling my tank and different ways of doing it. The guy I was talking to advised that you could URINATE in the water to get the cycle going....... :neutral:

SO....IS THIS TRUE?? I'm not about to whip it out and do this but was wondering if there was any truth to this..

Also, what would you do to get your cycle going ASAP other then urinating in your water?


Ya Dude 11-08-2011 02:55 AM

Only in Calgary is this method found

jorjef 11-08-2011 03:00 AM

Sure it would start a cycle, then your son would do it, have his friends do it, the wife probably would if no one was looking and the seat was down..heck invite the neighbors over too......

Harpo 11-08-2011 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by Ya Dude (Post 648542)
Only in Calgary is this method found

Guy kinda sounded like he was from Sask. or maybe Surrey.... LOL! My jaw dropped a little when he mentioned this...

Harpo 11-08-2011 03:34 AM

Found this site....
Found this site and it actually says you can use URINE... WTF.... I wonder who was the first to try this???

Corbin 11-08-2011 04:22 AM

well it is ammonia the starts the cycle.

jtbadco 11-08-2011 04:56 AM

throwing a chunk of raw shrimp in the tank and letting it rot will do the same thing...and it won't freak out the neighbors

ScubaSteve 11-08-2011 06:46 AM

Technically yes, this would work. Freshwater guys are known to toss a capful of bleach into the tank to make it cycle really hard. You could do this in your tank but we'd have to make fun of you. You would get some serious street cred as the guy who peed in his tank though.

no_bs 11-08-2011 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by ScubaSteve (Post 648594)
Freshwater guys are known to toss a capful of bleach into the tank to make it cycle really hard.

I really hope you meant "AMMONIA". As bleach kills.:biggrin:

StirCrazy 11-08-2011 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by no_bs (Post 648613)
I really hope you meant "AMMONIA". As bleach kills.:biggrin:

I was just going to say, why would some one put chlorine into there tank? :mrgreen:

as for peeing in the tank.. kinda a grose way to do it.. besides you might burn your pecker on the lights :eek:


ScubaSteve 11-08-2011 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by no_bs (Post 648613)
I really hope you meant "AMMONIA". As bleach kills.:biggrin:

Yup. Ammonia bleach, not chlorine bleach. Being a chemical engineer I sometimes forget that my names for things can be a bit different.

globaldesigns 11-08-2011 04:11 PM

I am not sure I would want to shop at a Calgary store that recommends ****ing in your tank. I can just see it now.... Well not really.

lastlight 11-08-2011 04:18 PM

I'm just wondering how this store suggested you seed the tank after it's cycled?

Ross 11-08-2011 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 648637)
I'm just wondering how this store suggested you seed the tank after it's cycled?


SteveConn 11-08-2011 11:08 PM

All I can say is... WOW...

bvlester 11-09-2011 12:02 AM

bah ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is all I can say Steve I would think if you were going to pee in the tank you would move the light first. liquid and electricity do not mix you may get a bit more than a burn from your light fixture.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::l ol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


StirCrazy 11-09-2011 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by bvlester (Post 648737)
bah ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is all I can say Steve I would think if you were going to pee in the tank you would move the light first. liquid and electricity do not mix you may get a bit more than a burn from your light fixture.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::l ol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


listen.... if your stupid enough to pee in a fish tank.. well then...... :wink:


Harpo 11-09-2011 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 648637)
I'm just wondering how this store suggested you seed the tank after it's cycled?

LMFAO!!!!! :lol:

martinmcnally 11-09-2011 03:37 AM

Well the fish pee in there all the time and they are still alive haha :biggrin:

om6acw 11-09-2011 01:57 PM


BlueWorldAquatic 11-09-2011 02:55 PM

hmmm... the heck with stability, prodibio start up, and live sand. we'll just package urine and sell it...:razz:

I always knew Calgary had the advantage over us in the marine hobby.

Seriously, maybe that store just told you that because one of their staff was caught urinating in the tanks instead of running to the bathroom.

As far as I remember, cycling of the tank is to get all the parameters to stabalize, and start bacteria growth. Isn't urine sterile?

StirCrazy 11-09-2011 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic (Post 648871)
As far as I remember, cycling of the tank is to get all the parameters to stabalize, and start bacteria growth. Isn't urine sterile?

almost. not when it leaves the body though.. if you would have read one more paragraph from the link you posted you would have seen this

"Urine is sterile until it reaches the urethra where the epithelial cells lining the urethra are colonized by facultatively anaerobic Gram negative rods and cocci.[4] Subsequent to elimination from the body, urine can acquire strong odors due to bacterial action"


reefgirl189 12-08-2011 07:44 PM

I think you'd be better off with the raw shrimp idea but hey, what do I know? I've never peed in a fishtank... yet...

Lance 12-09-2011 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by StirCrazy (Post 648632)
as for peeing in the tank.. kinda a grose way to do it.. besides you might burn your pecker on the lights :eek: Steve

In my tank I'd be more worried of my Tusk fish chowing down on my little weenie!

Lance 12-09-2011 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 648637)
I'm just wondering how this store suggested you seed the tank after it's cycled?


Nano 12-09-2011 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 648637)
I'm just wondering how this store suggested you seed the tank after it's cycled?

LOL well if pee starts the cycle what can we do to seed it... LOL I'm not even going to say it

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