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atc 08-11-2011 01:41 AM

"Tanked" on Animal Planet
Does anyone know if this show is on in Canada?

PoonTang 08-11-2011 02:52 AM

Sweet. Wish I had that channel. :(

fishoholic 08-11-2011 02:52 AM

I just ordered animal planet through Bell so I certainly hope so since that's why I ordered it. Won't know for sure until tomorrow cause my pvr only goes up to Aug 18

kien 08-11-2011 04:22 AM

just what i need, a TV show to make me feel bad about my tank :lol:

atc 08-11-2011 04:54 AM

I have shaw but I don't see it on the guide.

Reefie 08-11-2011 08:59 AM

Saw this on BCAquaria:

A couple of things:

- this series will be airing on the Animal Planet channel ( ch. 134 on SHAW in Vancouver ) and not on Discovery.

- here is the website for the show which includes a promo video: Tanked : Animal Planet

viperfish 08-11-2011 07:55 PM

I have Telus TV, Animal Planet is channel 525. I'm really looking forward to this show for the cool tank builds. I could do without the whole "Orange County Choppers does Fish Tanks" plot but I guess the drama side of it gets the ratings.

MarkoD 08-11-2011 08:08 PM

you all should get Telus TV.... it shows guide up to 2 weeks ahead.

plus 1 pvr serves your whole house.....

... do it, do it

anyone that has telus tv, pm me and ill give you a free month of animal planet

arash53 08-11-2011 08:33 PM


axe_man16 08-11-2011 08:35 PM

I looked this up a few days ago and found out that Animal planet in Canada is not the same as the one in the States. If you do a search for "Tanked" on Animal planet Canada you will not get any results. Hopefully you will be able to stream the show on the internet. I also did a search on our satelite for next week and it did not show up any where on the Animal Planet channel.

viperfish 08-11-2011 09:28 PM

I just checked my guide up to the 20th and no "Tanked". I'll be ****ed if they screw us Canadians out of this one!

Coleus 08-11-2011 09:36 PM

It looks like an awesome show but bu I don't want to watch this show because then i don't want to look at my tank any more :-(

fishoholic 08-11-2011 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by axe_man16 (Post 629255)
I looked this up a few days ago and found out that Animal planet in Canada is not the same as the one in the States. If you do a search for "Tanked" on Animal planet Canada you will not get any results. Hopefully you will be able to stream the show on the internet. I also did a search on our satelite for next week and it did not show up any where on the Animal Planet channel.

:doh: :mmph: and I just ordered that chanel so I could watch it :pout: That's going to suck if it doesn't run in Canada :twised:

arash53 08-11-2011 09:50 PM

if it dosent , it is available for download somewhere

viperfish 08-11-2011 11:26 PM

Discovery, TLC, and Animal Planet are all part of the same network. Hopefully one of them will air the show in Canada. If they can do a show (or three) about picking out a wedding dress, they should be able to do a show on tank builds!

mark 08-12-2011 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by arash53 (Post 629275)
if it dosent , it is available for download somewhere

been looking on and can't see

Bloodasp 08-12-2011 01:58 AM

It hasn't been shown yet. You definitely won't find it yet.

paddyob 08-12-2011 04:58 AM


JohnnyReeftank 08-12-2011 05:34 PM

Premieres Aug 19th

Coleus 08-17-2011 08:39 PM

well i just torrent the first episode and finished watched it. I envy them, i wish my life and work would be doing what they are doing.

lastlight 08-17-2011 08:45 PM

On it's way right now (pilot). Can't wait to see it...

fishytime 08-17-2011 09:27 PM

What where when???

daniella3d 08-18-2011 12:23 AM

I don't think we'll miss much. What to expect from 2 guys that recommande these fish as the first choice for home aquaria?

Clownfish (ok)
Blue hippo tang and a bounch of them to top it
trigger fish!
damsel....who wants damsel??!!
and finaly sharks!!

this list sound idiotic at best...

And they recommand all these fish without even the slightest note about aquarium size or community! really dumb.

Coleus 08-18-2011 12:36 AM

yes, it is true that these guys don't know much about how to care for fishes. They only build tank so you got to see some cool tank design.

RedCoralEdmonton 08-18-2011 12:47 AM

I have only watched the preview online, but doesnt it say they have had an aquarium store for 15 years? Im sure they have an idea on how to care for fish....


viperfish 08-18-2011 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by daniella3d (Post 630198)
I don't think we'll miss much. What to expect from 2 guys that recommande these fish as the first choice for home aquaria?

Clownfish (ok)
Blue hippo tang and a bounch of them to top it
trigger fish!
damsel....who wants damsel??!!
and finaly sharks!!

this list sound idiotic at best...

And they recommand all these fish without even the slightest note about aquarium size or community! really dumb.

Maybe they should make a Daniella3d show so you can have your opinion broadcast! Really, these guys are catering to a broad audience, and the fish they recommended are all cool (even Damsels). If this show catches on, it could give this hobby quite a boost so don't be so quick to knock 'em.

lastlight 08-18-2011 02:18 AM

ATM builds some massive tanks. Didn't know they had a fish store as well.

I skimmed 5 min of the show... too much drama for me I didn't really like it.

mattdean 08-18-2011 03:06 AM

I watched the first episode. It was entertaining. I was a little confused about the fish selection for the tanks. That, and they filled the tank with water and dumped the fish in. However, there doesn't seem to be any live rock or corals. Everything was synthetic, so I guess it's not as much an issue, as long as the filtration was adequate.

Regardless, the tanks were sick. Just hope the fish aren't too!

RedCoralEdmonton 08-18-2011 05:38 AM

Just watched the pilot, I liked the show, neat to see how they do things without live rock, as well its nice to know I picked the right tang for my display at the store, every second fish shot seemed to be a Desjardin Sailfin Tang... lol


MarkoD 08-18-2011 12:08 PM

Watched the show too. Seemed cool. But some of the tanks in those people's houses are crazy.... And so spotless. It's like they were all setup yesterday

arash53 08-22-2011 10:43 PM

Tanked review by Scott Fellman :

“Tanked” – A Dose Of Reality That Doesn’t Hold Water

Like many hobbyists, I decided to check out the Animal Planet reality series, “Tanked” last night. Rather than getting caught up in the negative “pre-smack talk” about the show, I decided to actually watch it before rendering an opinion. So, …Okay, well, where do I begin? First, as a hardcore reef hobbyist, I knew that the show had to be a bit “dumbed down” for the non-hobbyist masses. I overlooked that. I knew that many of the details of what the guys do each day would be glossed over because it probably doesn’t making compelling television to watch guys perform a pH test. I overlooked that. I knew that wacky antics and lots of yelling and reality-show absurdity would be included to provide entertainment value. The “stars” of the show already have their own GEICO ad. I overlooked that.

Let’s face it. Wayde King and Brett Raymer of ATM are incredibly talented individuals that have built a great business giving their clientele the aquariums of their dreams. Bravo to these guys! They get their livestock from my man, Justin Credible, which is a big plus! They produce aquarium displays that are unique, well-built, and perfect for their customers (I mean, not everyone wants an aquarium in a telephone booth…). Sure, most of these aquariums would leave a serious hobbyist scratching their heads, but I don’t think that we’re their target market.

What disturbed me was not anything that I saw the guys do (okay, provoking a puffer fish or lifting a tang out of the water is lame- I don’t care who you are). It was what they did NOT appear to do. It’s the way their work was portrayed by the producers and editors. When the show portrays a complicated tank build being done in what appears to be a matter of hours, and then being filled with tap water, salt mix and…in one instance, ice cubes , then stocked to the max with crazy assortment of fishes right away, I have to wonder. Were the producers trying to raise the blood pressure for every serious aquarium hobbyist in the world?

The impression that this portrayal of the aquarium world leaves on the general public or the inexperienced hobbyist is that you can have an “instant aquarium”, filled with a large population of fishes right from day one. Fish are fun and easy! Nitrogen cycle? What nitrogen cycle? The guys’ concern that “the fishes can only be in the bags another few hours” while installing a very expensive aquarium only begs the question as to why in the hell anyone would bring out the fishes before the aquarium build was completed in the first place?

What responsible aquarist fills an aquarium with tap water, mixes the salt, then throws the fishes right in? Yikes! I’d love to see the stats on how many of those fishes actually made it through the first week. This “practice” is even more amazing when you think about these systems having very little in the way of visible biological support (no live rock or live sand).

Although I commend the guys for indulging a client and building a (permanent) quarantine system, I can’t help but think that this installation was just to give the wealthy client another big group of fishes to look at. So little time was spent explaining the design or merits of a quarantine system or process that it just felt “unclean” to me.

Okay, let’s face it- a lot of the things we hardcore hobbyists do are probably not all that interesting to the rest of the world… Tweaking calcium reactors and playing with our electronic controllers…Maybe we’d make for dull television. However, portraying aquariums as eye-popping wonders requiring no understanding or patience on the part of the consumer is just not responsible. As an aquarium professional, the hardest thing for me to reconcile is my own values versus the clients’ perception of the aquarium as a piece of “kinetic art”. This show did little to dispel that thinking, unfortunately.

So, to summarize. Really talented aquarium fabricators. Annoying clients. Staged hilarity and hijinx. Little emphesis on technique. Producers and editors portrayed the guys as a bit too much into “the big idea” and not enough into the art of aquaristics. Missed opportunities. “Tanked”, ahem- tanked.

On the plus side- I learned that Goldfish have no stomach!

Best part- Justin! Hope they let him say more. In addition to having the coolest hair, he’s the most talented person on the show. Hell- give Justin his own show!

I’m outta here. The next episode of “Animal Hoarders” is on now, followed by “Hillbilly Hand Fishing” and “American Chopper”. Where are the chips and dip?

Until next time…

Stay Wet

Scott Fellman

RedCoralEdmonton 08-22-2011 11:54 PM

One thing to remember is this was only the pilot episode, so things may change drastically once the show takes off.... basically im saying is they only had one hour to show as much as they could to try and get picked up....

Now do I think they are going to change and get all technical.... no.... do I think they may show a little more into the set-ups.... probably....

Just my 2 cents...


fishoholic 08-23-2011 12:32 AM

I have to say I agree with Scott Fellman. It was entertaining but definitely fell short with the reality of the work involved to make a saltwater tank work.

Lampshade 08-23-2011 12:52 AM

It was ok, little more OCC than i'd like, but that's what sells. Seemed like a lot of air time to show very little. There was 15min+ of them putting a cover over a pole. tanks where cool, with they showed more tanks rather than QT setups they're building. the small glimpse of the people 3+ tanks in their house would have been nice to see more.

Anyways, for those who didn't pvr it etc, it's available on torrent sites.... But don't DL those, it's against copyright laws... just saying it's there.

fishytime 08-23-2011 01:35 AM

I didnt think it was too Steve said......if the producers showed more of the technical side of the hobby, the show would end up on access somewhat needs to be OCC like to hold the general public's interest....for all we know that QT build could have taken weeks......they never did reveal a timeline for that build and in one of the monologues they said that most builds have a 4-6 week timeline......the only part that bothered me was the way they handled some of the fish when they were shopping for them.....I for one think it cant be too bad a thing to wake up the masses to our great hobby

daniella3d 08-23-2011 03:40 AM

Another dumb post. YOu must be totally clueless about these fish to post such message. Yeah they are cool fish, so buy one for your 30 gallons tank. NO wait a minute, why not buy a school of tiny blue hippo and put that in your 30 gallons tank? still clueless?


Originally Posted by medhatreefguy (Post 630213)
Maybe they should make a Daniella3d show so you can have your opinion broadcast! Really, these guys are catering to a broad audience, and the fish they recommended are all cool (even Damsels). If this show catches on, it could give this hobby quite a boost so don't be so quick to knock 'em.

MarkoD 08-23-2011 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by daniella3d (Post 631165)
Another dumb post. YOu must be totally clueless about these fish to post such message. Yeah they are cool fish, so buy one for your 30 gallons tank. NO wait a minute, why not buy a school of tiny blue hippo and put that in your 30 gallons tank? still clueless?

wtf are you even talking about? if this guy wants to keep a a thousand damsels in his backyard pool, thats his choice. who made you the genius that determines what fish are good or not?

the reason they probably put damsels in these tanks is cause the customer doesn't know anything about maintaining the tank and damsels are hardy as fu ck. so they dont have to worry about them dying all the time.

daniella3d 08-23-2011 10:31 PM

damsels? can you read?? you are surely no genious because I was not talking about damsels, but a school of blue hippo. Hello??

How about how hardy blue hippo are??? genious??? yeah right, genious! They are not called ick magent for no reason...genious...


Originally Posted by MarkoD (Post 631178)
wtf are you even talking about? if this guy wants to keep a a thousand damsels in his backyard pool, thats his choice. who made you the genius that determines what fish are good or not?

the reason they probably put damsels in these tanks is cause the customer doesn't know anything about maintaining the tank and damsels are hardy as fu ck. so they dont have to worry about them dying all the time.

MarkoD 08-23-2011 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by daniella3d (Post 631324)
damsels? can you read?? you are surely no genious because I was not talking about damsels, but a school of blue hippo. Hello??

How about how hardy blue hippo are??? genious??? yeah right, genious! They are not called ick magent for no reason...genious...

Your original post said "who wants damsels"

lastlight 08-23-2011 10:42 PM

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