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Dugong 09-20-2011 06:25 AM

Rose anemones anyone?
Hi guys
Does anybody have a rose anemone or a purple LTA they want to get rid off? I tried the stuff from the LFS but they don't last very long so I am hoping for better survival rates by finding one from other reefers.

Jeff000 09-20-2011 11:57 AM

BTA's should have great survival from the store, as long as you buy a healthy one.
How old is your tank?
Red coral has a couple real nice ones.

I do not know enough about LTA's to comment on them.

dc4 09-20-2011 04:16 PM

I agree, the ones from the lfs should do well in your tank as long as all your parameters are in check. I just added a purple lta into my tank 2 weeks ago from Ocean Aquatics and it increased in size 4x from what it was in the lfs' tank within the first hour. I also have a 4 month old rbta from JL Aquatics which was browned out at their store, when placed into my tank, it perked up and coloured up within a few days. Now I have a total of 6 anemones that my female clown hosts in, if you were local or coming down to Vancouver, I could offer you one of my bta's in trade but you should really get your water checked at the lfs if anemones are not lasting long.

meenamjah 09-20-2011 04:32 PM

I have an extra rose if you want to buy it

edit: oh, Edmonton.. nvm..

RedCoralEdmonton 09-20-2011 04:55 PM

nope we are out of roses again.... but more in tomorrow morning...


Oilers 09-20-2011 06:14 PM

Which LFS did you buy the rose anenome or purple LTA from? I am looking for one also.

RedCoralEdmonton 09-20-2011 06:16 PM

Rose bubble anenome.... 95 bucks!


Jeff000 09-20-2011 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Oilers (Post 637608)
Which LFS did you buy the rose anenome or purple LTA from? I am looking for one also.

He is vancouver, so even knowing would do you little good.

Go see Steve at Red Coral, if the ones he gets tomorrow are even half as nice as the ones he had on the weekend they will be amazing.
I think I have 4 or 5 BTA's from Steve now.

danT 09-21-2011 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by Jeff000 (Post 637516)
BTA's should have great survival from the store, as long as you buy a healthy one.
How old is your tank?
Red coral has a couple real nice ones.

I do not know enough about LTA's to comment on them.

Go see Steve

danT 09-21-2011 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by dc4 (Post 637571)
I agree, the ones from the lfs should do well in your tank as long as all your parameters are in check. I just added a purple lta into my tank 2 weeks ago from Ocean Aquatics and it increased in size 4x from what it was in the lfs' tank within the first hour. I also have a 4 month old rbta from JL Aquatics which was browned out at their store, when placed into my tank, it perked up and coloured up within a few days. Now I have a total of 6 anemones that my female clown hosts in, if you were local or coming down to Vancouver, I could offer you one of my bta's in trade but you should really get your water checked at the lfs if anemones are not lasting long.

You Vans are so lucky to be so close to J&L and OA

danT 09-21-2011 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by Oilers (Post 637608)
Which LFS did you buy the rose anenome or purple LTA from? I am looking for one also.

Red Corals will have 3 tomorrow.
Go Oilers

Oilers 09-21-2011 05:06 AM

Ok, I'll drop by tomorrow to see Steve tomorrow. His store is really nice, lots of nice stuff but I didn't see any BTA last time I was there. Some really nice clams I saw though.. :mrgreen:

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