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TheKid 11-07-2011 02:16 PM

Is this real??
Hello guys and long time no see !!

i was on youtube today and found this video and was wondering if you guys think this is real or an actual technique for live food?

all the best,

MarkoD 11-07-2011 02:39 PM

Yes it works. Also works on humans. If you move their legs and push them forward while holding their mouth open, they come back to life

Leah 11-07-2011 02:50 PM

Why did they not try it on Micheal Jackson then?

SpruceGruve 11-07-2011 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by MarkoD (Post 648373)
Yes it works. Also works on humans. If you move their legs and push them forward while holding their mouth open, they come back to life

lolz ill try this next time i buy frozen prawns

stellarfly 11-07-2011 03:03 PM

Funny how these people never show you a video of it working. How frekin' convenient! I mean he had a box full of them...therefore if it works many a video of it working and dont waste our time with BS claims!

reefwars 11-07-2011 03:08 PM

theres another 3 min ill never get back lol:):)

STANKYfish 11-07-2011 05:44 PM

Things to do.......when there is nothing to do....hmmmm

sphelps 11-07-2011 05:56 PM

The sad part is there are probably some people trying this right now :der:

Beverly 11-07-2011 08:54 PM

The guy on the video sounded so sincere that I just had to see what was going to happen :lol: And, of course, there was no way it could happen. But I can't get over his sincerity. What's in this guy's water?!?

Leah 11-07-2011 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by stellarfly (Post 648379)
Funny how these people never show you a video of it working. How frekin' convenient! I mean he had a box full of them...therefore if it works many a video of it working and dont waste our time with BS claims!

It was cute...and life should not always have to be so frekin' serious..laugh a little.

Cal_stir 11-07-2011 10:08 PM

he should have bit the head off it, i bet that would wake it up

Nano 11-07-2011 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by TheKid (Post 648371)
Hello guys and long time no see !!

i was on youtube today and found this video and was wondering if you guys think this is real or an actual technique for live food?

all the best,

whether it works or not is irrelevant to me, What is relevant is you gave me the best laugh I've had in a while lol. Thank you

MarkoD 11-08-2011 12:12 AM

could you imagine buying fish from the LFS frozen and then bringing them home and bringing them back and putting them in the tank

apexifd 11-08-2011 12:59 AM

hmm... so if I buy a box of these achilles tangs and shipped them frozen to me. I will be able to bring them back to live??

paddyob 11-08-2011 01:22 AM

I use the same technique with Mysis.

wingedfish 11-08-2011 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by paddyob (Post 648526)
I use the same technique with Mysis.

Funny you mention that, I swear I see twitching in mysis when they hit the tank.

TheKid 11-09-2011 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by nanomano (Post 648501)
whether it works or not is irrelevant to me, What is relevant is you gave me the best laugh I've had in a while lol. Thank you

your welcome, I'm really starting to miss the hobby and have yet to get my lazy butt up to sell my equipment.

all the best,

Funky_Fish14 11-09-2011 08:58 AM

Lmao. I love how sincere he sounds as well. I also like how he 'throws' the fish into the container of water. I have used a similar technique to revive partially dried fish off the floor and such (put them back into the water... 'fish' them back and forth through the water to get Oxygen moving through their gills). It has been successful before... but its hilarious with trying this on frozen fish lol.

PS. Many types of frogs can be frozen and revived!

daniella3d 11-09-2011 01:23 PM

Every insect that live in cold countries will do that (except those that live in water that does not freeze), or else they would all die during the winter and it would be the end of it.

We have a garden pool and each winter it freeze all the way to the bottom because it is too small for any water to remain unfrozen, yet each spring when I clean it it is full of nice dragon fly larveas and they are alive and healthy. They have started to establish in there a few years ago and now each year we have those huge green darner dragonfly hatching from our garden pool at night.

Of course what ever fish we forget in there is totally and absolutely doomed.


Originally Posted by Funky_Fish14 (Post 648841)

PS. Many types of frogs can be frozen and revived!

BlueWorldAquatic 11-09-2011 02:40 PM

damn, imagine how much $$$ I can make selling live foods? All I would have to do is unplug my food freezer. :twised:

pscott99 11-09-2011 03:16 PM

It works but man that fish would have a headache.:lol:

However, I have heard of this working for goldfish. They overwinter, go into stasis and "freeze". I read that a goldfish in a block of ice revived. I brought mine in for the winter. Water temp is currently 60. My wife didn't want to test the theory, she fell in love with the guys.:mrgreen:

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